/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details


The equivalent of the server, for PDA and request console messages. Without it, PDA and request console messages cannot be transmitted. PDAs require the rest of the telecomms setup, but request consoles only require the message server.


calibratingInit reads this and adds world.time, then becomes 0 when that time has passed and the machine works. Basically, if it's not 0, it's calibrating and therefore non-functional.
decryptkeyThe password of this messaging server.
pda_msgsA list of all the PDA messages that were intercepted and processed by this messaging server.
rc_msgsA list of all the Request Console messages that were intercepted and processed by this messaging server.

Var Details


Init reads this and adds world.time, then becomes 0 when that time has passed and the machine works. Basically, if it's not 0, it's calibrating and therefore non-functional.


The password of this messaging server.


A list of all the PDA messages that were intercepted and processed by this messaging server.


A list of all the Request Console messages that were intercepted and processed by this messaging server.