Vars | |
active_power_usage | Energy cost per full stack of materials spent. Material insertion is 40% of this. |
allowed_buildtypes | The types of designs this fabricator can print. |
allowed_department_flags | Which departments are allowed to process this design |
cached_designs | All designs in the techweb that can be fabricated by this machine, since the last update. |
drop_direction | direction we output onto (if 0, on top of us) |
efficiency_coeff | The efficiency coefficient. Material costs and print times are multiplied by this number; |
materials | The material storage used by this fabricator. |
production_animation | Icon state when production has started |
stripe_color | What color is this machine's stripe? Leave null to not have a stripe. |
Procs | |
build_efficiency | The cost efficiency for an particular design Arguments |
compute_efficiency | Computes this machines cost efficiency based on the available parts |
do_make_item | Callback for start_making, actually makes the item Arguments |
finalize_build | Resets the busy flag Called at the end of do_make_item's timer loop |
flick_animation | Plays an visual animation when materials are inserted Arguments |
local_material_insert | When materials are instered into local storage |
process_item | Consumes power for the item inserted either into silo or local storage. Arguments |
silo_material_insert | When materials are instered via silo link |
update_designs | Updates the list of designs this fabricator can print. |
Var Details
Energy cost per full stack of materials spent. Material insertion is 40% of this.
The types of designs this fabricator can print.
Which departments are allowed to process this design
All designs in the techweb that can be fabricated by this machine, since the last update.
direction we output onto (if 0, on top of us)
The efficiency coefficient. Material costs and print times are multiplied by this number;
The material storage used by this fabricator.
Icon state when production has started
What color is this machine's stripe? Leave null to not have a stripe.
Proc Details
The cost efficiency for an particular design Arguments
- path - the design path to check for
Computes this machines cost efficiency based on the available parts
Callback for start_making, actually makes the item Arguments
- datum/design/design - the design we are trying to print
- items_remaining - the number of designs left out to print
- build_time_per_item - the time taken to print 1 item
- material_cost_coefficient - the cost efficiency to print 1 design
- charge_per_item - the amount of power to print 1 item
- turf/target - the location to drop the printed item on
Resets the busy flag Called at the end of do_make_item's timer loop
Plays an visual animation when materials are inserted Arguments
- mat - the material ref we are trying to animate on the machine
When materials are instered into local storage
Consumes power for the item inserted either into silo or local storage. Arguments
- obj/item/item_inserted - the item to process
- list/mats_consumed - list of mats consumed
- amount_inserted - amount of material actually processed
When materials are instered via silo link
Updates the list of designs this fabricator can print.