udder item 
Abstract item that is held in nullspace and manages reagents. Created by udder component. While perhaps reagents created by udder component COULD be managed in the mob, it would be somewhat finnicky and I actually like the abstract udders.
Vars | |
hunger_key | hunger key we set to look for food |
on_generate_callback | optional proc to callback to when the udder generates milk |
production_probability | the probability that the udder will produce the reagent (0 - 100) |
reagent_produced_typepath | typepath of reagent produced by the udder |
require_consume_timer | how long does each food consumption allow us to make milk |
require_consume_type | do we require some food to generate milk? |
size | how much the udder holds |
udder_mob | mob that has the udder component |
Procs | |
generate | Proc called every 2 seconds from SSMobs to add whatever reagent the udder is generating. |
initial_conditions | Proc called on creation separate from the reagent datum creation to allow for signalled milk generation instead of processing milk generation also useful for changing initial amounts in reagent holder (cows start with milk, gutlunches start empty) |
milk | Proc called from attacking the component parent with the correct item, moves reagents into the glass basically. |
Var Details
hunger key we set to look for food
optional proc to callback to when the udder generates milk
the probability that the udder will produce the reagent (0 - 100)
typepath of reagent produced by the udder
how long does each food consumption allow us to make milk
do we require some food to generate milk?
how much the udder holds
mob that has the udder component
Proc Details
Proc called every 2 seconds from SSMobs to add whatever reagent the udder is generating.
Proc called on creation separate from the reagent datum creation to allow for signalled milk generation instead of processing milk generation also useful for changing initial amounts in reagent holder (cows start with milk, gutlunches start empty)
Proc called from attacking the component parent with the correct item, moves reagents into the glass basically.
- obj/item/reagent_containers/cup/milk_holder - what we are trying to transfer the reagents to
- mob/user - who is trying to do this