Vars | |
begin_create_message | String that's displayed for when the drone dispenser start working. |
break_message | String that's displayed for when the drone dispenser is broken. |
break_sound | Sound that the drone dispnser plays when it's broken. |
cooldownTime | How long should the drone dispenser be on cooldown after operating |
create_sound | Sound that the drone dispnser plays when it's created a new drone. |
end_create_message | String that's displayed for when the drone dispenser stops working. |
energy_used | Energy to draw when processing a new drone shell fresh. |
icon_creating | Icon string to use when the drone dispenser is making a new shell. |
icon_off | Icon string to use when the drone dispenser is not processing. |
icon_on | Icon string to use when the drone dispenser is processing. |
icon_recharging | Icon string to use when the drone dispenser is on cooldown. |
materials | Reference to the object's internal storage for materials. |
maximum_idle | The maximum number of "idle" drone shells it will make before ceasing production. Set to 0 for infinite. |
mode | What operation the drone shell dispenser is currently in, checked in process() to determine behavior |
production_time | How long does it the drone dispenser take to generate a new drone shell? |
recharge_message | String that's displayed for when the drone dispenser finished it's cooldown. |
recharge_sound | Sound that the drone dispnser plays when it's recharged it's cooldown. |
recharging_text | String that's displayed for when the drone dispenser is still on cooldown. |
starting_amount | Quantity of materials to automatically insert when the drone dispenser is spawned. |
timer | Reference to world.time to use for calculation of cooldowns and production of a new drone dispenser. |
using_materials | The quantity of materials used when generating a new drone shell. |
work_sound | Sound that the drone dispnser plays when it's ready to start making more drones. |
Var Details
String that's displayed for when the drone dispenser start working.
String that's displayed for when the drone dispenser is broken.
Sound that the drone dispnser plays when it's broken.
How long should the drone dispenser be on cooldown after operating
Sound that the drone dispnser plays when it's created a new drone.
String that's displayed for when the drone dispenser stops working.
Energy to draw when processing a new drone shell fresh.
Icon string to use when the drone dispenser is making a new shell.
Icon string to use when the drone dispenser is not processing.
Icon string to use when the drone dispenser is processing.
Icon string to use when the drone dispenser is on cooldown.
Reference to the object's internal storage for materials.
The maximum number of "idle" drone shells it will make before ceasing production. Set to 0 for infinite.
What operation the drone shell dispenser is currently in, checked in process() to determine behavior
How long does it the drone dispenser take to generate a new drone shell?
String that's displayed for when the drone dispenser finished it's cooldown.
Sound that the drone dispnser plays when it's recharged it's cooldown.
String that's displayed for when the drone dispenser is still on cooldown.
Quantity of materials to automatically insert when the drone dispenser is spawned.
Reference to world.time to use for calculation of cooldowns and production of a new drone dispenser.
The quantity of materials used when generating a new drone shell.
Sound that the drone dispnser plays when it's ready to start making more drones.