Vars | |
burned_fuel_for | When fuel was last removed. |
can_off_process | Used in process(), dictates whether or not we're calling STOP_PROCESSING whilst we're not welding. |
change_icons | Whether or not we're changing the icon based on fuel left. |
max_fuel | The max amount of fuel the welder can hold |
starting_fuel | Does the welder start with fuel. |
status | Whether the welder is secured or unsecured (able to attach rods to it to make a flamethrower) |
welding | Whether the welding tool is on or off. |
Procs | |
check_fuel | Turns off the welder if there is no more fuel (does this really need to be its own proc?) |
flamethrower_rods | First step of building a flamethrower (when a welder is attacked by rods) |
flamethrower_screwdriver | Ran when the welder is attacked by a screwdriver. |
get_fuel | Returns the amount of fuel in the welder |
isOn | Returns whether or not the welding tool is currently on. |
set_welding | Toggles the welding value. |
switched_off | Switches the welder off |
tool_use_check | If welding tool ran out of fuel during a construction task, construction fails. |
use | Uses fuel from the welding tool. |
Var Details
When fuel was last removed.
Used in process(), dictates whether or not we're calling STOP_PROCESSING whilst we're not welding.
Whether or not we're changing the icon based on fuel left.
The max amount of fuel the welder can hold
Does the welder start with fuel.
Whether the welder is secured or unsecured (able to attach rods to it to make a flamethrower)
Whether the welding tool is on or off.
Proc Details
Turns off the welder if there is no more fuel (does this really need to be its own proc?)
First step of building a flamethrower (when a welder is attacked by rods)
Ran when the welder is attacked by a screwdriver.
Returns the amount of fuel in the welder
Returns whether or not the welding tool is currently on.
Toggles the welding value.
Switches the welder off
If welding tool ran out of fuel during a construction task, construction fails.
Uses fuel from the welding tool.