/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Manipulator Core. Main part of the mechanism that carries out the entire process.


allowed_priority_settingsWhat priority settings are available to use at the moment. We also use this list to sort priorities from ascending to descending.
allowed_types_to_pick_upList where we can set selected type. Taking items by Initialize.
containment_objObj inside manipulator.
drop_hereDir to get turf where we drop items.
drop_item_after_useHere some ui setting we can on/off: If activated: after item was used manipulator will also drop it.
drop_turfTurf where we drop items.
filter_objObj used as filter
manipulate_modeHow will manipulator manipulate the object? drop it out by default.
manipulator_handOther manipulator component.
manipulator_throw_rangeVar for throw item mode: changes the range from which the manipulator throws an object.
monkey_workerPoor monkey that needs to use mode works.
onActivate mechanism.
on_button_cuttedVariable for the wire that disables the power button if the wire is cut.
on_workWhen manipulator already working with item inside he don't take any new items.
only_highest_priorityIf activated: will select only 1 priority and will not continue to look at the priorities below.
power_use_lvlUsing high tier manipulators speeds up big manipulator and requires more energy.
priority_settings_for_dropPriority settings depending on the manipulator drop mode that are available to this manipulator. Filled during Initialize.
priority_settings_for_usePriority settings depending on the manipulator use mode that are available to this manipulator. Filled during Initialize.
selected_typeSelected type that manipulator will take for take and drop loop.
selected_type_by_numberJust a lazy number to change selected_type type in array.
take_hereDir to get turf where we take items.
take_turfTurf where we take items.
working_speedHow many time manipulator need to take and drop item.


change_modeProc called when we changing item interaction mode.
change_throw_rangeChanges range with which the manipulator throws objects, from 1 to 7.
change_what_take_typeChanges the type of objects that the manipulator will pick up
check_end_of_useCheck what we gonna do next with our item. Drop it or use again.
check_next_move2.5 take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Choose what we will do with our item by checking the manipulate_mode.
check_similaritiesUsing on change_priority: looks for a setting with the same number that we set earlier and reduce it.
create_manipulator_handCreat manipulator hand effect on manipulator core.
do_rotate_animationRotates manipulator hand 90 degrees.
drop_containment_itemDrop item that manipulator is manipulating.
drop_thing3.1 take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Drop our item. Checks the priority to drop item not only ground but also in the storage.
end_workFourth and last take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Finishes work and begins to look for a new item for [take and drop procs loop].
finish_manipulationEnd of thirds take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Starts manipulator hand backward animation.
finish_rotate_animationRotates manipulator hand from 90 degrees to 180 or 0 if backward.
is_work_checkPre take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Check if we can start take and drop loop
manipulator_lvlCheck servo tier and change manipulator speed, power_use and colour.
on_hand_qdelDeliting hand will destroy our manipulator core.
press_onProc call when we press on/off button
rotate_big_handChanging take and drop turf dirs and also changing manipulator hand sprite dir.
search_type_by_priority_in_drop_turfProc thet return item by type in priority list. Selects item and increasing priority number if don't found req type.
set_up_priority_settingsInit priority settings list for all modes.
start_workSecond take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Taking our item and start manipulator hand rotate animation.
take_and_drop_turfs_checkChanging take and drop turf tiles when we anchore manipulator or if manipulator not in turf.
throw_thing3.3 take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Throw item away!!!
try_press_onProc that check if button not cutted when we press on button.
try_take_thingFirst take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Check if we can take item from take_turf to work with him. This proc also calling from ATOM_ENTERED signal.
update_priority_listUpdate priority list in ui. Creating new list and sort it by priority number.
use_thing3.2 take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Use our item on random atom in drop turf contents then Starts manipulator hand backward animation by defualt, but You can also set the setting in ui so that it does not return to its privious position and continues to use object in its hand. Checks the priority so that you can configure which object it will select: mob/obj/turf. Also can use filter to interact only with obj in filter.

Var Details


What priority settings are available to use at the moment. We also use this list to sort priorities from ascending to descending.


List where we can set selected type. Taking items by Initialize.


Obj inside manipulator.


Dir to get turf where we drop items.


Here some ui setting we can on/off: If activated: after item was used manipulator will also drop it.


Turf where we drop items.


Obj used as filter


How will manipulator manipulate the object? drop it out by default.


Other manipulator component.


Var for throw item mode: changes the range from which the manipulator throws an object.


Poor monkey that needs to use mode works.


Activate mechanism.


Variable for the wire that disables the power button if the wire is cut.


When manipulator already working with item inside he don't take any new items.


If activated: will select only 1 priority and will not continue to look at the priorities below.


Using high tier manipulators speeds up big manipulator and requires more energy.


Priority settings depending on the manipulator drop mode that are available to this manipulator. Filled during Initialize.


Priority settings depending on the manipulator use mode that are available to this manipulator. Filled during Initialize.


Selected type that manipulator will take for take and drop loop.


Just a lazy number to change selected_type type in array.


Dir to get turf where we take items.


Turf where we take items.


How many time manipulator need to take and drop item.

Proc Details


Proc called when we changing item interaction mode.


Changes range with which the manipulator throws objects, from 1 to 7.


Changes the type of objects that the manipulator will pick up


Check what we gonna do next with our item. Drop it or use again.


2.5 take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Choose what we will do with our item by checking the manipulate_mode.


Using on change_priority: looks for a setting with the same number that we set earlier and reduce it.


Creat manipulator hand effect on manipulator core.


Rotates manipulator hand 90 degrees.


Drop item that manipulator is manipulating.


3.1 take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Drop our item. Checks the priority to drop item not only ground but also in the storage.


Fourth and last take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Finishes work and begins to look for a new item for [take and drop procs loop].


End of thirds take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Starts manipulator hand backward animation.


Rotates manipulator hand from 90 degrees to 180 or 0 if backward.


Pre take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Check if we can start take and drop loop


Check servo tier and change manipulator speed, power_use and colour.


Deliting hand will destroy our manipulator core.


Proc call when we press on/off button


Changing take and drop turf dirs and also changing manipulator hand sprite dir.


Proc thet return item by type in priority list. Selects item and increasing priority number if don't found req type.


Init priority settings list for all modes.


Second take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Taking our item and start manipulator hand rotate animation.


Changing take and drop turf tiles when we anchore manipulator or if manipulator not in turf.


3.3 take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Throw item away!!!


Proc that check if button not cutted when we press on button.


First take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Check if we can take item from take_turf to work with him. This proc also calling from ATOM_ENTERED signal.


Update priority list in ui. Creating new list and sort it by priority number.


3.2 take and drop proc from [take and drop procs loop]: Use our item on random atom in drop turf contents then Starts manipulator hand backward animation by defualt, but You can also set the setting in ui so that it does not return to its privious position and continues to use object in its hand. Checks the priority so that you can configure which object it will select: mob/obj/turf. Also can use filter to interact only with obj in filter.