Vars | |
maximum_teleport_distance | Maximum distance to teleport user forward |
minimum_teleport_distance | Minimum distance to teleport user forward |
Procs | |
attempt_teleport | Tries to teleport the user forward based on random number between min/max teleport distance vars. If destination is closed turf, try to save user from gibbing via a panic teleport. Wearing bag of holding or triggering teleport via EMP removes panic teleport, higher chance of being gibbed. Mobs on same tile as destination get telefragged. |
get_fragged | Force move victim to destination, explode destination, drop all victim's items, gib them |
make_bloods | Bleed and make blood splatters at tele start and end points |
panic_teleport | Checks parallel_teleport_distance amount of tiles parallel to user's teleport destination. If no valid closed turfs found, gib user. |
telefrag | Damage and stun all mobs in fragging_location turf, called after a teleport |
Var Details
Maximum distance to teleport user forward
Minimum distance to teleport user forward
Proc Details
Tries to teleport the user forward based on random number between min/max teleport distance vars. If destination is closed turf, try to save user from gibbing via a panic teleport. Wearing bag of holding or triggering teleport via EMP removes panic teleport, higher chance of being gibbed. Mobs on same tile as destination get telefragged.
Force move victim to destination, explode destination, drop all victim's items, gib them
Bleed and make blood splatters at tele start and end points
Checks parallel_teleport_distance amount of tiles parallel to user's teleport destination. If no valid closed turfs found, gib user.
Damage and stun all mobs in fragging_location turf, called after a teleport