Vars | |
ass | A reference to a mob on top of the photocopier trying to copy their ass. Null if there is no mob. |
busy | Indicates whether the printer is currently busy copying or not. |
color_mode | Used with photos. Determines if the copied photo will be in greyscale or color. |
copies_left | Variable for the UI telling us how many copies are in the queue. |
num_copies | How many copies will be printed with one click of the "copy" button. |
object_copy | Variable that holds a reference to any object supported for photocopying inside the photocopier |
paper_stack | A stack for all the empty paper we have newly inserted (LIFO) |
starting_paper | The amount of paper this photocoper starts with. |
toner_cartridge | A reference to the toner cartridge that's inserted into the copier. Null if there is no cartridge. |
Procs | |
check_ass | Checks the living mob ass exists and its location is the same as the photocopier. |
check_busy | Determines if the printer is currently busy, informs the user if it is. |
copier_blocked | Checks if the copier is deleted, or has something dense at its location. Called in mouse_drop_receive() |
copier_empty | Checks if there is an item inserted into the copier or a mob sitting on top of it. |
delete_paper | Removes an amount of paper from the printer's storage. This lets us pretend we actually consumed paper when we were actually printing something that wasn't paper. |
do_copies | Will invoke do_copy_loop asynchronously. Passes the supplied arguments on to it. |
do_copy_loop | Will invoke the passed in copy_cb callback in 4 second intervals, and charge the user 5 credits for each copy made. |
get_empty_paper | Returns an empty paper, used for blanks and paper copies.
Prioritizes paper_stack , creates new paper in case paper_stack is empty. |
get_paper_count | Gets the total amount of paper this printer has stored. |
get_toner_color | Returns the color used for the printing operation. If the color is below TONER_LOW_PERCENTAGE, it returns a gray color. |
give_pixel_offset | Gives items a random x and y pixel offset, between -10 and 10 for each. |
insert_empty_paper | Proc that handles insertion of empty paper, useful for copying later. |
make_ass_copy | Handles the copying of an ass photo. |
make_blank_print | Handles the copying of blanks. No mutating state, so this should not fail. |
make_document_copy | Handles the copying of documents. |
make_paper_copy | Handles the copying of paper. Transfers all the text, stamps and so on from the old paper, to the copy. |
make_paperwork_copy | Handles the copying of documents. |
make_photo_copy | Handles the copying of photos, which can be printed in either color or greyscale. |
remove_photocopy | Called when someone hits the "remove item" button on the copier UI. |
reset_busy | Sets busy to FALSE . |
setup_components | Simply adds the necessary components for this to function. |
Var Details
A reference to a mob on top of the photocopier trying to copy their ass. Null if there is no mob.
Indicates whether the printer is currently busy copying or not.
Used with photos. Determines if the copied photo will be in greyscale or color.
Variable for the UI telling us how many copies are in the queue.
How many copies will be printed with one click of the "copy" button.
Variable that holds a reference to any object supported for photocopying inside the photocopier
A stack for all the empty paper we have newly inserted (LIFO)
The amount of paper this photocoper starts with.
A reference to the toner cartridge that's inserted into the copier. Null if there is no cartridge.
Proc Details
Checks the living mob ass
exists and its location is the same as the photocopier.
Returns FALSE if ass
doesn't exist or is not at the copier's location. Returns TRUE otherwise.
Determines if the printer is currently busy, informs the user if it is.
Checks if the copier is deleted, or has something dense at its location. Called in mouse_drop_receive()
Checks if there is an item inserted into the copier or a mob sitting on top of it.
Return FALSE
is the copier has something inside of it. Returns TRUE
if it doesn't.
Removes an amount of paper from the printer's storage. This lets us pretend we actually consumed paper when we were actually printing something that wasn't paper.
Will invoke do_copy_loop
asynchronously. Passes the supplied arguments on to it.
Will invoke the passed in copy_cb
callback in 4 second intervals, and charge the user 5 credits for each copy made.
- copy_cb - a callback for which proc to call. Should only be one of the
procs, such asmake_paper_copy()
. - user - the mob who clicked copy.
- paper_use - the amount of paper used in this operation
- toner_use - the amount of toner used in this operation
- copies_amount - the amount of copies we should make
Returns an empty paper, used for blanks and paper copies.
Prioritizes paper_stack
, creates new paper in case paper_stack
is empty.
Gets the total amount of paper this printer has stored.
Returns the color used for the printing operation. If the color is below TONER_LOW_PERCENTAGE, it returns a gray color.
Gives items a random x and y pixel offset, between -10 and 10 for each.
This is done that when someone prints multiple papers, we dont have them all appear to be stacked in the same exact location.
- copied_item - The paper, document, or photo that was just spawned on top of the printer.
Proc that handles insertion of empty paper, useful for copying later.
Handles the copying of an ass photo.
Calls check_ass()
first to make sure that ass
exists, among other conditions. Since this proc is called from a timer, it's possible that it was removed.
Additionally checks that the mob has their clothes off.
Handles the copying of blanks. No mutating state, so this should not fail.
Handles the copying of documents.
Checks first if document_copy
exists. Since this proc is called from a timer, it's possible that it was removed.
Handles the copying of paper. Transfers all the text, stamps and so on from the old paper, to the copy.
Checks first if paper_copy
exists. Since this proc is called from a timer, it's possible that it was removed.
Handles the copying of documents.
Checks first if paperwork_copy
exists. Since this proc is called from a timer, it's possible that it was removed.
Copies the stamp from a given piece of paperwork if it is already stamped, allowing for you to sell photocopied paperwork at the risk of losing budget money.
Handles the copying of photos, which can be printed in either color or greyscale.
Checks first if picture
exists. Since this proc is called from a timer, it's possible that it was removed.
Called when someone hits the "remove item" button on the copier UI.
If the user is a silicon, it drops the object at the location of the copier. If the user is not a silicon, it tries to put the object in their hands first.
Sets busy
because if the inserted item is removed, the copier should halt copying.
- object - the item we're trying to remove.
- user - the user removing the item.
Sets busy to FALSE
Simply adds the necessary components for this to function.