Abstract class to allow us to easily create all the generic "normal" food without too much copy pasta of adding more components
Vars | |
ant_attracting | Does our food normally attract ants? |
bite_consumption | How much reagents per bite |
crafted_food_buff | Buff given when a hand-crafted version of this item is consumed. Randomized according to crafting_complexity if not assigned. |
crafting_complexity | How exquisite the meal is. Applicable to crafted food, increasing its quality. Spans from 0 to 5. |
decomp_req_handle | Food that needs to be picked up in order to decompose. |
decomp_type | What our food decomposes into. |
decomposition_particles | Used to set decomposition stink particles for food, will have no particles if null |
decomposition_time | Used to set custom decomposition times for food. Set to 0 to have it automatically set via the food's flags. |
eat_time | How long it will take to eat this food without any other modifiers |
eatverbs | Verbs used when eating this food in the to_chat messages |
food_flags | Extra flags for things such as if the food is in a container or not |
food_reagents | List of reagents this food gets on creation during reaction or map spawn |
foodtypes | Bitflag of the types of food this food is |
junkiness | How much junkiness this food has? God I should remove junkiness soon |
max_volume | Amount of volume the food can contain |
preserved_food | Food that's immune to decomposition. |
starting_reagent_purity | Used to set custom starting reagent purity for synthetic and natural food. Ignored when set to null. |
tastes | Tastes to describe this food |
trash_type | Type of atom thats spawned after eating this item |
venue_value | Price of this food if sold in a venue |
Procs | |
make_bakeable | This proc handles bakeable components, overwrite if you want different bake results etc. |
make_edible | This proc adds the edible component, overwrite this if you for some reason want to change some specific args like callbacks. |
make_germ_sensitive | This proc makes things infective and decomposing when they stay on the floor for too long. Set preserved_food to TRUE to make it never decompose. Set decomp_req_handle to TRUE to only make it decompose when someone picks it up. Requires /datum/component/germ_sensitive to detect exposure |
make_grillable | This proc handles grillable components, overwrite if you want different grill results etc. |
make_leave_trash | This proc handles trash components, overwrite this if you want the object to spawn trash |
make_microwaveable | This proc handles the microwave component. Overwrite if you want special microwave results. By default, all food is microwavable. However, they will be microwaved into a bad recipe (burnt mess). |
make_processable | This proc handles processable elements, overwrite this if you want to add behavior such as slicing, forking, spooning, whatever, to turn the item into something else |
Var Details
Does our food normally attract ants?
How much reagents per bite
Buff given when a hand-crafted version of this item is consumed. Randomized according to crafting_complexity if not assigned.
How exquisite the meal is. Applicable to crafted food, increasing its quality. Spans from 0 to 5.
Food that needs to be picked up in order to decompose.
What our food decomposes into.
Used to set decomposition stink particles for food, will have no particles if null
Used to set custom decomposition times for food. Set to 0 to have it automatically set via the food's flags.
How long it will take to eat this food without any other modifiers
Verbs used when eating this food in the to_chat messages
Extra flags for things such as if the food is in a container or not
List of reagents this food gets on creation during reaction or map spawn
Bitflag of the types of food this food is
How much junkiness this food has? God I should remove junkiness soon
Amount of volume the food can contain
Food that's immune to decomposition.
Used to set custom starting reagent purity for synthetic and natural food. Ignored when set to null.
Tastes to describe this food
Type of atom thats spawned after eating this item
Price of this food if sold in a venue
Proc Details
This proc handles bakeable components, overwrite if you want different bake results etc.
This proc adds the edible component, overwrite this if you for some reason want to change some specific args like callbacks.
This proc makes things infective and decomposing when they stay on the floor for too long. Set preserved_food to TRUE to make it never decompose. Set decomp_req_handle to TRUE to only make it decompose when someone picks it up. Requires /datum/component/germ_sensitive to detect exposure
This proc handles grillable components, overwrite if you want different grill results etc.
This proc handles trash components, overwrite this if you want the object to spawn trash
This proc handles the microwave component. Overwrite if you want special microwave results. By default, all food is microwavable. However, they will be microwaved into a bad recipe (burnt mess).
This proc handles processable elements, overwrite this if you want to add behavior such as slicing, forking, spooning, whatever, to turn the item into something else