Vars | |
amount_per_transfer_from_this | The maximum amount of reagents per transfer that will be moved out of this reagent container. |
disease_amount | How much of a disease specified in spawned_disease should this container spawn with |
fill_icon | The icon file to take fill icon appearances from |
fill_icon_state | The optional custom name for the reagent fill icon_state prefix If not set, uses the current icon state. |
fill_icon_thresholds | The different thresholds at which the reagent fill overlay will change. See medical/reagent_fillings.dmi. |
has_variable_transfer_amount | Does this container allow changing transfer amounts at all, the container can still have only one possible transfer value in possible_transfer_amounts at some point even if this is true |
list_reagents | A list of what initial reagents this container should spawn with |
possible_transfer_amounts | The different possible amounts of reagent to transfer out of the container |
reagent_container_liquid_sound | The sound this container makes when picked up, dropped if there is liquid inside. |
reagent_flags | Reagent flags, a few examples being if the container is open or not, if its transparent, if you can inject stuff in and out of the container, and so on |
spawned_disease | If this container should spawn with a disease type inside of it |
spillable | If the reagents inside of this container will splash out when the container tries to splash onto someone or something |
volume | The maximum amount of reagents this container can hold |
Procs | |
on_reagent_change | Updates the icon of the container when the reagents change. Eats signal args |
try_splash | Tries to splash the target. Used on both right-click and normal click when in combat mode. |
Var Details
The maximum amount of reagents per transfer that will be moved out of this reagent container.
How much of a disease specified in spawned_disease should this container spawn with
The icon file to take fill icon appearances from
The optional custom name for the reagent fill icon_state prefix If not set, uses the current icon state.
The different thresholds at which the reagent fill overlay will change. See medical/reagent_fillings.dmi.
Should be a list of integers which correspond to a reagent unit threshold. If null, no automatic fill overlays are generated.
For example, list(0) will mean it will gain a the overlay with any reagents present. This overlay is "overlayname0". list(0, 10) whill have two overlay options, for 0-10 units ("overlayname0") and 10+ units ("overlayname10").
Does this container allow changing transfer amounts at all, the container can still have only one possible transfer value in possible_transfer_amounts at some point even if this is true
A list of what initial reagents this container should spawn with
The different possible amounts of reagent to transfer out of the container
The sound this container makes when picked up, dropped if there is liquid inside.
Reagent flags, a few examples being if the container is open or not, if its transparent, if you can inject stuff in and out of the container, and so on
If this container should spawn with a disease type inside of it
If the reagents inside of this container will splash out when the container tries to splash onto someone or something
The maximum amount of reagents this container can hold
Proc Details
Updates the icon of the container when the reagents change. Eats signal args
Tries to splash the target. Used on both right-click and normal click when in combat mode.