/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



access_choicesaccess types for card reader
access_lockedshould we prevent further access change
air_volumeVolume of the internal air
card_reader_installedis the card reader installed in this machine
contents_pressure_protectionHow close being inside of the thing provides complete pressure safety. Must be between 0 and 1!
contents_thermal_insulationHow insulated the thing is, for the purposes of calculating body temperature. Must be between 0 and 1!
divableWhether a skittish person can dive inside this closet. Disable if opening the closet causes "bad things" to happen or that it leads to a logical inconsistency.
door_anim_angleThe maximum angle the door will be drawn at
door_anim_squishVertical squish of the door
door_anim_timeAmount of time it takes for the door animation to play
door_hinge_xX position of the closet door hinge, relative to the center of the sprite
door_objThe overlay for the closet's door
enable_door_overlayControls whether a door overlay should be applied using the icon_door value as the icon state
id_cardis this closet locked by an exclusive id, i.e. your own personal locker
internal_airInternal gas for this closet.
is_animating_doorWhether or not this door is being animated
paint_jobsPaint jobs for this closet, crates are a subtype of closet so they override these values
sealedWhether this closet is sealed or not. If sealed, it'll have its own internal air
securesecure locker or not, also used if overriding a non-secure locker with a secure door overlay to add fancy lights
strong_grabtrue whenever someone with the strong pull component (or magnet modsuit module) is dragging this, preventing opening
x_shake_pixel_shiftHow many pixels the closet can shift on the x axis when shaking
y_shake_pixel_shifthow many pixels the closet can shift on the y axes when shaking


add_to_roundstart_listAdds the closet to a global list. Placed in its own proc so that crates may be excluded.
after_closeProc to do effects after closet has closed
after_openProc to override for effects after opening a door
animate_doorAnimates the closet door opening and closing
attacked_bySpears deal bonus damages to lockers
before_closeProc to write checks before closing a door
before_openProc to write checks before opening a door
can_install_airlock_electronicscheck if we can install airlock electronics in this closet
can_install_card_readercheck if we can install card reader in this closet
can_pryout_card_readercheck if we can pry out the card reader from this closet
can_unlockreturns TRUE if the closet is allowed to unlock
can_unscrew_airlock_electronicscheck if we can unscrew airlock electronics from this closet
check_if_shakeCheck if someone is still resisting inside, and choose to either keep shaking or stop shaking the closet
end_door_animationEnds the door animation and removes the animated overlay
get_door_transformCalculates the matrix to be applied to the animated door overlay
locktoggles the lock state of a closet
on_magic_unlockSignal proc for COMSIG_ATOM_MAGICALLY_UNLOCKED. Unlock and open up when we get knock casted.
play_closet_lock_soundplays the closet's lock/unlock sound, this should be placed AFTER you've changed the lock state
populate_contents_immediatePopulate the closet with stuff that needs to be added before it is opened. This is useful for things like traitor objectives.
populate_with_random_maint_lootSpawns two to six maintenance spawners inside the closet
set_accesssets the access for the closets from the swiped ID card
toggleToggles a closet open or closed, to the opposite state. Does not respect locked or welded states, however.
tool_interactreturns TRUE if attackBy call shouldn't be continued (because tool was used/closet was of wrong type), FALSE if otherwise
unlockunlocks the closet

Var Details


access types for card reader


should we prevent further access change


Volume of the internal air


is the card reader installed in this machine


How close being inside of the thing provides complete pressure safety. Must be between 0 and 1!


How insulated the thing is, for the purposes of calculating body temperature. Must be between 0 and 1!


Whether a skittish person can dive inside this closet. Disable if opening the closet causes "bad things" to happen or that it leads to a logical inconsistency.


The maximum angle the door will be drawn at


Vertical squish of the door


Amount of time it takes for the door animation to play


X position of the closet door hinge, relative to the center of the sprite


The overlay for the closet's door


Controls whether a door overlay should be applied using the icon_door value as the icon state


is this closet locked by an exclusive id, i.e. your own personal locker


Internal gas for this closet.


Whether or not this door is being animated


Paint jobs for this closet, crates are a subtype of closet so they override these values


Whether this closet is sealed or not. If sealed, it'll have its own internal air


secure locker or not, also used if overriding a non-secure locker with a secure door overlay to add fancy lights


true whenever someone with the strong pull component (or magnet modsuit module) is dragging this, preventing opening


How many pixels the closet can shift on the x axis when shaking


how many pixels the closet can shift on the y axes when shaking

Proc Details


Adds the closet to a global list. Placed in its own proc so that crates may be excluded.


Proc to do effects after closet has closed


Proc to override for effects after opening a door


Animates the closet door opening and closing


Spears deal bonus damages to lockers


Proc to write checks before closing a door


Proc to write checks before opening a door


check if we can install airlock electronics in this closet


check if we can install card reader in this closet


check if we can pry out the card reader from this closet


returns TRUE if the closet is allowed to unlock


check if we can unscrew airlock electronics from this closet


Check if someone is still resisting inside, and choose to either keep shaking or stop shaking the closet


Ends the door animation and removes the animated overlay


Calculates the matrix to be applied to the animated door overlay


toggles the lock state of a closet


Signal proc for COMSIG_ATOM_MAGICALLY_UNLOCKED. Unlock and open up when we get knock casted.


plays the closet's lock/unlock sound, this should be placed AFTER you've changed the lock state


Populate the closet with stuff that needs to be added before it is opened. This is useful for things like traitor objectives.


Spawns two to six maintenance spawners inside the closet


sets the access for the closets from the swiped ID card


Toggles a closet open or closed, to the opposite state. Does not respect locked or welded states, however.


returns TRUE if attackBy call shouldn't be continued (because tool was used/closet was of wrong type), FALSE if otherwise


unlocks the closet