Marksman Coin
Vars | |
crosshair_indicator | The crosshair icon put on the targeted turf for the user- so we can remove it from their images when done |
num_of_splitshots | When this coin is targeted with a valid splitshot, it creates this many child splitshots |
original_firer | The mob who originally flipped this coin, as a matter of convenience, may be able tto be removed |
target_turf | Save the turf we're aiming for for future use |
used | When a coin has been activated, is is marked as used, so that it is taken out of consideration for any further ricochets |
valid | Coins are valid while within a tile of their target tile, and can only be directly ricoshot during this time. |
Procs | |
check_splitshot | We've been shot by a marksman revolver shot, or the ricochet off another coin, check if we can actually ricochet. The forced var being TRUE means it's a ricochet from another coin |
find_next_target | Find what the splitshots will want to target next, with the order roughly based off the UK coin |
fire_splitshot | Shoot an individual splitshot at a new target |
iterate_splitshots | Now we actually create all the splitshots, loop through however many splits we'll create and fire them |
remove_crosshair_indicator | Remove the crosshair indicator from the original firer if it exists |
Var Details
The crosshair icon put on the targeted turf for the user- so we can remove it from their images when done
When this coin is targeted with a valid splitshot, it creates this many child splitshots
The mob who originally flipped this coin, as a matter of convenience, may be able tto be removed
Save the turf we're aiming for for future use
When a coin has been activated, is is marked as used, so that it is taken out of consideration for any further ricochets
Coins are valid while within a tile of their target tile, and can only be directly ricoshot during this time.
Proc Details
We've been shot by a marksman revolver shot, or the ricochet off another coin, check if we can actually ricochet. The forced var being TRUE means it's a ricochet from another coin
Find what the splitshots will want to target next, with the order roughly based off the UK coin
Shoot an individual splitshot at a new target
Now we actually create all the splitshots, loop through however many splits we'll create and fire them
Remove the crosshair indicator from the original firer if it exists