Vars | |
aquarium_vc_color | If present aquarium visual will be of this color |
average_size | Average size for this fish type in centimeters. Will be used as gaussian distribution with 20% deviation for fishing, bought fish are always standard size |
average_weight | Average weight for this fish type in grams |
beauty | The beauty this fish provides to the aquarium or mount it's inserted in. |
bites_amount | If you wonder why this isn't being tracked by the edible component instead: We reset the this value when revived, and slowly chip it away as we heal. Of course, it would be daunting to get this to be handled by the edible component given its complexity. |
breeding_timeout | How long it takes to produce new fish |
breeding_wait | The time limit before new fish can be created |
catch_date | Set and used by trophy mounts, this is for the day of when it was first mounted |
catcher_name | Set and used by trophy mounts, this one is for the name of who mounted it (might actually not be the catcher but w/e) |
compatible_types | If set, the fish can also breed with these fishes types |
death_text | The message shown when the fish dies. |
dedicated_in_aquarium_icon | this icon file will be used for in-aquarium visual for the fish |
dedicated_in_aquarium_icon_state | The icon_state that will be used for in-aquarium visual for the fish If not set, "[initial(icon_state)]_small" will be used instead |
disliked_bait | Bait identifiers that make catching this fish harder and less likely Bait identifiers: Path | Trait | list("Type"="Foodtype","Value"= Food Type Flag like [MEAT]) |
electrogenesis_cooldown | cooldown on creating tesla zaps |
electrogenesis_power | power of the tesla zap created by the fish in a bioelectric generator. Scales with size. |
evolution_types | A list of possible evolutions. If set, offsprings may be of a different, new fish type if conditions are met. |
favorite_bait | Bait identifiers that make catching this fish easier and more likely Bait identifiers: Path | Trait | list("Type"="Foodtype","Value"= Food Type Flag like [MEAT]) |
feeding_frequency | How often the fish needs to be fed |
fillet_type | Fish autogenerated from this behaviour will be processable into this |
fish_flags | Flags for fish variables that would otherwise be TRUE/FALSE |
fish_id | An identifier for this fish used to track progress for fish caught between rounds in a way that's resilient to repathing (and removing paths). Only catchable fish need it. Once set, the value shouldn't be changed, so don't make typos. |
fish_id_redirect_path | Used to redirect to another fish path so that catching this fish unlocks its entry instead. |
fish_movement_type | path to datums that dictate how the fish moves during the fishing minigame |
fish_traits | List of fish trait types, these may modify probabilty/difficulty depending on rod/user properties or dictate how the fish behaves or some of its qualities. |
fishing_difficulty_modifier | Base additive modifier to fishing difficulty |
food | What type of reagent this fish needs to be fed. |
health | Current fish health. Dies at 0. |
icon_state_dead | icon used when the fish is dead, ifset. |
last_feeding | Time of last the fish was fed |
material_weight_mult | Stores the current total weight modifier from materials. |
maximum_size | The maximum size this fish can reach, calculated the first time update_size_and_weight() is called. |
maximum_weight | The maximum weight this fish can reach, calculated the first time update_size_and_weight() is called. |
min_pressure | Outside of an aquarium, the pressure needs to be within these two variables for the environment to be safe. |
num_fillets | number of fillets given by the fish. It scales with its size. |
random_case_rarity | How rare this fish is in the random cases |
required_fluid_type | Required fluid type for this fish to live. |
required_temperature_max | Maximum possible temperature for the fish to live. |
required_temperature_min | Required minimum temperature for the fish to live. |
safe_air_limits | When outside of an aquarium, these gases that are checked (as well as pressure and temp) to assert if the environment is safe or not. |
size | Size in centimeters. Null until update_size_and_weight is called. Number of fillets and w_class scale with it. |
spawn_types | If set, when procreating these are the types of fish that will be generate instead of 'type' |
sprite_height | height of aquarium visual icon |
sprite_width | width of aquarium visual icon |
stable_population | Won't breed more than this amount in single aquarium. |
status | Fish status |
suicide_slap_text | only used in the suicide for comedic value |
temp_size | Temporarily stores the new size of the fish from randomize_size_and_weight() to be used by update_size_weight() later, so that it can be deferred. |
temp_weight | Temporarily stores the new weight of the fish from randomize_size_and_weight() to be used by update_size_weight() later, so that it can be deferred. |
weight | Weight in grams. Null until update_size_and_weight is called. Grind results scale with it. Don't think too hard how a trout could fit in a blender. |
weight_size_deviation | The general deviation from the average weight and size this fish has in the wild |
Procs | |
UsedforProcessing | When processed, the reagents inside this fish will be passed to the created atoms. |
adjust_reagents_capacity | adjusts the maximum volume of the fish reagents holder and update the amount of food to bite |
after_eat | Fish is not a reagent holder yet it's edible, so it doen't behave like most other snacks which means it has its own way of handling being bitten, which is defined here. |
calculate_fish_force_bonus | A proc that makes the fish slightly stronger or weaker if there's a noticeable discrepancy between size and weight. |
check_liked | Checks if the fish is liked or not when eaten by a human. |
enter_stasis | Stop processing once the stasis trait is added |
exit_stasis | Start processing again when the stasis trait is removed |
feed | Feed the fishes with the contents of the fish feed |
flop_animation | This flopping animation played while the fish is alive. |
generate_fish_reagents | A proc that returns a static reagent holder with a set reagents that you'd get when eating this fish. |
get_aquarium_fishes | Returns tracked_fish_by_type but flattened and without the items in the blacklist, also shuffled if shuffle is TRUE. |
get_base_edible_reagents_to_add | The proc that adds in the main reagents this fish has when eaten (without accounting for traits) |
get_export_price | Returns the price of this fish, for the fish export. |
get_food_types | A proc that returns the food types the edible component has when initialized. |
get_hunger | Returns the value for hunger ranging from 0 to the cap (by default 1) |
inherit_traits | This proc has fish_traits list populated with fish_traits paths from three different lists: traits from x_traits and y_traits are compared, and inserted if conditions are met; traits from fixed_traits are inserted unconditionally. traits from removed_traits will be removed from the for loop. |
make_edible | Main proc that makes the fish edible. |
on_fish_cooked | Kill the fish, remove the raw and gore food types, and the infectiveness too if not under-cooked. |
on_fish_cooked_again | Just kill the fish, again, and perhaps remove the infective comp. |
on_grind | Grinding a fish replaces some the protein it has with blood and gibs. You ain't getting a clean smoothie out of it. |
on_temp_animation | Refreshes flopping animation after temporary animation finishes |
persistence_load | Proc called in, when a persistent fishing trophy mount is spawned and the fish instantiated |
persistence_save | Proc called in, when a fish is mounted on persistent trophy mounts |
proper_environment | Checks if our current environment lets us live. |
randomize_size_and_weight | This proc takes a base size, base weight and deviation arguments to generate new size and weight through a gaussian distribution (bell curve) Mainly used to determinate the size and weight of caught fish. |
sate_hunger | Proc that should be called when the fish is fed. By default, it grows the fish depending on various variables. |
set_max_size_and_weight | Set the maximum size and weight a fish can reach from base size and weight args if they have't been set already. |
start_flopping | Starts flopping animation |
stop_flopping | Stops flopping animation |
swim_animation | Create looping random path animation, pixel offsets parameters include offsets already |
update_fish_force | Reset weapon-related variables of this items and recalculates those values based on the fish weight and size. |
update_size_and_weight | Updates weight and size, along with weight class, number of fillets you can get and grind results. |
well_cooked | The fish is well cooked. Change how the fish tastes, remove the infective comp and add the relative trait. |
Var Details
If present aquarium visual will be of this color
Average size for this fish type in centimeters. Will be used as gaussian distribution with 20% deviation for fishing, bought fish are always standard size
Average weight for this fish type in grams
The beauty this fish provides to the aquarium or mount it's inserted in.
If you wonder why this isn't being tracked by the edible component instead: We reset the this value when revived, and slowly chip it away as we heal. Of course, it would be daunting to get this to be handled by the edible component given its complexity.
How long it takes to produce new fish
The time limit before new fish can be created
Set and used by trophy mounts, this is for the day of when it was first mounted
Set and used by trophy mounts, this one is for the name of who mounted it (might actually not be the catcher but w/e)
If set, the fish can also breed with these fishes types
The message shown when the fish dies.
this icon file will be used for in-aquarium visual for the fish
The icon_state that will be used for in-aquarium visual for the fish If not set, "[initial(icon_state)]_small" will be used instead
Bait identifiers that make catching this fish harder and less likely Bait identifiers: Path | Trait | list("Type"="Foodtype","Value"= Food Type Flag like [MEAT])
cooldown on creating tesla zaps
power of the tesla zap created by the fish in a bioelectric generator. Scales with size.
A list of possible evolutions. If set, offsprings may be of a different, new fish type if conditions are met.
Bait identifiers that make catching this fish easier and more likely Bait identifiers: Path | Trait | list("Type"="Foodtype","Value"= Food Type Flag like [MEAT])
How often the fish needs to be fed
Fish autogenerated from this behaviour will be processable into this
Flags for fish variables that would otherwise be TRUE/FALSE
An identifier for this fish used to track progress for fish caught between rounds in a way that's resilient to repathing (and removing paths). Only catchable fish need it. Once set, the value shouldn't be changed, so don't make typos.
Used to redirect to another fish path so that catching this fish unlocks its entry instead.
path to datums that dictate how the fish moves during the fishing minigame
List of fish trait types, these may modify probabilty/difficulty depending on rod/user properties or dictate how the fish behaves or some of its qualities.
Base additive modifier to fishing difficulty
What type of reagent this fish needs to be fed.
Current fish health. Dies at 0.
icon used when the fish is dead, ifset.
Time of last the fish was fed
Stores the current total weight modifier from materials.
The maximum size this fish can reach, calculated the first time update_size_and_weight() is called.
The maximum weight this fish can reach, calculated the first time update_size_and_weight() is called.
Outside of an aquarium, the pressure needs to be within these two variables for the environment to be safe.
number of fillets given by the fish. It scales with its size.
How rare this fish is in the random cases
Required fluid type for this fish to live.
Maximum possible temperature for the fish to live.
Required minimum temperature for the fish to live.
When outside of an aquarium, these gases that are checked (as well as pressure and temp) to assert if the environment is safe or not.
Size in centimeters. Null until update_size_and_weight is called. Number of fillets and w_class scale with it.
If set, when procreating these are the types of fish that will be generate instead of 'type'
height of aquarium visual icon
width of aquarium visual icon
Won't breed more than this amount in single aquarium.
Fish status
only used in the suicide for comedic value
Temporarily stores the new size of the fish from randomize_size_and_weight() to be used by update_size_weight() later, so that it can be deferred.
Temporarily stores the new weight of the fish from randomize_size_and_weight() to be used by update_size_weight() later, so that it can be deferred.
Weight in grams. Null until update_size_and_weight is called. Grind results scale with it. Don't think too hard how a trout could fit in a blender.
The general deviation from the average weight and size this fish has in the wild
Proc Details
When processed, the reagents inside this fish will be passed to the created atoms.
adjusts the maximum volume of the fish reagents holder and update the amount of food to bite
Fish is not a reagent holder yet it's edible, so it doen't behave like most other snacks which means it has its own way of handling being bitten, which is defined here.
A proc that makes the fish slightly stronger or weaker if there's a noticeable discrepancy between size and weight.
Checks if the fish is liked or not when eaten by a human.
Stop processing once the stasis trait is added
Start processing again when the stasis trait is removed
Feed the fishes with the contents of the fish feed
This flopping animation played while the fish is alive.
A proc that returns a static reagent holder with a set reagents that you'd get when eating this fish.
Returns tracked_fish_by_type but flattened and without the items in the blacklist, also shuffled if shuffle is TRUE.
The proc that adds in the main reagents this fish has when eaten (without accounting for traits)
Returns the price of this fish, for the fish export.
A proc that returns the food types the edible component has when initialized.
Returns the value for hunger ranging from 0 to the cap (by default 1)
This proc has fish_traits list populated with fish_traits paths from three different lists: traits from x_traits and y_traits are compared, and inserted if conditions are met; traits from fixed_traits are inserted unconditionally. traits from removed_traits will be removed from the for loop.
This proc should only be called if the fish was spawned with the apply_qualities arg set to FALSE and hasn't had inherited traits already.
Main proc that makes the fish edible.
Kill the fish, remove the raw and gore food types, and the infectiveness too if not under-cooked.
Just kill the fish, again, and perhaps remove the infective comp.
Grinding a fish replaces some the protein it has with blood and gibs. You ain't getting a clean smoothie out of it.
Refreshes flopping animation after temporary animation finishes
Proc called in, when a persistent fishing trophy mount is spawned and the fish instantiated
Proc called in, when a fish is mounted on persistent trophy mounts
Checks if our current environment lets us live.
This proc takes a base size, base weight and deviation arguments to generate new size and weight through a gaussian distribution (bell curve) Mainly used to determinate the size and weight of caught fish.
Proc that should be called when the fish is fed. By default, it grows the fish depending on various variables.
Set the maximum size and weight a fish can reach from base size and weight args if they have't been set already.
Starts flopping animation
Stops flopping animation
Create looping random path animation, pixel offsets parameters include offsets already
Reset weapon-related variables of this items and recalculates those values based on the fish weight and size.
Updates weight and size, along with weight class, number of fillets you can get and grind results.
The fish is well cooked. Change how the fish tastes, remove the infective comp and add the relative trait.