Vars | |
active_program | The program currently active on the tablet. |
allow_chunky | Allow people with chunky fingers to use? |
base_active_power_usage | Power usage when the computer is open (screen is active) and can be interacted with. |
base_idle_power_usage | Power usage when the computer is idle and screen is off. |
comp_light_color | The built-in light's color, editable by players. |
comp_light_luminosity | How far the computer's light can reach, is not editable by players. |
computer_id_slot | The ID currently stored in the computer. |
crew_manifest_update | Does the console update the crew manifest when the ID is removed? |
default_programs | Static list of default programs that come with ALL computers, here so computers don't have to repeat this. |
device_theme | The theme, used for the main menu and file browser apps. |
disabled_time | If the computer's flashlight/LED light has forcibly disabled for a temporary amount of time. |
enabled | Bool on whether the computer is currently active or not. |
hardware_flag | Flag of the type of device the modular computer is, deciding what types of apps it can run. |
has_light | If the computer has a flashlight/LED light built-in. |
honkvirus_amount | If hit by a Clown virus, remaining honks left until it stops. |
icon_state_menu | Icon state overlay when the computer is turned on, but no program is loaded (programs override this). |
icon_state_powered | If set, what the icon_state will be if the computer is powered. |
icon_state_unpowered | If set, what the icon_state will be if the computer is unpowered. |
idle_threads | Idle programs on background. They still receive process calls but can't be interacted with. |
inserted_disk | The disk in this PDA. If set, this will be inserted on Initialize. |
inserted_pai | A pAI currently loaded into the modular computer. |
internal_cell | The power cell the computer uses to run on. |
long_ranged | Whether the PDA can still use NTNet while out of NTNet's reach. |
looping_sound | Whether or not this modular computer uses the looping sound |
max_capacity | The amount of storage space the computer starts with. |
max_idle_programs | Amount of programs that can be ran at once |
max_paper | The max amount of paper that can be held at once. |
physical | The 'computer' itself, as an obj. Primarily used for Adjacent() and UI visibility checks, especially for computers. |
saved_identification | The full name of the stored ID card's identity. These vars should probably be on the PDA. |
saved_job | The job title of the stored ID card |
screen_on | If the screen is open, only used by laptops. |
shell | Reference to the circuit shell component, because we're special and do special things with it, such as creating and deleting unremovable circuit comps based on the programs installed. |
shell_capacity | The capacity of the circuit shell component of this item |
soundloop | Looping sound for when the computer is on. |
starting_programs | Non-static list of programs the computer should receive on Initialize. |
steel_sheet_cost | Amount of steel sheets refunded when disassembling an empty frame of this computer. |
stored_files | List of stored files on this drive. Use store_file and remove_file instead of modifying directly! |
stored_paper | The amount of paper currently stored in the PDA |
used_capacity | The amount of storage space we've got filled |
Procs | |
InsertID | InsertID Attempt to insert the ID in either card slot, if ID is present - attempts swap Args: inserting_id - the ID being inserted user - The person inserting the ID |
RemoveID | Removes the ID card from the computer, and puts it in loc's hand if it's a mob Args: user - The mob trying to remove the ID, if there is one silent - Boolean, determines whether fluff text would be printed |
add_shell_component | Initialize the shell for this item, or the physical machinery it belongs to. |
alert_call | Displays notification text alongside a soundbeep when requested to by a program. |
can_store_file | can_store_file |
check_power_override | Returns TRUE if the PC should not be using any power, FALSE otherwise. Checks to see if the current app allows to be ran without power, if so we'll run with it. |
find_file_by_name | find_file_by_name |
find_file_by_uid | find_file_by_uid |
get_files | Get all stored files, including external disk files optionaly |
get_messenger_ending | Returns a string of what to send at the end of messenger's messages. |
handle_power | Takes the charge necessary from the Computer, shutting it off if it's unable to provide it. Charge depends on whether the PC is on, and what programs are running/idle on it. |
imprint_id | Imprints name and job into the modular computer, and calls back to necessary functions. Acts as a replacement to directly setting the imprints fields. All fields are optional, the proc will try to fill in missing gaps. |
play_ping | Plays a ping sound. |
power_failure | Shuts down the computer from powerloss. |
remove_file | remove_file |
reset_imprint | Resets the imprinted name and job back to null. |
set_flashlight_color | Sets the computer's light color, if it has a light. |
store_file | store_file |
toggle_flashlight | Toggles the computer's flashlight, if it has one. |
update_tablet_open_uis | update_tablet_open_uis |
use_energy | Draws power from its rightful source (area if its a computer, the cell otherwise) Takes into account special cases, like silicon PDAs through override, and nopower apps. |
use_energy_for_circuits | Try to draw power from our internal cell first, before switching to that of the circuit. |
Var Details
The program currently active on the tablet.
Allow people with chunky fingers to use?
Power usage when the computer is open (screen is active) and can be interacted with.
Power usage when the computer is idle and screen is off.
The built-in light's color, editable by players.
How far the computer's light can reach, is not editable by players.
The ID currently stored in the computer.
Does the console update the crew manifest when the ID is removed?
Static list of default programs that come with ALL computers, here so computers don't have to repeat this.
The theme, used for the main menu and file browser apps.
If the computer's flashlight/LED light has forcibly disabled for a temporary amount of time.
Bool on whether the computer is currently active or not.
Flag of the type of device the modular computer is, deciding what types of apps it can run.
If the computer has a flashlight/LED light built-in.
If hit by a Clown virus, remaining honks left until it stops.
Icon state overlay when the computer is turned on, but no program is loaded (programs override this).
If set, what the icon_state will be if the computer is powered.
If set, what the icon_state will be if the computer is unpowered.
Idle programs on background. They still receive process calls but can't be interacted with.
The disk in this PDA. If set, this will be inserted on Initialize.
A pAI currently loaded into the modular computer.
The power cell the computer uses to run on.
Whether the PDA can still use NTNet while out of NTNet's reach.
Whether or not this modular computer uses the looping sound
The amount of storage space the computer starts with.
Amount of programs that can be ran at once
The max amount of paper that can be held at once.
The 'computer' itself, as an obj. Primarily used for Adjacent() and UI visibility checks, especially for computers.
The full name of the stored ID card's identity. These vars should probably be on the PDA.
The job title of the stored ID card
If the screen is open, only used by laptops.
Reference to the circuit shell component, because we're special and do special things with it, such as creating and deleting unremovable circuit comps based on the programs installed.
The capacity of the circuit shell component of this item
Looping sound for when the computer is on.
Non-static list of programs the computer should receive on Initialize.
Amount of steel sheets refunded when disassembling an empty frame of this computer.
List of stored files on this drive. Use store_file
and remove_file
instead of modifying directly!
The amount of paper currently stored in the PDA
The amount of storage space we've got filled
Proc Details
InsertID Attempt to insert the ID in either card slot, if ID is present - attempts swap Args: inserting_id - the ID being inserted user - The person inserting the ID
Removes the ID card from the computer, and puts it in loc's hand if it's a mob Args: user - The mob trying to remove the ID, if there is one silent - Boolean, determines whether fluff text would be printed
Initialize the shell for this item, or the physical machinery it belongs to.
Displays notification text alongside a soundbeep when requested to by a program.
After checking that the requesting program is allowed to send an alert, creates a visible message of the requested text alongside a soundbeep. This proc adds text to indicate that the message is coming from this device and the program on it, so the supplied text should be the exact message and ending punctuation.
Arguments: The program calling this proc. The message that the program wishes to display.
Checks if a computer can store a file, as computers can only store unique files. returns TRUE if possible, FALSE otherwise.
Returns TRUE if the PC should not be using any power, FALSE otherwise. Checks to see if the current app allows to be ran without power, if so we'll run with it.
Will check all applications in a tablet for files and, if they have
the same filename (disregarding extension), will return it.
If a computer disk is passed instead, it will check the disk over the computer.
Will check all files in this computer and returns the file with the matching uid. A file's uid is always unique to them, so this proc is sometimes preferable over find_file_by_name. If a computer disk is passed instead, it will check the disk over the computer.
Get all stored files, including external disk files optionaly
Returns a string of what to send at the end of messenger's messages.
Takes the charge necessary from the Computer, shutting it off if it's unable to provide it. Charge depends on whether the PC is on, and what programs are running/idle on it.
Imprints name and job into the modular computer, and calls back to necessary functions. Acts as a replacement to directly setting the imprints fields. All fields are optional, the proc will try to fill in missing gaps.
Plays a ping sound.
Timers runtime if you try to make them call playsound. Yep.
Shuts down the computer from powerloss.
Removes a given file from the computer, if possible. Properly checking if the file even exists and is in the computer. Returns TRUE if successfully completed, FALSE otherwise
Resets the imprinted name and job back to null.
Sets the computer's light color, if it has a light.
Called from ui_act(), this proc takes a color string and applies it. It is separated from ui_act() to be overwritten as needed. Arguments:
- color is the string that holds the color value that we should use. Proc auto-fails if this is null.
Adds an already initialized file to the computer, checking if one already exists. Returns TRUE if successfully stored, FALSE otherwise.
Toggles the computer's flashlight, if it has one.
Called from ui_act(), does as the name implies. It is separated from ui_act() to be overwritten as needed.
Will search the user to see if they have the tablet open. If they don't, we'll open a new UI depending on the tab the tablet is meant to be on. If they do, we'll update the interface and title, then update all static data and re-send assets.
This is best called when you're actually changing the app, as we don't check if we're swapping to the current UI repeatedly. Args: user - The person whose UI we're updating. Only necessary if we're opening the UI for the first time.
Draws power from its rightful source (area if its a computer, the cell otherwise) Takes into account special cases, like silicon PDAs through override, and nopower apps.
Try to draw power from our internal cell first, before switching to that of the circuit.