/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Mineral deposits


defer_changeIf true, this turf will not call AfterChange during change_turf calls.
hand_mine_speedHow long it takes to mine this turf without tools, if it's weak.
mineralAmtHow much ore we spawn when we're mining a mineralType.
mineralTypeThe path of the ore stack we spawn when we're mined.
scan_stateHolder for the image we display when we're pinged by a mining scanner
spawned_boulderIf we spawn a boulder like on the gulag, we use this in lou of mineralType
tool_mine_speedHow long it takes to mine this turf with tools, before the tool's speed and the user's skill modifier are factored in.
weak_turfIf true you can mine the mineral turf without tools.


prox_to_ventReturns the distance to the nearest ore vent, where ore vents are tracked in SSore_generation's possible vents list. Returns 0 if we're not on lavaland, and as we're using get_dist, our range is limited to 127 tiles.
proximity_ore_chanceReturns the chance of ore spawning in this turf, based on proximity to a vent. See mining defines for the chances and distance defines.
scale_ore_to_ventReturns the amount of ore to spawn in this turf, based on proximity to a vent. If for some reason we have a distance of zero (like being off mining Z levels), we return a random amount between 1 and 5 instead.
shuttleRotateTurf rotate procs

Var Details


If true, this turf will not call AfterChange during change_turf calls.


How long it takes to mine this turf without tools, if it's weak.


How much ore we spawn when we're mining a mineralType.


The path of the ore stack we spawn when we're mined.


Holder for the image we display when we're pinged by a mining scanner


If we spawn a boulder like on the gulag, we use this in lou of mineralType


How long it takes to mine this turf with tools, before the tool's speed and the user's skill modifier are factored in.


If true you can mine the mineral turf without tools.

Proc Details


Returns the distance to the nearest ore vent, where ore vents are tracked in SSore_generation's possible vents list. Returns 0 if we're not on lavaland, and as we're using get_dist, our range is limited to 127 tiles.


Returns the chance of ore spawning in this turf, based on proximity to a vent. See mining defines for the chances and distance defines.


Returns the amount of ore to spawn in this turf, based on proximity to a vent. If for some reason we have a distance of zero (like being off mining Z levels), we return a random amount between 1 and 5 instead.


Turf rotate procs