Vars | |
being_built | The current design datum that the machine is building. |
build_finish | World time when the build will finish. |
build_start | World time when the build started. |
cached_designs | All designs in the techweb that can be fabricated by this machine, since the last update. |
component_coeff | Coefficient for the efficiency of material usage in item building. Based on the installed parts. |
drop_direction | Direction the produced items will drop (0 means on top of us) |
illegal_local_designs | Local designs that only this mechfab have(using when mechfab emaged so it's illegal designs). |
link_on_init | Whether the Exofab links to the ore silo on init. Special derelict or maintanance variants should set this to FALSE. |
print_sound | Looping sound for printing items |
process_queue | Whether or not the machine is building the entire queue automagically. |
queue | Current items in the build queue. |
rmat | Reference to a remote material inventory, such as an ore silo. |
stored_part | Part currently stored in the Exofab. |
stored_research | Reference to the techweb. |
time_coeff | Coefficient for the speed of item building. Based on the installed parts. |
top_job_id | The job ID of the part currently being processed. This is used for ordering list items for the client UI. |
Procs | |
add_to_queue | Adds a datum design to the build queue. |
build_next_in_queue | Attempts to build the next item in the build queue. |
build_part | Starts the build process for a given design datum. |
dispense_built_part | Dispenses a part to the tile infront of the Exosuit Fab. |
get_construction_time_w_coeff | Calculates the coefficient-modified build time of a design. |
on_finish_printing | Intended to be called when the exofab has stopped working and is no longer printing items. |
on_start_printing | Intended to be called when an item starts printing. |
remove_from_queue | Removes datum design from the build queue based on index. |
update_menu_tech | Updates the final_sets and buildable_parts for the current mecha fabricator. |
Var Details
The current design datum that the machine is building.
World time when the build will finish.
World time when the build started.
All designs in the techweb that can be fabricated by this machine, since the last update.
Coefficient for the efficiency of material usage in item building. Based on the installed parts.
Direction the produced items will drop (0 means on top of us)
Local designs that only this mechfab have(using when mechfab emaged so it's illegal designs).
Whether the Exofab links to the ore silo on init. Special derelict or maintanance variants should set this to FALSE.
Looping sound for printing items
Whether or not the machine is building the entire queue automagically.
Current items in the build queue.
Reference to a remote material inventory, such as an ore silo.
Part currently stored in the Exofab.
Reference to the techweb.
Coefficient for the speed of item building. Based on the installed parts.
The job ID of the part currently being processed. This is used for ordering list items for the client UI.
Proc Details
Adds a datum design to the build queue.
Returns TRUE if successful and FALSE if the design was not added to the queue.
- D - Datum design to add to the queue.
Attempts to build the next item in the build queue.
Returns FALSE if either there are no more parts to build or the next part is not buildable. Returns TRUE if the next part has started building.
- verbose - Whether the machine should use say() procs. Set to FALSE to disable the machine saying reasons for failure to build.
Starts the build process for a given design datum.
Returns FALSE if the procedure fails. Returns TRUE when being_built is set. Uses materials.
- D - Design datum to attempt to print.
- verbose - Whether the machine should use say() procs. Set to FALSE to disable the machine saying reasons for failure to build.
Dispenses a part to the tile infront of the Exosuit Fab.
Returns FALSE is the machine cannot dispense the part on the appropriate turf. Return TRUE if the part was successfully dispensed.
- dispensed_design - Design datum to attempt to dispense.
Calculates the coefficient-modified build time of a design.
Returns coefficient-modified build time of a given design.
- D - Design datum to calculate the modified build time of.
- roundto - Rounding value for round() proc
Intended to be called when the exofab has stopped working and is no longer printing items.
Removes the overlay to show the fab working and sets idle power usage settings. Additionally resets the description and turns off queue processing.
Intended to be called when an item starts printing.
Adds the overlay to show the fab working and sets active power usage settings.
Removes datum design from the build queue based on index.
Returns TRUE if successful and FALSE if a design was not removed from the queue.
- index - Index in the build queue of the element to remove.
Updates the final_sets
and buildable_parts
for the current mecha fabricator.