Vars | |
actually_paints | If set to false, this just applies a chemical and cannot paint symbols |
all_drawables | Combined lists |
can_change_colour | If the user can toggle the colour, a la vanilla spraycan |
charges | Number of times this item can be used, INFINITE_CHARGES for unlimited |
charges_left | Number of remaining charges |
crayon_color | Crayon overlay to use if placed into a crayon box |
drawings | List of selectable drawing options |
drawtype | Contains chosen symbol to draw |
edible | Whether or not you can eat this. Doesn't mean it is a good idea to eat it. |
expose_turfs | If true, sprayed turfs should also have the internal chemical applied to them |
graffiti | List of selectable graffiti options If an associated value is present, the graffiti has its own cost otherwise it'll be the default value. Ditto with the other other lists below. |
graffiti_large_h | List of selectable large options |
has_cap | Whether this item has a cap that can be toggled on and off |
icon_capped | Icon state to use when capped |
icon_uncapped | Icon state to use when uncapped |
instant | If false a do_after is required to draw something, otherwise it applies immediately |
is_capped | Whether the cap is currently on or off |
oriented | List of selectable orientable options |
overlay_paint_colour | If true, a coloured overlay is applied to display the currently selected colour |
paint_color | Current paint colour |
paint_mode | Dictates how large of an area we cover with our paint |
post_noise | Whether to play a sound after using |
pre_noise | Whether to play a sound before using |
randoms | List of selectable random options |
reagent_contents | Reagents which are applied to things you use this on, or yourself if you eat it |
runes | List of selectable rune options |
self_contained | If true, this deletes itself when empty |
symbols | List of selectable symbol options |
text_buffer | Stores buffer of text to draw, one character at a time |
volume_multiplier | Multiplies effect of reagent when applied to mobs or surfaces |
Procs | |
after_eat | Used for edible component to reduce charges_left on bite. |
can_use_on | Is this a valid object for use_on to run on? |
check_empty | When eating a crayon, check_empty() can be called twice producing two messages unless we check for being deleted first. |
refill | Refills charges_left in infinite crayons on use. Sets charges_left in infinite crayons to 100 for spawning reagents. Spawns reagents in crayons based on the amount of charges_left if not spawned yet. |
set_painting_tool_color | Sets painting color and updates appearance. |
use_charges | Returns number of charges actually used. |
use_on | Attempts to color the target. |
Var Details
If set to false, this just applies a chemical and cannot paint symbols
Combined lists
If the user can toggle the colour, a la vanilla spraycan
Number of times this item can be used, INFINITE_CHARGES for unlimited
Number of remaining charges
Crayon overlay to use if placed into a crayon box
List of selectable drawing options
Contains chosen symbol to draw
Whether or not you can eat this. Doesn't mean it is a good idea to eat it.
If true, sprayed turfs should also have the internal chemical applied to them
List of selectable graffiti options If an associated value is present, the graffiti has its own cost otherwise it'll be the default value. Ditto with the other other lists below.
List of selectable large options
Whether this item has a cap that can be toggled on and off
Icon state to use when capped
Icon state to use when uncapped
If false a do_after is required to draw something, otherwise it applies immediately
Whether the cap is currently on or off
List of selectable orientable options
If true, a coloured overlay is applied to display the currently selected colour
Current paint colour
Dictates how large of an area we cover with our paint
Whether to play a sound after using
Whether to play a sound before using
List of selectable random options
Reagents which are applied to things you use this on, or yourself if you eat it
List of selectable rune options
If true, this deletes itself when empty
List of selectable symbol options
Stores buffer of text to draw, one character at a time
Multiplies effect of reagent when applied to mobs or surfaces
Proc Details
Used for edible component to reduce charges_left on bite.
Is this a valid object for use_on to run on?
When eating a crayon, check_empty() can be called twice producing two messages unless we check for being deleted first.
- user - the user.
- amount - used for use_on() and when requires_full is TRUE
- requires_full - if TRUE and charges_left < amount it will balloon_alert you. Used just for borgs spraycan it seems.
- override_infinity - if TRUE it will override checks for infinite crayons.
Refills charges_left in infinite crayons on use. Sets charges_left in infinite crayons to 100 for spawning reagents. Spawns reagents in crayons based on the amount of charges_left if not spawned yet.
Sets painting color and updates appearance.
Returns number of charges actually used.
- user - the user.
- amount - how much charges do we reduce.
- requires_full - Seems to transfer its data to the same argument on check_empty(). I'm not sure tho.
- override_infinity - if TRUE stops infinite crayons from refilling.
Attempts to color the target.