Integrated Circuitboard 
A circuitboard that holds components that work together
Has a limited amount of power.
Vars | |
admin_only | Whether the integrated circuit is admin only. Disables power usage and allows admin circuits to be attached, at the cost of making it inaccessible to regular users. |
assoc_list_variables | Assoc list variables stored on this integrated circuit, with a variable_name = value structure |
attached_components | The attached components |
cell | The power of the integrated circuit |
circuit_variables | Variables stored on this integrated circuit, with a variable_name = value structure |
current_size | The current size of the circuit. |
display_name | The name that appears on the shell. |
examined_component | The current examined component. Used in IntegratedCircuit UI |
examined_rel_x | X position of the examined_component |
examined_rel_y | Y position of the examined component |
grid_mode | The grid mode state for the circuit. |
inserter_mind | Set by the shell. Holds the reference to the owner who inserted the component into the shell. |
label_max_length | The max length of the name. |
linked_component_printer | The current linked component printer. Lets you remotely print off circuit components and places them in the integrated circuit. |
list_variables | List variables stored on this integrated circuit, with a variable_name = value structure |
locked | Whether the integrated circuit is locked or not. Handled by the shell. |
max_setters_and_getters | The maximum amount of setters and getters a circuit can have |
modifiable_circuit_variables | Variables stored on this integrated circuit that can be set by a setter, with a variable_name = value structure |
on | Whether the integrated circuit is on or not. Handled by the shell. |
owner_id | The ID that is authorized to unlock/lock the shell so that the circuit can/cannot be removed. |
screen_x | The X position of the screen. Used for adding components |
screen_y | The Y position of the screen. Used for adding components. |
setter_and_getter_count | The current setter and getter count the circuit has. |
shell | The shell that this circuitboard is attached to. Used by components. |
Procs | |
add_component | Adds a component to the circuitboard |
add_component_manually | Adds a component to the circuitboard through a manual action. |
attempt_save_to | Attempts to save a circuit to a given client |
convert_to_json | Converts a circuit into json. |
get_creator | Returns the creator of the integrated circuit. Used in admin logs and other related things. |
get_creator_admin | Returns the creator of the integrated circuit. Used in admin messages and other related things. |
is_duplicate | Used for checking if another component of to_check's type exists in the circuit. Introspects through modules. |
load_circuit_data | Loads a circuit based on json data at a location. Can also load usb connections, such as arrest consoles. |
remove_component | Removes a component to the circuitboard |
remove_current_shell | Unregisters the current shell attached to this circuit. |
set_cell | Sets the cell of the integrated circuit. |
set_display_name | Sets the display name that appears on the shell. |
set_locked | Sets the locked status of the integrated circuit. |
set_on | Sets the on status of the integrated circuit. |
set_shell | Registers an movable atom as a shell |
toggle_grid_mode | Toggles the grid mode property for this circuit. |
Var Details
Whether the integrated circuit is admin only. Disables power usage and allows admin circuits to be attached, at the cost of making it inaccessible to regular users.
Assoc list variables stored on this integrated circuit, with a variable_name = value
The attached components
The power of the integrated circuit
Variables stored on this integrated circuit, with a variable_name = value
The current size of the circuit.
The name that appears on the shell.
The current examined component. Used in IntegratedCircuit UI
X position of the examined_component
Y position of the examined component
The grid mode state for the circuit.
Set by the shell. Holds the reference to the owner who inserted the component into the shell.
The max length of the name.
The current linked component printer. Lets you remotely print off circuit components and places them in the integrated circuit.
List variables stored on this integrated circuit, with a variable_name = value
Whether the integrated circuit is locked or not. Handled by the shell.
The maximum amount of setters and getters a circuit can have
Variables stored on this integrated circuit that can be set by a setter, with a variable_name = value
Whether the integrated circuit is on or not. Handled by the shell.
The ID that is authorized to unlock/lock the shell so that the circuit can/cannot be removed.
The X position of the screen. Used for adding components
The Y position of the screen. Used for adding components.
The current setter and getter count the circuit has.
The shell that this circuitboard is attached to. Used by components.
Proc Details
Adds a component to the circuitboard
Once the component is added, the ports can be attached to other components
Adds a component to the circuitboard through a manual action.
Attempts to save a circuit to a given client
Converts a circuit into json.
Returns the creator of the integrated circuit. Used in admin logs and other related things.
Returns the creator of the integrated circuit. Used in admin messages and other related things.
Used for checking if another component of to_check's type exists in the circuit. Introspects through modules.
- to_check - The component to check.
Loads a circuit based on json data at a location. Can also load usb connections, such as arrest consoles.
Removes a component to the circuitboard
This removes all connects between the ports
Unregisters the current shell attached to this circuit.
Sets the cell of the integrated circuit.
- cell_to_set - The new cell of the circuit. Can be null.
Sets the display name that appears on the shell.
Sets the locked status of the integrated circuit.
- new_value - A boolean that determines if the circuit is locked or not.
Sets the on status of the integrated circuit.
- new_value - A boolean that determines if the circuit is on or not.
Registers an movable atom as a shell
No functionality is done here. This is so that input components can properly register any signals on the shell. Arguments:
- new_shell - The new shell to register.
Toggles the grid mode property for this circuit.