/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



announcement_lineWhat line we should announce on ordering_groceries
blackbox_keyFor blackbox logging, what kind of order is this? set nothing to not tally, like golem orders
cargo_cost_multiplierMultiplied cost to use for cargo mode
cooldown_timeCooldown time between uses, express console will have extra time depending on express_cost_multiplier.
credit_typeThe kind of cash does the console use.
express_cost_multiplierMultiplied cost to use for express mode
express_tooltipTooltip for the express button in TGUI
forced_expressWhether the console can only use express mode ONLY
grocery_listThe current list of things we're trying to order, waiting for checkout.
order_categoriesThe categories of orderable items this console can view and purchase.
order_cooldownCooldown between order uses.
purchase_tooltipTooltip for the purchase button in TGUI
radio_channelThe channel we will attempt to speak into through our radio.


order_groceriesstart of the shipment of your order Args: purchaser - The mob who is making this purchase card - The card used to place this order groceries - the list of orders to be placed
purchase_itemsChecks if an ID card is able to afford the total cost of the current console's groceries and deducts the cost if they can. Args: card - The ID card we check for balance express - Boolean on whether we need to add the express cost mulitplier returns TRUE if we can afford, FALSE otherwise.
retrieve_pointspoints is any type of currency this machine accepts(money, mining points etc) which is displayed on the ui Args: card - The ID card we retrieve these points from
subtract_pointswhatever type of points was retrieved in retrieve_points() subtract those type of points from the card upon confirming order Args: final_cost - amount of points to subtract from this card card - The ID card to subtract these points from returns TRUE if successfull

Var Details


What line we should announce on ordering_groceries


For blackbox logging, what kind of order is this? set nothing to not tally, like golem orders


Multiplied cost to use for cargo mode


Cooldown time between uses, express console will have extra time depending on express_cost_multiplier.


The kind of cash does the console use.


Multiplied cost to use for express mode


Tooltip for the express button in TGUI


Whether the console can only use express mode ONLY


The current list of things we're trying to order, waiting for checkout.


The categories of orderable items this console can view and purchase.


Cooldown between order uses.


Tooltip for the purchase button in TGUI


The channel we will attempt to speak into through our radio.

Proc Details


start of the shipment of your order Args: purchaser - The mob who is making this purchase card - The card used to place this order groceries - the list of orders to be placed


Checks if an ID card is able to afford the total cost of the current console's groceries and deducts the cost if they can. Args: card - The ID card we check for balance express - Boolean on whether we need to add the express cost mulitplier returns TRUE if we can afford, FALSE otherwise.


points is any type of currency this machine accepts(money, mining points etc) which is displayed on the ui Args: card - The ID card we retrieve these points from


whatever type of points was retrieved in retrieve_points() subtract those type of points from the card upon confirming order Args: final_cost - amount of points to subtract from this card card - The ID card to subtract these points from returns TRUE if successfull