Vars | |
base_name | The base name of the soulstone, set to the initial name by default. Used in name updating |
grab_sleeping | if TRUE, our soulstone will work on mobs which are in crit. if FALSE, the mob must be dead. |
one_use | if TRUE, we can only be used once. |
required_role | Role check, if any needed |
spent | Only used if one_use is TRUE. Whether it's used. |
theme | This controls the color of the soulstone as well as restrictions for who can use it. THEME_CULT is red and is the default of cultist THEME_WIZARD is purple and is the default of wizard THEME_HOLY is for purified soul stone |
Procs | |
assign_master | Assigns the bearer as the new master of a shade. |
attack | Capturing |
attack_self | Options for using captured souls |
attempt_exorcism | attempt_exorcism: called from on_bible_smacked, takes time and if successful resets the item to a pre-possessed state |
capture_shade | captures a shade that was previously released from a soulstone. |
capture_soul | Procs for moving soul in and out off stone Transfer the mind of a carbon mob (which is then dusted) into a shade mob inside src. If forced, sacrificial and stat checks are skipped. |
corrupt | corrupt: turns the soulstone into a cult one and turns the occupant shade, if any, into a cultist |
init_shade | Creates a new shade mob to inhabit the stone. |
on_bible_smacked | signal called whenever a soulstone is smacked by a bible |
on_poll_concluded | Called when a ghost is chosen to become a shade. |
on_release_spirits | Called whenever the soulstone releases a shade from it. |
role_check | Checks if the passed mob has the required antag datum set on the soulstone. |
transfer_to_construct | transfer the mind of the shade to a construct mob selected by the user, then deletes both the shade and src. |
Var Details
The base name of the soulstone, set to the initial name by default. Used in name updating
if TRUE, our soulstone will work on mobs which are in crit. if FALSE, the mob must be dead.
if TRUE, we can only be used once.
Role check, if any needed
Only used if one_use is TRUE. Whether it's used.
This controls the color of the soulstone as well as restrictions for who can use it. THEME_CULT is red and is the default of cultist THEME_WIZARD is purple and is the default of wizard THEME_HOLY is for purified soul stone
Proc Details
Assigns the bearer as the new master of a shade.
Options for using captured souls
attempt_exorcism: called from on_bible_smacked, takes time and if successful resets the item to a pre-possessed state
- exorcist: user who is attempting to remove the spirit
captures a shade that was previously released from a soulstone.
Procs for moving soul in and out off stone Transfer the mind of a carbon mob (which is then dusted) into a shade mob inside src. If forced, sacrificial and stat checks are skipped.
corrupt: turns the soulstone into a cult one and turns the occupant shade, if any, into a cultist
Creates a new shade mob to inhabit the stone.
victim - the body that's being shaded user - the person doing the shading. Optional. message_user - if TRUE, we send the user (if present) a message that a shade has been created / captured. shade_controller - the mob (usually, a ghost) that will take over control of the victim / new shade. Optional, if not passed the victim itself will take control.
signal called whenever a soulstone is smacked by a bible
Called when a ghost is chosen to become a shade.
Called whenever the soulstone releases a shade from it.
Checks if the passed mob has the required antag datum set on the soulstone.
transfer the mind of the shade to a construct mob selected by the user, then deletes both the shade and src.