Vars | |
current_pressure_state | used while processing to update appearance only when its pressure state changes |
filled | How much the canister should be filled (recommended from 0 to 1) |
gas_type | Stores the path of the gas for mapped canisters |
internal_cell | The powercell used to enable shielding |
maximum_pressure | Maximum pressure allowed on initialize inside the canister, multiplied by the filled var |
release_log | Used to log opening and closing of the valve, available on VV |
release_pressure | Player controlled var that set the release pressure of the canister |
shielding_powered | Is shielding turned on/off |
valve_open | Is the valve open? |
window | Window overlay showing the gas inside the canister |
Procs | |
canister_break | Handle canisters disassemble, releases the gas content in the turf |
create_gas | Called on Initialize(), fill the canister with the gas_type specified up to the filled level (half if 0.5, full if 1) Used for canisters spawned in maps and by admins |
eject_tank | Ejects tank from canister, if any |
get_pressure_state | return the icon_state component for the canister's indicator light based on its current pressure reading |
toggle_reaction_suppression | Turns hyper-noblium crystal reaction suppression in the canister on or off |
toggle_shielding | Turns canister shielding on or off |
toggle_valve | Opens/closes the canister valve |
update_window | Updates the overlays of this canister based on its air contents |
Var Details
used while processing to update appearance only when its pressure state changes
How much the canister should be filled (recommended from 0 to 1)
Stores the path of the gas for mapped canisters
The powercell used to enable shielding
Maximum pressure allowed on initialize inside the canister, multiplied by the filled var
Used to log opening and closing of the valve, available on VV
Player controlled var that set the release pressure of the canister
Is shielding turned on/off
Is the valve open?
Window overlay showing the gas inside the canister
Proc Details
Handle canisters disassemble, releases the gas content in the turf
Called on Initialize(), fill the canister with the gas_type specified up to the filled level (half if 0.5, full if 1) Used for canisters spawned in maps and by admins
Ejects tank from canister, if any
return the icon_state component for the canister's indicator light based on its current pressure reading
Turns hyper-noblium crystal reaction suppression in the canister on or off
Turns canister shielding on or off
Opens/closes the canister valve
Updates the overlays of this canister based on its air contents