/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Newspapers A static version of the newscaster, that won't update as new stories are added. Can be scribbed upon to add extra text for future readers.


creation_timeThe time the newspaper was made in terms of newscaster's last action, used to tell the newspaper whether a story should be in it.
current_pageThe page in the newspaper currently being read. 0 is the title screen while the last is the security screen.
news_contentList of news feeed channels the newspaper can see.
saved_wanted_bodyStored information of the wanted criminal's description, if one existed at the time of creation.
saved_wanted_criminalStored information of the wanted criminal's name, if one existed at the time of creation.
saved_wanted_iconStored icon of the wanted criminal, if one existed at the time of creation.
scribble_pageThe page with something scribbled on it, can only have one at a time.
scribble_textThe currently scribbled text written in scribble_page


censored_checkChecks the creation time of the newspaper and compares it to list to see if the list is meant to be censored at the time of printing.
holder_checked_nameCalled when someone tries to figure out what our identity is, but they can't see it because of the newspaper
holder_updated_overlaysCalled when we're being read and overlays are updated, we should show a big newspaper over the reader
on_unwieldedCalled when you stop doing that
on_wieldedCalled when you start reading the paper with both hands

Var Details


The time the newspaper was made in terms of newscaster's last action, used to tell the newspaper whether a story should be in it.


The page in the newspaper currently being read. 0 is the title screen while the last is the security screen.


List of news feeed channels the newspaper can see.


Stored information of the wanted criminal's description, if one existed at the time of creation.


Stored information of the wanted criminal's name, if one existed at the time of creation.


Stored icon of the wanted criminal, if one existed at the time of creation.


The page with something scribbled on it, can only have one at a time.


The currently scribbled text written in scribble_page

Proc Details


Checks the creation time of the newspaper and compares it to list to see if the list is meant to be censored at the time of printing.


Called when someone tries to figure out what our identity is, but they can't see it because of the newspaper


Called when we're being read and overlays are updated, we should show a big newspaper over the reader


Called when you stop doing that


Called when you start reading the paper with both hands