Vars | |
automatic_charge_overlays | Do we handle overlays with base update_icon()? |
can_charge | Can it be charged in a recharger? |
can_select | If the user can select the firemode through attack_self. |
cell | What type of power cell this uses |
charge_delay | The amount of seconds_per_tick during process() before the gun charges itself |
charge_timer | The amount of time between instances of cell self recharge |
dead_cell | set to true so the gun is given an empty cell |
display_empty | Should we give an overlay to empty guns? |
modifystate | if the weapon has custom icons for individual ammo types it can switch between. ie disabler beams, taser, laser/lethals, ect. |
select | The state of the select fire switch. Determines from the ammo_type list what kind of shot is fired next. |
self_charge_amount | The amount restored by the gun to the cell per self charge tick |
selfcharge | Whether or not our gun charges its own cell on a timer. |
shaded_charge | if this gun uses a stateful charge bar for more detail |
single_shot_type_overlay | If this gun has a "this is loaded with X" overlay alongside chargebars and such |
use_cyborg_cell | whether the gun's cell drains the cyborg user's cell to recharge |
Procs | |
add_notes_energy | Outputs type-specific weapon stats for energy-based firearms based on its firing modes and the stats of those firing modes. Esoteric firing modes like ion are currently not supported but can be added easily |
get_charge_ratio | Used by update_icon_state() and update_overlays() |
Var Details
Do we handle overlays with base update_icon()?
Can it be charged in a recharger?
If the user can select the firemode through attack_self.
What type of power cell this uses
The amount of seconds_per_tick during process() before the gun charges itself
The amount of time between instances of cell self recharge
set to true so the gun is given an empty cell
Should we give an overlay to empty guns?
if the weapon has custom icons for individual ammo types it can switch between. ie disabler beams, taser, laser/lethals, ect.
The state of the select fire switch. Determines from the ammo_type list what kind of shot is fired next.
The amount restored by the gun to the cell per self charge tick
Whether or not our gun charges its own cell on a timer.
if this gun uses a stateful charge bar for more detail
If this gun has a "this is loaded with X" overlay alongside chargebars and such
whether the gun's cell drains the cyborg user's cell to recharge
Proc Details
Outputs type-specific weapon stats for energy-based firearms based on its firing modes and the stats of those firing modes. Esoteric firing modes like ion are currently not supported but can be added easily
Used by update_icon_state() and update_overlays()