Vars | |
alert_level_tick | How many times the alert level has been changed Used to clear the modal to change alert level |
authorize_access | The access that the card had on login |
authorize_name | The name of the user who logged in |
battlecruiser_called | If the battlecruiser has been called |
cyborg_state | The current state of the UI for AIs |
important_action_cooldown | Cooldown for important actions, such as messaging CentCom or other sectors |
last_status_display | The last lines used for changing the status display |
last_toggled | when was emergency access last toggled |
messages | The messages this console has been sent |
send_cross_comms_message_timer | The timer ID for sending the next cross-comms message |
state | The current state of the UI |
syndicate | Whether syndicate mode is enabled or not. |
toggle_max_uses | how many uses can you toggle emergency access with before cooldowns start occuring BOTH ENABLE/DISABLE |
toggle_uses | how many uses the console has done of toggling the emergency access |
Procs | |
authenticated | Are we a silicon, OR logged in? |
authenticated_as_non_silicon_captain | Are we NOT a silicon, AND we're logged in as the captain? |
authenticated_as_silicon_or_captain | Are we a silicon, OR we're logged in as the captain? |
can_buy_shuttles | Returns TRUE if the user can buy shuttles. If they cannot, returns FALSE or a string detailing why. |
can_hack | Checks if this console is hackable. Used as a callback during try_hack_console's doafter as well. |
can_purchase_this_shuttle | Returns whether we are authorized to buy this specific shuttle. Does not handle prerequisite checks, as those should still show. |
hack_console | The communications console hack, called by certain antagonist actions. |
has_communication | Returns whether or not the communications console can communicate with the station |
override_cooldown | Override the cooldown for special actions Used in places such as CentCom messaging back so that the crew can answer right away |
try_hack_console | Begin the process of hacking into the comms console to call in a threat. |
Var Details
How many times the alert level has been changed Used to clear the modal to change alert level
The access that the card had on login
The name of the user who logged in
If the battlecruiser has been called
The current state of the UI for AIs
Cooldown for important actions, such as messaging CentCom or other sectors
The last lines used for changing the status display
when was emergency access last toggled
The messages this console has been sent
The timer ID for sending the next cross-comms message
The current state of the UI
Whether syndicate mode is enabled or not.
how many uses can you toggle emergency access with before cooldowns start occuring BOTH ENABLE/DISABLE
how many uses the console has done of toggling the emergency access
Proc Details
Are we a silicon, OR logged in?
Are we NOT a silicon, AND we're logged in as the captain?
Are we a silicon, OR we're logged in as the captain?
Returns TRUE if the user can buy shuttles. If they cannot, returns FALSE or a string detailing why.
Checks if this console is hackable. Used as a callback during try_hack_console's doafter as well.
Returns whether we are authorized to buy this specific shuttle. Does not handle prerequisite checks, as those should still show.
The communications console hack, called by certain antagonist actions.
Brings in additional threats to the round.
hacker - the mob that caused the hack
Returns whether or not the communications console can communicate with the station
Override the cooldown for special actions Used in places such as CentCom messaging back so that the crew can answer right away
Begin the process of hacking into the comms console to call in a threat.