/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details



created_namePlayer generated name string from renaming.
electronicsReference to the airlock electronics inside for determining window access.
facingDoes the windoor open to the left or right?
secureWhether or not this creates a secure windoor
stateWindoor (window door) assembly -Nodrak Step 1: Create a windoor out of rglass Step 2: Add r-glass to the assembly to make a secure windoor (Optional) Step 3: Rotate or Flip the assembly to face and open the way you want Step 4: Wrench the assembly in place Step 5: Add cables to the assembly Step 6: Set access for the door. Step 7: Crowbar the door to complete

Var Details


Player generated name string from renaming.


Reference to the airlock electronics inside for determining window access.


Does the windoor open to the left or right?


Whether or not this creates a secure windoor


Windoor (window door) assembly -Nodrak Step 1: Create a windoor out of rglass Step 2: Add r-glass to the assembly to make a secure windoor (Optional) Step 3: Rotate or Flip the assembly to face and open the way you want Step 4: Wrench the assembly in place Step 5: Add cables to the assembly Step 6: Set access for the door. Step 7: Crowbar the door to complete