/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details



boundIf the blade is bound, it cannot utilize its abilities, but neither can its wielder. They must unbind it to use it to its full potential.
heretic_pathThe heretic path that the variable below uses to index abilities. Assigned when the heretic is ensouled.
heretic_paths_to_haunted_sword_abilitiesNested static list used to index abilities and names.
path_sword_actionsholder for the actual action when created.
path_wielder_actionsholder for the actual action when created.

Var Details


If the blade is bound, it cannot utilize its abilities, but neither can its wielder. They must unbind it to use it to its full potential.


The heretic path that the variable below uses to index abilities. Assigned when the heretic is ensouled.


Nested static list used to index abilities and names.


holder for the actual action when created.


holder for the actual action when created.