/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



air_contentsReference to the gas mix inside the tank
breaking_soundsThe sounds that play when the tank is breaking from overpressure
crack_statesThe icon states for the cracks in the tank dmi
crack_states_countNumber of crack states to fill the list with. This exists because I'm lazy and didn't want to keeping adding more things manually to the below list.
gas_typeThe typepath of the gas this tank should be filled with.
knob_overlaysShared images for the knob overlay representing a side of the tank that is open to connections
max_pressureThe max pressure of the gas mixture before damaging the tank
merger_idThe merger id used to create/get the merger group in charge of handling tanks that share an internal gas storage
merger_typecacheThe typecache of types which are allowed to merge internal storage
open_portsThe open node directions of the tank, assuming that the tank is facing NORTH.
volumeThe volume of the gas mixture
windowThe image showing the gases inside of the tank


fill_to_pressureFills the tank to the maximum safe pressure. Safety margin is a multiplier for the cap for the purpose of this proc so it doesn't have to be filled completely.
merger_refresh_completeHandles the combined gas tank for the entire merger group, only the origin tank actualy runs this.
refresh_pressure_limitRecalculates pressure based on the current max integrity compared to original
set_portdir_relativeEnables/Disables a port direction in var/open_ports.
Use this, then call set_init_directions() instead of setting initialize_directions directly
This system exists because tanks not having all initialize_directions set correctly breaks shuttle rotations
toggle_portdir_relativeToggles a port direction in var/open_ports
Use this, then call set_init_directions() instead of setting initialize_directions directly
This system exists because tanks not having all initialize_directions set correctly breaks shuttle rotations

Var Details


Reference to the gas mix inside the tank


The sounds that play when the tank is breaking from overpressure


The icon states for the cracks in the tank dmi


Number of crack states to fill the list with. This exists because I'm lazy and didn't want to keeping adding more things manually to the below list.


The typepath of the gas this tank should be filled with.


Shared images for the knob overlay representing a side of the tank that is open to connections


The max pressure of the gas mixture before damaging the tank


The merger id used to create/get the merger group in charge of handling tanks that share an internal gas storage


The typecache of types which are allowed to merge internal storage


The open node directions of the tank, assuming that the tank is facing NORTH.


The volume of the gas mixture


The image showing the gases inside of the tank

Proc Details


Fills the tank to the maximum safe pressure. Safety margin is a multiplier for the cap for the purpose of this proc so it doesn't have to be filled completely.


Handles the combined gas tank for the entire merger group, only the origin tank actualy runs this.


Recalculates pressure based on the current max integrity compared to original


Enables/Disables a port direction in var/open_ports.
Use this, then call set_init_directions() instead of setting initialize_directions directly
This system exists because tanks not having all initialize_directions set correctly breaks shuttle rotations


Toggles a port direction in var/open_ports
Use this, then call set_init_directions() instead of setting initialize_directions directly
This system exists because tanks not having all initialize_directions set correctly breaks shuttle rotations