Vars | |
all_parts_connected | Check to see if all parts are connected to the core |
compressor | Reference to the compressor |
damage | Amount of damage the machine has received |
damage_archived | Used to calculate the max damage received per tick and if the alarm should be called |
mapping_id | ID to easily connect the main part of the turbine to the computer |
max_allowed_rpm | Max rmp that the installed parts can handle, limits the rpms |
max_allowed_temperature | Max temperature that the installed parts can handle, unlimited and causes damage to the machine |
produced_energy | Amount of power the machine is producing |
radio | Our internal radio |
rpm | Rotation per minute the machine is doing |
turbine | Reference to the turbine |
Procs | |
activate_parts | Called to activate the complete machine, checks for part presence, correct orientation and installed parts Registers the input/output turfs |
all_parts_ready | Returns true if all parts have their panel closed |
call_parts_update_appearance | Calls all parts update appearance proc. |
deactivate_parts | Allows to null the various machines and references from the main core |
feedback | convinience proc for balloon alert which returns if viewer is null |
get_turbine_integrity | Getter for turbine integrity, return the amount in % |
power_off | Deactivate all three parts, not safe, it assumes the machine already connected and properly working will try to turn off whatever components are left of this machine |
power_on | Activate all three parts, not safe, it assumes the machine already connected and properly working It does a minimun check to ensure the parts still exist |
toggle_power | Toggle power on and off, not safe |
Var Details
Check to see if all parts are connected to the core
Reference to the compressor
Amount of damage the machine has received
Used to calculate the max damage received per tick and if the alarm should be called
ID to easily connect the main part of the turbine to the computer
Max rmp that the installed parts can handle, limits the rpms
Max temperature that the installed parts can handle, unlimited and causes damage to the machine
Amount of power the machine is producing
Our internal radio
Rotation per minute the machine is doing
Reference to the turbine
Proc Details
Called to activate the complete machine, checks for part presence, correct orientation and installed parts Registers the input/output turfs
Returns true if all parts have their panel closed
Calls all parts update appearance proc.
Allows to null the various machines and references from the main core
convinience proc for balloon alert which returns if viewer is null
Getter for turbine integrity, return the amount in %
Deactivate all three parts, not safe, it assumes the machine already connected and properly working will try to turn off whatever components are left of this machine
Activate all three parts, not safe, it assumes the machine already connected and properly working It does a minimun check to ensure the parts still exist
Toggle power on and off, not safe