Spider Charge 
A unique version of c4 possessed only by the space ninja. Has a stronger blast radius. Can only be detonated by space ninjas with the bombing objective. Can only be set up where the objective says it can. When it primes, the space ninja responsible will have their objective set to complete.
Vars | |
detonation_area | The only area that the charge is allowed to be planted, and detonated in |
detonator | Weakref to the mob that has planted the charge |
Procs | |
check_loc | check_loc |
set_detonation_area | set_detonation_area |
Var Details
The only area that the charge is allowed to be planted, and detonated in
Weakref to the mob that has planted the charge
Proc Details
Checks to see if the c4 is in the correct place when being planted.
- mob/user - The planter of the c4
Proc used to set the allowed location for charge detonation
- datum/antagonist/ninja/ninja_antag - The antag datum for the owner of the c4