Vars | |
all_worlds | List of all worlds in the game. |
battle_arcade_gear_list | List of all battle arcade gear that is available in the shop in game. |
bomb_cooldown | unique to the emag mode, acts as a time limit where the player dies when it reaches 0. |
enemies_defeated | How many enemies we've defeated in a row, used to tell when we need to spawn the boss in. |
enemy_gold_reward | How much gold the enemy will drop, randomized on new opponent. |
enemy_hp | How much HP the current enemy has. |
enemy_icon_id | Determines which boss image to use on the UI. |
enemy_max_hp | How much HP the current enemy has. |
enemy_mp | How much MP the current enemy has. |
enemy_name | The enemy's name |
equipped_gear | Assoc list of gear the player has equipped. |
feedback_message | CURRENT ENEMY INFORMATION A feedback message displayed in the UI during combat sequences. |
latest_unlocked_world | The latest world the player has unlocked, granting access to all worlds below this. |
player_current_hp | The current amount of HP the player has. |
player_current_mp | The current amount of MP the player has. |
player_current_world | The world we're currently in. |
player_gold | How much money the player has, used in the Inn. Starts with the default price for a single item. |
player_turn | PLAYER INFORMATION Boolean on whether it's the player's time to do their turn. |
ui_panel | The current panel the player is viewieng in the UI. |
Procs | |
lose_game | Called when a mob loses at the battle arcade. |
on_battle_win | on_battle_win |
perform_enemy_turn | perform_enemy_turn |
process_enemy_turn | Handles the delay between the user's and enemy's turns to process what's going on. |
process_player_attack | Called when you attack the enemy. |
setup_new_opponent | Sets up a new opponent depending on what stage they are at. |
successful_counterattack | Called when you successfully counterattack the enemy. |
user_take_damage | Called when the enemy attacks you. |
Var Details
List of all worlds in the game.
List of all battle arcade gear that is available in the shop in game.
unique to the emag mode, acts as a time limit where the player dies when it reaches 0.
How many enemies we've defeated in a row, used to tell when we need to spawn the boss in.
How much gold the enemy will drop, randomized on new opponent.
How much HP the current enemy has.
Determines which boss image to use on the UI.
How much HP the current enemy has.
How much MP the current enemy has.
The enemy's name
Assoc list of gear the player has equipped.
CURRENT ENEMY INFORMATION A feedback message displayed in the UI during combat sequences.
The latest world the player has unlocked, granting access to all worlds below this.
The current amount of HP the player has.
The current amount of MP the player has.
The world we're currently in.
How much money the player has, used in the Inn. Starts with the default price for a single item.
PLAYER INFORMATION Boolean on whether it's the player's time to do their turn.
The current panel the player is viewieng in the UI.
Proc Details
Called when a mob loses at the battle arcade.
Called when the player wins a level, this handles giving EXP, loot, tickets, etc. It also handles clearing the enemy out for the next one, and unlocking new worlds. We stop at BATTLE_WORLD_NINE because it is the last stage, and has infinite bosses.
Actually performs the enemy's turn. We first roll to see if the enemy should use magic. As their HP goes lower, the chances of self healing goes higher, but if they lack the MP, then it's rolling to steal MP from the player. After, we will roll to see if the player counterattacks the enemy (if set), otherwise we will attack normally.
Handles the delay between the user's and enemy's turns to process what's going on.
Called when you attack the enemy.
Sets up a new opponent depending on what stage they are at.
Called when you successfully counterattack the enemy.
Called when the enemy attacks you.