Vars | |
drawing_rune | Are we currently drawing? Used to prevent spam clicks for do_while |
expended | Set to true if we finished drawing something, this spraycan is now useless |
Procs | |
draw_rune | Draw your stage one rune on the ground and store it. |
suicide_act | Copying the functionality from normal spraycans, but doesn't need all the optional checks |
try_complete_rune | Try to upgrade a floor rune to its next stage. |
try_draw_new_rune | Attempt to draw a rune on [target_turf]. Shamelessly adapted from the heretic rune drawing process. |
try_draw_step | Holder for repeated code to do something after a message and a set amount of time. |
Var Details
Are we currently drawing? Used to prevent spam clicks for do_while
Set to true if we finished drawing something, this spraycan is now useless
Proc Details
Draw your stage one rune on the ground and store it.
- user - the mob drawing the rune
- target_turf - the place the rune's being drawn
Copying the functionality from normal spraycans, but doesn't need all the optional checks
Try to upgrade a floor rune to its next stage.
- user - the mob drawing the rune
- target_turf - the place the rune's being drawn
Attempt to draw a rune on [target_turf]. Shamelessly adapted from the heretic rune drawing process.
- user - the mob drawing the rune
- target_turf - the place the rune's being drawn
Holder for repeated code to do something after a message and a set amount of time.
- output - a string to show when you start the process
- user - the mob drawing the rune
- target - what they're trying to draw, or the place they are trying to draw on