/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



SSaccessoriessubsystem that just holds lists of sprite accessories for accession in generating said sprites. A sprite accessory is something that we add to a human sprite to make them look different. This is hair, facial hair, underwear, mutant bits, etc.
SSacidThe subsystem used to tick /datum/component/acid instances.
SSai_behaviorsThe subsystem used to tick /datum/ai_behavior instances. Handling the individual actions an AI can take like punching someone in the fucking NUTS
SSai_controllersThe subsystem used to tick /datum/ai_controllers instances. Handling the re-checking of plans.
SSai_movementThe subsystem used to tick /datum/ai_movement instances. Handling the movement of individual AI instances
SSambienceThe subsystem used to play ambience to users every now and then, makes them real excited.
SSarea_contentsResponsible for managing the sizes of area.contained_turfs and area.turfs_to_uncontain These lists do not check for duplicates, which is fine, but it also means they can balloon in size over time as a consequence of repeated changes in area in a space They additionally may not always resolve often enough to avoid memory leaks This is annoying, so lets keep an eye on them and cut them down to size if needed
SSasset_loadingAllows us to lazyload asset datums Anything inserted here will fully load if directly gotten So this just serves to remove the requirement to load assets fully during init
SSauraThe subsystem used to tick auras (/datum/component/aura_healing and /datum/component/damage_aura).
SSban_cacheSubsystem that batches a ban cache list for clients on initialize This way we don't need to do ban checks in series later in the code
SSburningThe subsystem used to tick /datum/component/burning instances.
SScliff_fallingSubsystem to handle falling of off cliffs
SSclock_componentThe subsystem used to tick /datum/component/acid instances.
SSdigital_clockThe subsystem used to tick digital clocks
SSearly_assetsInitializes any assets that need to be loaded ASAP. This houses preference menu assets, since they can be loaded at any time, most dangerously before the atoms SS initializes. Thus, we want it to fail consistently in CI as if it would've if a player opened it up early.
SSescape_menuSubsystem for controlling anything related to the escape menu
SSfishingsubsystem for the fishing minigame processing.
SSfoamThe subsystem responsible for processing foam propagation and effects.
SShyperspace_driftThis subsystem handles the hyperspace shuttle pull movement loops
SSid_accessNon-processing subsystem that holds various procs and data structures to manage ID cards, trims and access.
SSinit_profilerSubsystem exists so we can separately log init time costs from the costs of general operation Hopefully this makes sorting out what causes problems when easier
SSlag_switchThe subsystem for controlling drastic performance enhancements aimed at reducing server load for a smoother albeit slightly duller gaming experience
SSlibraryManages library data, loading bookselves, etc
SSlootingQueues image generation for search objects without icons
SSmouse_enteredDefers MouseEntered inputs to only apply to the most recently hovered over atom in the tick
SSnewtonian_movementThe subsystem is intended to tick things related to space/newtonian movement, such as constant sources of inertia
SSpathfinderQueues and manages JPS pathfinding steps
SSpoints_of_interestSubsystem for managing all POIs.
SSradioactive_nebulaControls making objects irradiated when Radioactive Nebula is in effect.
SSsinguloprocessVery rare subsystem, provides any active singularities with the timings and seclusion they need to succeed
SSsmokeThe subsystem responsible for processing smoke propagation and effects.
SSspeech_controllerverb_manager subsystem just for handling say's
SStguitgui subsystem
SStutorialsNamespace for housing code relating to giving contextual tutorials to users.
SSunplanned_controllersHandles making mobs perform lightweight "idle" behaviors such as wandering around when they have nothing planned
SSverb_managerSSverb_manager, a subsystem that runs every tick and runs through its entire queue without yielding like SSinput. this exists because of how the byond tick works and where user inputted verbs are put within it.
SSwardrobeThis subsystem strives to make loading large amounts of select objects as smooth at execution as possible It preloads a set of types to store, and caches them until requested Doesn't catch everything mind, this is intentional. There's many types that expect to either A: Not sit in a list for 2 hours, or B: have extra context passed into them, or for their parent to be their location You should absolutely not spam this system, it will break things in new and wonderful ways S close enough for government work though. Fuck you goonstation
SSweatherUsed for all kinds of weather, ex. lavaland ash storms.
SSwiremod_compositeThis subsystem is to handle creating and storing composite templates that are used to create composite datatypes for integrated circuits


GUIDreturns a GUID like identifier (using a mostly made up record format) guids are not on their own suitable for access or security tokens, as most of their bits are predictable. (But may make a nice salt to one)
GetBestWeaponReturns either the best weapon from the given choices or null if held weapons are better
GetTgsStealthKeyGets TGS's stealth key, generates one if none is found
GibberishTurn text into complete gibberish!
HandleUserlessProcCallHandles a userless proccall, used by circuits.
HandleUserlessSDQLHandles a userless sdql, used by circuits and tgs.
IsEdiblereturns if something can be consumed, drink or food
REF\ref behaviour got changed in 512 so this is necesary to replicate old behaviour. If it ever becomes necesary to get a more performant REF(), this lies here in wait #define REF(thing) (thing && isdatum(thing) && (thing:datum_flags & DF_USE_TAG) && thing:tag ? "[thing:tag]" : text_ref(thing))
RoundDiagBarDiagnostic HUDs!
WEAKREFCreates a weakref to the given input. See /datum/weakref's documentation for more information.
WrapAdminProcCallWrapper for proccalls where the datum is flagged as vareditted
___TraitAddDO NOT USE ___TraitAdd OR ___TraitRemove as a replacement for ADD_TRAIT / REMOVE_TRAIT defines. To be used explicitly for callback.
___TraitRemoveDO NOT USE ___TraitAdd OR ___TraitRemove as a replacement for ADD_TRAIT / REMOVE_TRAIT defines. To be used explicitly for callback.
______qdel_list_wrapperthe underscores are to encourage people not to use this directly.
__check_serialization_semverChecks if the actual semver is equal or later than the wanted semver Must be passed as TEXT; you're probably looking for CHECK_SERIALIZATION_SEMVER, look right above
_add_memory_in_rangeUnless you need to use this for an explicit reason, use the add_memory_in_range macro wrapper.
_addtimerCreate a new timer and insert it in the queue. You should not call this directly, and should instead use the addtimer macro, which includes source information.
_alert_dronesBroadcast a message to all drones in a faction
_animate_filterAuxtools REALLY doesn't know how to handle filters as values; when passed as arguments to auxtools-called procs, they aren't simply treated as nulls - they don't even count towards the length of args. For example, calling some_proc([a filter], foo, bar) from auxtools is equivalent to calling some_proc(foo, bar). Thus, we can't use _animate directly on filters. Use this to perform animation steps on a filter. Consecutive steps on the same filter can be achieved by calling _animate with no target.
_export_loopThe main bit responsible for selling the item. Shared by export_single_item() and export_item_and_contents()
_malf_ai_undo_lockdownFor Lockdown malf AI ability. Opens all doors on the station.
_pick_listAllow me to explain for some reason, if pick() is passed arglist(args) directly and args contains only one list it considers it to be a list of lists this means something like _pick(list) would fail need to do this instead
_queue_verbqueue a callback for the given verb/verblike proc and any given arguments to the specified verb subsystem, so that they process in the next tick. intended to only work with verbs or verblike procs called directly from client input, use as part of TRY_QUEUE_VERB() and co.
_save_mapHey bud don't call this directly, it exists so we can invoke async and prevent the buildmode datum being qdel'd from halting this proc
_stack_tracegives us the stack trace from CRASH() without ending the current proc. Do not call directly, use the stack_trace macro instead.
aas_config_announceAnnounces the provided message with the provided variables and config entry type. Channels, announcement_line, command_span and source are optional.
above_neckWould this zone be above the neck
actionspeed_data_null_checkChecks if a action speed modifier is valid and not missing any data
active_free_borgsSilicon Mob Procs
add_image_to_clientAdds an image to a client's .images. Useful as a callback.
add_image_to_clientsLike add_image_to_client, but will add the image from a list of clients
add_keybindingAdds an instanced keybinding to the global tracker
add_lua_editor_variantsGiven a list and a list of its variant hints, appends variants that aren't explicitly required by dreamluau, but are required by the lua editor tgui.
add_messengerRegisters an NTMessenger instance to the list of pda_messengers.
add_to_signaler_investigate_logUsed to add a text log to the signaler investigation log. Do not add to the list directly; if the list is too large it can cause lag when an admin tries to view it.
add_verbhandles adding verbs and updating the stat panel browser
admin_ticket_logUse this proc when an admin takes action that may be related to an open ticket on what what can be a client, ckey, or mob player_message: If the message should be shown in the player ticket panel, fill this out log_in_blackbox: Whether or not this message with the blackbox system. If disabled, this message should be logged with a different proc call
adminscrubRuns STRIP_HTML_SIMPLE and byond's sanitization proc.
alert_to_permissions_elevation_attemptSends a message in the event that someone attempts to elevate their permissions through invoking a certain proc.
alone_in_areaChecks if the mob provided (must_be_alone) is alone in an area
amount2sheetTurns material amount into the number of sheets, returning FALSE if the number is less than SHEET_MATERIAL_AMOUNT
announce_arrivalSend a message in common radio when a player arrives
anyprobchances are 1:value. anyprob(1) will always return true
apply_dynamic_human_appearanceThis exists to apply the icons async, as that cannot be done in Initialize because of possible sleeps.
apply_matrix_to_colorApplies a color filter to a hex/RGB list color
armor_to_protection_classRounds armor_value down to the nearest 10, divides it by 10 and then converts it to Roman numerals.
armor_to_protection_nameReturns the client readable name of an armor type
assert_sortedRuntimes if the passed in list is not sorted
assign_random_nameGenerate a name devices
assoc_to_keysTurns an associative list into a flat list of keys
assoc_to_keys_featuresTurns an associative list into a flat list of keys, but for sprite accessories, respecting the locked variable
assoc_value_sumGets the total amount of everything in the associative list.
at_leastTakes a value, and a threshold it has to at least match returns the correctly signed value max'd to the threshold
atmos_handbooks_initAutomatically populates gas_handbook and reaction_handbook. They are formatted lists containing information regarding gases and reactions they participate in. Structure can be found in TS form at AtmosHandbook.tsx
atmos_scanOutputs a message to the user describing the target's gasmixes.
avoid_assoc_duplicate_keystakes an input_key, as text, and the list of keys already used, outputting a replacement key in the format of "[input_key] ([number_of_duplicates])" if it finds a duplicate use this for lists of things that might have the same name, like mobs or objects, that you plan on giving to a player as input
baseturfs_string_listA wrapper for baseturf string lists, to offer support of non list values, and a stack_trace if we have major issues
begin_the_endBegins the process of ending the round via cult narsie win Consists of later called procs (in order of called):
bit_countcounts the number of bits in Byond's 16-bit width field, in constant time and memory!
bitfield_to_listConverts a bitfield to a list of numbers (or words if a wordlist is provided)
blend_cutoff_colorsUsed to blend together two different color cutoffs Uses the screen blendmode under the hood, essentially just /proc/blend_screen_color But paired down and modified to work for our color range Accepts the color cutoffs as two 3 length list(0-100,...) arguments
blend_screen_colorBlends together two colors (passed as 3 or 4 length lists) using the screen blend mode Much like multiply, screen effects the brightness of the resulting color Screen blend will always lighten the resulting color, since before multiplication we invert the colors This makes our resulting output brighter instead of darker
body_zone2cover_flagsFor finding out what body parts a body zone covers, the inverse of the below basically
border_diamond_range_turfsReturns the list of turfs around the outside of a center based on RANGE_TURFS()
build_chemical_reactions_listsChemical Reactions - Initialises all /datum/chemical_reaction into a list It is filtered into multiple lists within a list. For example: chemical_reactions_list_reactant_index/datum/reagent/toxin/plasma is a list of all reactions relating to plasma For chemical reaction list product index - indexes reactions based off the product reagent type - see get_recipe_from_reagent_product() in helpers For chemical reactions list lookup list - creates a bit list of info passed to the UI. This is saved to reduce lag from new windows opening, since it's a lot of data.
build_exploration_site_ui_dataHelper proc for exploration site listings in ui.
build_medicine_reagentsJust grab every craftable medicine you can think off
build_name2reagentlistBuilds map of reagent name to its datum path
build_planeed_apperance_queueTakes a list of mutable appearances Returns a list in the form: 1 - a list of all mutable appearances that would need to be updated to change planes in the event of a z layer change, alnongside the commands required to properly track parents to update 2 - a list of all parents that will require updating
calculate_light_offsetReturns a list of x and y offsets to apply to our visual lighting position
calculate_projectile_angle_and_pixel_offsetsCalculates the pixel offsets and angle that a projectile should be launched at.
calculate_tgm_header_indexGenerates a key matching our index
callback_on_everyone_on_zInvokes a callback on every living mob on the provided z level.
callback_selectRuns a list of callbacks asyncronously, returning only when all have finished
can_seeStep-towards method of determining whether one atom can see another. Similar to viewers() note: this is a line of sight algorithm, view() does not do any sort of raycasting and cannot be emulated by it accurately
censor_ic_filter_for_pdasGiven a pda message, will replace any match in the message with grawlixs.
center_imageCenter's an image. Requires: The Image The x dimension of the icon file used in the image The y dimension of the icon file used in the image eg: center_image(image_to_center, 32,32) eg2: center_image(image_to_center, 96,96)
chatter_speakWe're going to take a list that dictates the pace of speech, and a sentence fragment to say Then say() that fragment at that pace You can pass in a starting delay to wait before speaking the next sound
check_asay_linksChecks a given message to see if any of the words are something we want to treat specially, as detailed below.
check_behindChecks to see if atom/source is behind atom/target
check_gasesA simple helped proc that checks if the contents of a list of gases are within acceptable terms.
check_holidaysChecks that the passed holiday is located in the global holidays list.
check_pda_message_against_filterChecks a PDA message against the IC/Soft IC filter. Returns TRUE if the message should be sent. Notifies the user passed in arguments if the message matched either filter.
check_target_facingsReturns the direction that the initiator and the target are facing
check_teleport_validValidates that the teleport being attempted is valid or not
check_topdown_validityChecks if a passed in MA or atom is allowed to have its current plane/layer matchup
check_wall_itemCheck if there is already a wall item on the turf loc floor_loc = floor tile in front of the wall dir_toward_wall = direction from the floor tile in front of the wall towards the wall check_external = truthy if we should be checking against items coming out of the wall, rather than visually on top of the wall.
check_zoneConvert a PRECISE ZONE into the BODY_ZONE
chem_splashThe basic chemical bomb proc. Combines a set of reagent holders into one holder and reacts it. If there are any reagents left over it spreads them across the surrounding environment. The maximum volume of the holder is temporarily adjusted to allow for reactions which increase total volume to work at full effectiveness. The maximum volume of the holder is then reset to its original value.
circle_rangeReturns all atoms present in a circle around the center
circle_range_turfsReturns a list of turfs around a center based on RANGE_TURFS()
circle_viewReturns all atoms present in a circle around the center but uses view() instead of range() (Currently not used)
circle_view_turfsReturns a list of turfs around a center based on view()
cleanup_ghostsGives a farewell message and deletes the ghosts produced by a ghost portal structure.
cmp_assoc_list_namePassed a list of assoc lists, sorts them by the list's "name" keys.
cmp_autowiki_fish_sources_contentSort the autowiki fish entries by their weight. However, duds always come first.
cmp_bodypart_by_body_part_ascOrders bodyparts by their body_part value, ascending.
cmp_camera_ctag_ascOrders cameras by their c_tag ascending
cmp_crafting_req_prioritySorts crafting recipe requirements before the crafting recipe is inserted into GLOB.crafting_recipes
cmp_fish_fluidOrders fish types following this order (freshwater -> saltwater -> anadromous -> sulphuric water -> any water -> air) If both share the same required fluid type, they'll be ordered by name instead.
cmp_heretic_knowledgeOrders heretic knowledge by priority
cmp_mob_healthOrders mobs by health
cmp_port_order_ascOrders by integrated circuit weight
cmp_rped_sortSorts stock parts based on tier
cmp_uplink_category_descOrders by uplink category weight
cmp_vending_pricesOrders vending products by their price
color_to_full_rgba_matrixConverts RGB shorthands into RGBA matrices complete of constants rows (ergo a 20 keys list in byond). if return_identity_on_fail is true, stack_trace is called instead of CRASH, and an identity is returned.
color_transformConstructs a transformer, with optional color multiply pre-added.
colorize_stringGets a color for a name, will return the same color for a given string consistently within a round.atom
compare_listcompare two lists, returns TRUE if they are the same
considered_afkChecks if a player is considered AFK
considered_aliveChecks if the passed mind has a mob that is "alive"
considered_escapedChecks if the passed mind is considered "escaped".
considered_exiledExiled check
construct_phobia_regexCreates a regular expression to match against the given phobia Capture group 2 = the scary word Capture group 3 = an optional suffix on the scary word
convert_integer_to_wordsTakes an integer up to 999,999,999 and returns it in words. Works with negative numbers and 0.
convert_ph_to_readable_colorConverts the pH into a tgui readable color - i.e. white and black text is readable over it. This is NOT the colourwheel for pHes however.
coords2turfConverts a list of coordinates, or an assosciative list if passed, into a turf by calling locate(x, y, z) based on the values in the list
copy_appearance_filter_overlaysCopies the passed /appearance, returns a /mutable_appearance
count_by_typereturn the amount of items of the same type inside a list
create_announcement_divInserts a span styled message into an alert box div
create_atmos_zoneCreate an atmos zone (Think ZAS), similiar to [proc/detect_room] but it ignores walls and turfs which are non-[atmos_can_pass]
create_basketball_gameCreates the global datum for playing basketball games, destroys the last if that's required and returns the new.
create_ctf_gameCreates a CTF game with the provided team ID then returns a reference to the new controller. If a controller already exists provides a reference to it.
create_delusionHelper to give the passed mob the ability to create a delusion hallucination (even a custom one). Returns a list of arguments - pass these to _cause_hallucination to cause the desired hallucination
create_glass_stylesConstructs a nested list of glass style singletons
create_mafia_gameCreates the global datum for playing mafia games, destroys the last if that's required and returns the new.
create_ooc_announcement_divInserts a span styled message into an OOC alert style div
create_random_puzzgridReturns a random puzzgrid from config. If config is empty, or no valid puzzgrids can be found in time, will return null.
create_strippable_listCreates an assoc list of keys to /datum/strippable_item
create_uplink_salesSelects a set number of unique items from the uplink, and deducts a percentage discount from them
cult_ending_helperSelects cinematic to play as part of the cult end depending on the outcome then ends the round afterward called either when narsie eats everyone, or when [/proc/begin_the_end()] reaches its conclusion
cure_curse_of_babelMainly so admin triggered tower of babel can be undone
cut_relative_directionTakes a screen_loc string and cut out any directions like NORTH or SOUTH
day_of_monthReturns the day (mon, tues, wen...) in number format, 1 (monday) - 7 (sunday) from the passed in date (year, month, day) All inputs are expected indexed at 1
debug_hallucination_weighted_listDebug proc for getting the total weight of the random_hallucination_weighted_list
debug_variableGet displayed variable in VV variable list
deep_compare_listCompares 2 lists, returns TRUE if they are the same
deep_copy_listCopies a list, and all lists inside it recusively Does not copy any other reference type
deep_copy_list_altA version of deep_copy_list that actually supports associative list nesting: list(list(list("a" = "b"))) will actually copy correctly.
default_ui_stateThe sane defaults for a UI such as a computer or a machine.
delete_all_SS_and_recreate_masterDelete all existing SS to basically start over
delta_to_angleCalculate the angle produced by a pair of x and y deltas
deltimerDelete a timer
deprecise_zoneTakes a zone and returns its "parent" zone, if it has one.
diagonally_blockedcheck if 2 diagonal turfs are blocked by dense objects
diff_appearancesTakes two appearances as args, prints out, logs, and returns a text representation of their differences Including suboverlays
dir2offsetReturns a list(x, y), being the change in position required to step in the passed in direction
dir_to_all_junctionsTakes a direction, turns it into all the junctions that contain it
disambiguate_clientTakes an argument which could be either a ckey, /client, or IRC marker, and returns a client if possible Returns [EXTERNAL_PM_USER] if an IRC marker is detected Otherwise returns null
disease_air_spread_walkHelper for checking if there is an air path between two turfs
diseasescanChecks the individual for any diseases that are visible to the scanner, and displays the diseases in the attacked to the attacker.
dispatch_announcement_to_playersProc that just dispatches the announcement to our applicable audience. Only the announcement is a mandatory arg. should_play_sound can also be a callback, if you want to only play the sound to specific players.
display_cornersMakes all lighting corners visible, debug to aid in understanding
display_energyFormat an energy value in prefixed joules. Arguments
display_power*Format a power value in prefixed watts.
doPortalSpawnSpawns a portal storm that spawns in sentient/non sentient mobs portal_appearance is a list in the form (turf's plane offset + 1) -> appearance to use
do_afterTimed action involving one mob user. Target is optional.
do_chem_smokeHelper to quickly create a cloud of reagent smoke
do_smokeA helper proc used to spawn small puffs of smoke.
do_sweepSweep objects in the direction we're facing towards our direction Arguments
dump_in_spaceDump a movable in a random valid spacetile
dviewVersion of view() which ignores darkness, because BYOND doesn't have it (I actually suggested it but it was tagged redundant, BUT HEARERS IS A T- /rant).
dyn_explosionUsing default dyn_ex scale:
emissive_appearanceProduces a mutable appearance glued to the [EMISSIVE_PLANE] dyed to be the EMISSIVE_COLOR.
emissive_blockerProduces a mutable appearance glued to the [EMISSIVE_PLANE] dyed to be the EM_BLOCK_COLOR.
end_cooldownCallback called by a timer to end an associative-list-indexed cooldown.
end_message_delaySimply resets the message delay and the recent messages list, to ensure that recent messages can be sent again. Is called on a one second timer after a delay is set, from /obj/machinery/telecomms/broadcaster/receive_information()
ending_helperHelper to set the round to end asap. Current usage Cult round end code
endswithReturns TRUE if the input_text ends with the ending
energy_to_powerConverts the joule to the watt, assuming SSmachines tick rate. Arguments
english_listReturns a list in plain english as a string
expand_three_digit_colorGiven a 3 character color (no hash), converts it into #RRGGBB (with hash)
expand_weightsTakes a weighted list (see above) and expands it into raw entries This eats more memory, but saves time when actually picking from it
explosionMakes a given atom explode.
export_single_itemIt works like export_item_and_contents(), however it ignores the contents. Meaning only exported_atom will be valued.
failed_narsie_summonSummon failed, time to work backwards
fast_split_stackSplits a stack. we don't use /obj/item/stack/proc/split_stack because Byond complains that should only be called asynchronously. This proc is also more faster because it doesn't deal with mobs, copying evidences or refreshing atom storages Has special internal uses for e.g. by the material container & RPED
fill_holidaysFills the holidays list if applicable, or leaves it an empty list.
fill_with_onesGiven a list, return a copy where values without defined weights are given weight 1. For example, fill_with_ones(list(A, B=2, C)) = list(A=1, B=2, C=1) Useful for weighted random choices (loot tables, syllables in languages, etc.)
filter_appearance_recursiveRecursively applies a filter to a passed in static appearance, returns the modified appearance
filter_name_icHelper proc to check if a name is valid for the IC filter
findTrueKeyTakes a stealthed ckey as input, returns the true key it represents
find_functional_ntnet_relayChecks whether NTNet is available by ensuring at least one relay exists and is operational.
find_maintenance_spawnFinds us a generic maintenance spawn location.
find_obstruction_free_locationFind an obstruction free turf that's within the range of the center. Can also condition on if it is of a certain area type.
find_reagentReturns reagent datum from typepath
find_recordReturns the first record in the list that matches the name
find_space_spawnFinds us a generic spawn location in space.
findnameFind if the message has the real name of any user mob in the mob_list
finish_equip_mobA utility function for /datum/strippable_items to finish equipping an item to a mob.
finish_unequip_mobA utility function for /datum/strippable_items to finish unequipping an item from a mob.
fire_curse_handTorment the target with a frightening hand
firing_squadfiring_squad is a proc for the :B:erforate smite to shoot each individual bullet at them, so that we can add actual delays without sleep() nonsense
first_nameFind the first name of a mob from a passed string with regex
flash_colorFlash a color on the passed mob
flatten_listFlattens a keyed list into a list of its contents
flick_overlay_globalAdd an image to a list of clients and calls a proc to remove it after a duration
format_frequencyFormat frequency by moving the decimal.
format_textProperly format a string of text by using replacetext()
full_capitalizeReturns a string with the first letter of each word capitialized
gags_to_universal_iconConverts a GAGS atom to a universal icon by generating blend operations.
gather_z_level_informationReturns all necessary z-level information. Argument append_grid allows the user to see a table showing all of the z-level linkages, which is only visible and useful in-game.
generateStealthCkeyHands back a stealth ckey to use, guarenteed to be unique
generate_adjacent_directionsEncodes connectivity between border objects Returns a list accessable by a border object's dir, the direction between it and a target, and a target Said list will return the direction the two objects connect, if any exists (if the target isn't a border object and the direction is fine, return the inverse of the direction in use)
generate_and_hash_rsc_filegenerates a filename for a given asset. like generate_asset_name(), except returns the rsc reference and the rsc file hash as well as the asset name (sans extension) used so that certain asset files don't have to be hashed twice
generate_asset_nameGenerate a filename for this asset The same asset will always lead to the same asset name (Generated names do not include file extention.)
generate_autowiki_outputReturns a string of the autowiki output file
generate_bitfieldsTurns /datum/bitfield subtypes into a list for use in debugging
generate_changeling_meteorReceives a mob candidate, transforms them into a changeling, and hurls them at the station inside of a changeling meteor
generate_chemwiki_lineGenerate the big list of reagent based reactions. style='background-color:#FFEE88;'|{{anchor|Synthetic-derived growth factor}}Synthetic-derived growth factor
generate_cult_rune_typesReturns an associated list of rune types. [rune.cultist_name] = [typepath]
generate_generator_indexCreates generator__id => type map.
generate_hallucination_weighted_listGenerates the global weighted list of random hallucinations.
generate_icon_alpha_maskHelper proc to generate a cutout alpha mask out of an icon.
generate_items_insideCreates new items inside an atom based on a list
generate_lazy_template_mapIterates through all lazy template datums that exist and returns a list of them as an associative list of key -> instance.
generate_map_list_from_directoryReturns a list of all maps to be found in the directory that is passed in.
generate_quirk_constant_dataConstructs [GLOB.all_quirk_constant_data] by iterating through a typecache of pregen data, ignoring abstract types, and instantiating the rest.
generate_random_nameGenerate a random name based off of one of the roundstart languages
generate_random_name_species_basedGenerate a random name based off of a species This will pick a name from the species language, and avoid picking common if there are alternatives
generate_reagents_taste_messageReturns what this reagents in our given list taste like
generate_selectable_species_and_languagesGenerates species available to choose in character setup at roundstart
generate_space_underlayGenerates a space underlay for a turf This provides proper lighting support alongside just looking nice Accepts the appearance to make "spaceish", and the turf we're doing this for
generate_unique_announcement_headerProc that just generates a custom header based on variables fed into priority_announce() Will return a string.
generate_wound_series_collectionGenerates [wound_series_collections] by iterating through all pregen_data. Refer to the mentioned list for documentation
generate_wound_static_dataConstructs [GLOB.all_wound_pregen_data] by iterating through a typecache of pregen data, ignoring abstract types, and instantiating the rest.
getReturns the atom type in the specified loc
getFlatIconCreate a single /icon from a given /atom or /image.
get_active_player_countGet active players who are playing in the round
get_adjacent_areasReturns a list of all areas that are adjacent to the center atom's area, clear the list of nulls at the end.
get_adjacent_open_areasReturns a list with all the adjacent areas by getting the adjacent open turfs
get_adjacent_open_turfsReturns a list with all the adjacent open turfs. Clears the list of nulls in the end.
get_adjacent_turfsReturns a list of all turfs that are adjacent to the center atom's turf, clear the list of nulls at the end.
get_airlock_overlayOverlay cache. Why isn't this just in /obj/machinery/door/airlock? Because its used just a tiny bit in door_assembly.dm Refactored so you don't have to make a null copy of airlock to get to the damn thing Someone, for the love of god, profile this. Is there a reason to cache mutable_appearance if so, why are we JUST doing the airlocks when we can put this in mutable_appearance.dm for everything
get_all_slotsGet all possible organ slots by checking every organ, and then store it and give it whenever needed
get_allowed_instrument_idsGet all non admin_only instruments as a list of text ids.
get_angleCalculate the angle between two movables and the west|east coordinate
get_angle_rawAngle between two arbitrary points and horizontal line same as /proc/get_angle
get_announcement_systemReturns a random announcement system that is operational, has the specified config entry, signal can reach source and radio supports any channel in list. Config entry, source and channels are optional.
get_antag_mindsReturns MINDS of the assigned antags of given type/subtypes Supplying no antag type grants all minds with antag datums
get_area_nameReturns the name of the area the atom is in
get_areas_in_rangeReturns a list with the names of the areas around a center at a certain distance Returns the local area if no distance is indicated Returns an empty list if the center is null
get_armor_by_typeGets an armor type datum using the given type by formatting it into the expected datum tag
get_atom_on_turfReturns the top-most atom sitting on the turf. For example, using this on a disk, which is in a bag, on a mob, will return the mob because it's on the turf.
get_bbox_of_atomsGet a bounding box of a list of atoms.
get_blueprint_dataget_blueprint_data Gets a list of turfs around a central turf and gets the blueprint data in a list Args:
get_cardinal_dirGet the cardinal direction between two atoms
get_chasm_categoryReturns a key to store, remove and access fallen mobs depending on the z-level. This stops rescuing people from places that are waaaaaaaay too far-fetched.
get_chat_togglesGet the given client's chat toggle prefs.
get_chem_idReturns reagent datum from reagent name string
get_closest_atomReturns the closest atom of a specific type in a list from a source
get_consistent_feature_entryTakes in an accessory list and returns the first entry from that list, ensuring that we dont return SPRITE_ACCESSORY_NONE in the process.
get_corresponding_wound_typeSearches through all wounds for any of proper type, series, and biostate, and then returns a single one via pickweight. Is able to discern between, say, a flesh slash wound, and a metallic slash wound, and will return the respective one for the provided limb.
get_ctf_voting_controllerReturns the existing /datum/ctf_voting_controller for the given ID, or makes one
get_display_icon_forGets the relevant universal icon for an atom, when displayed in TGUI. (see: icon_state_preview) Supports GAGS items and colored items.
get_dist_euclideanReturns the distance between two atoms
get_dummy_savefileGets a dummy savefile for usage in icon generation. Savefiles generated from this proc will be empty.
get_dynamic_human_appearanceCreates a human with the given parameters and returns an appearance of it
get_edge_target_turfReturns the turf located at the map edge in the specified direction relative to target_atom used for mass driver
get_element_by_varreturn first thing in L which has var/varname == value this is typecaste as list/L, but you could actually feed it an atom instead. completely safe to use
get_first_open_turf_in_areaIterates over all turfs in the target area and returns the first non-dense one
get_flat_existing_human_iconA simpler version of get_flat_human_icon() that uses an existing human as a base to create the icon. Does not feature caching yet, since I could not think of a good way to cache them without having a possibility of using the cached version when we don't want to, so only use this proc if you just need this flat icon generated once and handle the caching yourself if you need to access that icon multiple times, or refactor this proc to feature caching of icons.
get_flat_uni_icongetFlatIcon for /datum/universal_icons Only supports 32x32 icons facing south Tough luck if you want anything else Still fairly slow for complex appearances due to filesystem operations. Try to avoid using it
get_general_adminwho_informationProc that gathers adminwho information for a general player, which will only give information if an admin isn't AFK, and handles potential fakekeying. Will return a list of strings.
get_hearLike view but bypasses luminosity check
get_hearers_in_LOSReturns a list of movable atoms that are hearing sensitive in view_radius and line of sight to source the majority of the work is passed off to the spatial grid if view_radius > 0 because view() isnt a raycasting algorithm, this does not hold symmetry to it. something in view might not be hearable with this. if you want that use get_hearers_in_view() - however thats significantly more expensive
get_hearers_in_rangeThe exact same as get_hearers_in_view, but not limited by visibility. Does no filtering for traits, line of sight, or any other such criteria. Filtering is intended to be done by whatever calls this function.
get_hearers_in_viewreturns every hearaing movable in view to the turf of source not taking into account lighting useful when you need to maintain always being able to hear something if a sound is emitted from it and you can see it (and youre in range). otherwise this is just a more expensive version of get_hearers_in_LOS().
get_icon_dimensionsReturns a list containing the width and height of an icon file
get_icon_dmi_pathgiven an icon object, dmi file path, or atom/image/mutable_appearance, attempts to find and return an associated dmi file path. a weird quirk about dm is that /icon objects represent both compile-time or dynamic icons in the rsc, but stringifying rsc references returns a dmi file path ONLY if that icon represents a completely unchanged dmi file from when the game was compiled. so if the given object is associated with an icon that was in the rsc when the game was compiled, this returns a path. otherwise it returns ""
get_lineGet a list of turfs in a line from starting_atom to ending_atom.
get_linked_admin_nameProc that will return the applicable display name, linkified or not, based on the input client reference.
get_linked_z_angleGets the angle between two linked z-levels. Returns an angle (in degrees) if the z-levels are crosslinked/neighbors, or null if they are not.
get_list_of_adminsProc that returns a list of cliented admins. Remember that this list can contain nulls! Also, will return null if we don't have any admins.
get_messenger_nameGet the display name of a messenger instance
get_messengers_sorted_by_jobGets all messengers, sorted by their job
get_messengers_sorted_by_nameGets all messengers, sorted by their name
get_mob_by_ckeyreturns a mob type controlled by a specified ckey
get_mob_by_keyReturn the mob type that is being controlled by a ckey
get_mob_or_brainmobReturns the occupant mob or brain from a specified input
get_most_experiencedFrom a list of players (minds, mobs or clients), finds the one with the highest playtime (either from a specific role or overall living) and returns it.
get_nested_locsReturns a list of all locations (except the area) the movable is within.
get_officer_departmentsReturns the distribution of splitting the given security officers into departments. Return value is an assoc list of candidate => SEC_DEPT_*.
get_offset_target_turfreturns turf relative to target_atom offset in dx and dy tiles, bound to map limits
get_open_turf_in_dirReturns the open turf next to the center in a specific direction
get_path_by_slotReturns a generic path of the object based on the slot
get_path_toThis is the proc you use whenever you want to have pathfinding more complex than "try stepping towards the thing". If no path was found, returns an empty list, which is important for bots like medibots who expect an empty list rather than nothing. It will yield until a path is returned, using magic
get_perceived_radiation_dangerGets the perceived "danger" of radiation pulse, given the threshold to the target. Returns a RADIATION_DANGER_* define, see code/__DEFINES/radiation.dm
get_perimeterGet a list of turfs in a perimeter given the center_atom and radius. Automatically rounds down decimals and does not accept values less than positive 1 as they don't play well with it. Is efficient on large circles but ugly on small ones Uses Jesko`s method to the midpoint circle Algorithm.
get_pixel_anglefor getting the angle when animating something's pixel_x and pixel_y
get_pixel_distanceFinds the distance between two atoms, in pixels
centered = FALSE counts from turf edge to edge
centered = TRUE counts from turf center to turf center
of course mathematically this is just adding world.icon_size on again
get_player_clientReturns a client from a mob, mind or client
get_powernet_info_from_sourceExtracts the powernet and cell of the provided power source
get_preferences_in_priority_orderReturns a flat list of preferences in order of their priority
get_rand_frequencyget a random frequency.
get_rand_frequency_low_rangeget_rand_frequency but lower range.
get_random_coinGets a random coin excluding the blocked type and including extra coins which aren't pathed like coins.
get_random_drinkGets a random drink excluding the blocked type
get_random_drink_idReturns a random reagent consumable ethanol object minus blacklisted reagents
get_random_foodGet a random food item exluding the blocked ones
get_random_jumpskirtReturns a random, acceptable jumpskirt typepath
get_random_jumpsuitReturns a random, acceptable jumpsuit typepath
get_random_reagent_idReturns a random reagent object, with the option to blacklist reagents.
get_random_station_turfReturns a random turf on the station
get_random_valid_hallucination_subtypeGets a random subtype of the passed hallucination type that has a random_hallucination_weight > 0. If no subtype is passed, it will get any random hallucination subtype that is not abstract and has weight > 0. This can be used instead of picking from the global weighted list to just get a random valid hallucination.
get_ranged_target_turf_directGet ranged target turf, but with direct targets as opposed to directions
get_reagent_type_from_product_stringReturns a list of chemical_reaction datums that have the input STRING as a product
get_recipe_from_reagent_productTakes a type in and returns a list of associated recipes
get_round_default_lawsetA getter that sets up the round default if it has not been yet.
get_safe_random_station_turfReturns a random turf on the station, excludes dense turfs (like walls) and areas that have valid_territory set to FALSE
get_safe_random_station_turf_equal_weightReturns a random department of areas to pass into get_safe_random_station_turf() for more equal spawning.
get_selectable_speciesGets a list of all species id's available to choose in roundstart.
get_sensitive_adminwho_informationProc that gathers adminwho information for admins, which will contain information on if the admin is AFK, readied to join, etc. Only arg is a list of clients to use. Will return a list of strings.
get_sfxUsed to convert a SFX define into a .ogg so we can add some variance to sounds. If soundin is already a .ogg, we simply return it
get_size_in_tilesReturns the size of the sprite in tiles. Takes the icon size and divides it by the world icon size (default 32). This gives the size of the sprite in tiles.
get_small_overlayFikou's fix for making toast alerts look nice - resets offsets, transforms to fit
get_sorted_areasReturns a sorted version of GLOB.areas, by name
get_swarm_path_toPOTENTIALLY cheaper version of get_path_to This proc generates a path map for the end atom's turf, which allows us to cheaply do pathing operations "at" it Generation is significantly SLOWER then get_path_to, but if many things are/might be pathing at something then it is much faster Runs the risk of returning an suboptimal or INVALID PATH if the delay between map creation and use is too long
get_teleport_locReturns location. Returns null if no location was found.
get_temp_change_amountUsed to get the amount of change between two body temperatures
get_turf_pixelLets the turf this atom's ICON appears to inhabit it takes into account: Pixel_x/y Matrix x/y NOTE: if your atom has non-standard bounds then this proc will handle it, but: if the bounds are even, then there are an even amount of "middle" turfs, the one to the EAST, NORTH, or BOTH is picked this may seem bad, but you're at least as close to the center of the atom as possible, better than byond's default loc being all the way off) if the bounds are odd, the true middle turf of the atom is returned
get_valid_screen_locationReturns a valid location to place a screen object without overflowing the viewport
get_visual_offsetReturns how visually "off" the atom is from its source turf as a list of x, y (in pixel steps) it takes into account: Pixel_x/y Matrix x/y Icon width/height
give_admin_popupTries to give the target an admin popup. If it fails, will send the error to the passed admin.
give_escape_menu_detailsProvides a singleton for the escape menu details screen.
give_escape_menu_titleProvides a singleton for the escape menu details screen.
goonchem_vortexMagical move-wooney that happens sometimes.
grawlixGenerate a grawlix string of length of the text argument.
greatest_common_factorTakes a list of numbers as input, returns the highest value that is cleanly divides them all Note: this implementation is expensive as heck for large numbers, I only use it because most of my usecase Is < 10 ints
hallucination_pulseEmits a hallucinating pulse around the passed atom. Affects everyone in the passed radius except for those with TRAIT_MADNESS_IMMUNE. This affects blind players.
haunt_outburstTakes a given area and chance, applying the haunted_item component to objects in the area.
healthscanhealthscan returns a list of everything a health scan should give to a player. Examples of where this is used is Health Analyzer and the Physical Scanner tablet app. Args: user - The person with the scanner target - The person being scanned mode - Uses SCANNER_CONDENSED or SCANNER_VERBOSE to decide whether to give a list of all individual limb damage advanced - Whether it will give more advanced details, such as husk source. tochat - Whether to immediately post the result into the chat of the user, otherwise it will return the results.
honkerblastUnleashes a honkerblast similar to the honkmech weapon, but with more granular control.
hsv2rgbConverts a list storing hsva into an rgb color
htmlrendertextPerform a whitespace cleanup on the text, similar to what HTML renderers do
icon2base64Converts an icon to base64. Operates by putting the icon in the iconCache savefile, exporting it as text, and then parsing the base64 from that. (This relies on byond automatically storing icons in savefiles as base64)
icon2htmlgenerate an asset for the given icon or the icon of the given appearance for [thing], and send it to any clients in target. Arguments:
icon_existsChecks whether a given icon state exists in a given icon file. If file and state both exist, this will return TRUE - otherwise, it will return FALSE.
icon_exists_or_screamFunctions the same as /proc/icon_exists(), but with the addition of a stack trace if the specified file or state doesn't exist.
icon_transformer_from_listReverse operation of /datum/icon_transformer/to_list()
inLineOfSightCalculate if two atoms are in sight, returns TRUE or FALSE
init_chemical_reagent_listInitialises all /datum/reagent into a list indexed by reagent id
init_crafting_recipesInits crafting recipe lists
init_crafting_recipes_atomsInits atoms used in crafting recipes
init_exportMakes sure the exports list is populated and that the report isn't null.
init_gas_id_to_canisterReturns a map of canister id to its type path
init_hotspot_reactionsReturns reactions which will contribute to a hotspot's size.
init_keybindingsCreates and sorts all the keybinding datums
init_language_holder_prototypesInits the global list of language holder prototypes.
init_loadout_categoriesInits the global list of loadout category singletons Also inits loadout item singletons
init_pirate_gangsinitializes the pirate gangs glob list, adding all subtypes that can roll today.
init_plant_traitsInits GLOB.plant_traits
init_subtypes_w_path_keysFunctions like init_subtypes, but uses the subtype's path as a key for easy access
init_surgeries//Initial Building/////
initialize_starting_knowledgeReturns a list of all heretic knowledge TYPEPATHS that have route set to PATH_START.
int_to_wordsTakes a 1, 2 or 3 digit number and returns it in words. Don't call this directly, use convert_integer_to_words() instead.
invert_HTML_colourInverts the colour of an HTML string
ion_numPicks a string of symbols to display as the law number for hacked or ion laws is at the start to prevent us from changing say modes via get_message_mode()
isAdminGhostAIReturns TRUE/FALSE on whether the mob is an Admin Ghost AI. This requires this snowflake check because AI interact gives the access to the mob's client, rather than the mob like everyone else, and we keep it that way so they can't accidentally give someone Admin AI access.
isAdminObserverIs the passed in mob a ghost with admin powers, doesn't check for AI interact like isAdminGhost() used to
is_adminReturns if the given client is an admin, REGARDLESS of if they're deadminned or not.
is_banned_fromChecks client ban cache or, if it doesn't exist, queries the DB ban table to see if the player's ckey is banned from at least one of the provided roles.
is_color_darkGiven a color in the format of "#RRGGBB", will return if the color is dark.
is_convertable_to_cultReturns whether the given mob is convertable to the blood cult
is_ctf_targetProc that identifies if something is a valid target for CTF related checks, checks if an object is a ctf barrier or has ctf component if they are a player.
is_guest_keyReturns whether or not a player is a guest using their ckey as an input
is_ic_filteredGiven a text, will return what word is on the IC filter, with the reason. Returns null if the message is OK.
is_ic_filtered_for_pdasGiven a text, will return what word is on the IC filter, ignoring words allowed on the PDA, with the reason. Returns null if the message is OK.
is_infiltrator_docked_at_syndiebaseReturns whether or not syndicate operatives escaped.
is_matching_baitHelper proc that checks if a bait matches identifier from fav/disliked bait list
is_mononymFind whitespace or dashes in the passed string with regex and returns TRUE if found
is_on_a_planetChecks if the passed non-area atom is on a "planet".
is_ooc_filteredGiven a text, will return what word is on the OOC filter, with the reason. Returns null if the message is OK.
is_path_in_listChecks for specific paths in a list.
is_safe_turfChecks if a given turf is a "safe" location
is_soft_ic_filteredGiven a text, will return what word is on the soft IC filter, with the reason. Returns null if the message is OK.
is_soft_ic_filtered_for_pdasGiven a text, will return what word is on the soft IC filter, ignoring words allowed on the PDA, with the reason. Returns null if the message is OK.
is_soft_ooc_filteredGiven a text, will return that word is on the soft OOC filter, with the reason. Returns null if the message is OK.
is_source_facing_targetCompare source's dir, the clockwise dir of source and the anticlockwise dir of source To the opposite dir of the dir returned by get_dir(target,source) If one of them is a match, then source is facing target
is_special_characterReturns TRUE if the game has started and we're either an AI with a 0th law, or we're someone with a special role/antag datum If allow_fake_antags is set to FALSE, Valentines, ERTs, and any such roles with FLAG_FAKE_ANTAG won't pass.
is_type_in_listChecks for specific types in a list.
is_type_on_turfChecks whether or not a particular typepath or subtype of it is present on a turf
is_valid_dmi_filegiven a text string, returns whether it is a valid dmi icons folder path
is_valid_srcCheck if a datum has not been deleted and is a valid source
is_wire_toolIs the passed item a tool that would interact with wires?
is_within_radio_jammer_rangeChecks if a given atom is in range of a radio jammer, returns TRUE if it is.
ishumanbasicReturns if the given target is a human. Like, a REAL human. Not a moth, not a felinid (which are human subtypes), but a human.
iso_to_weekdayReturns an integer in ISO format 1 (Monday) - 7 (Sunday) as a string day
isolate_lightHides all the lights around a source temporarially, for the sake of figuring out how bad a light bleeds (Except for turf lights, because they're a part of the "scene" and rarely modified)
isvineimmuneUsed to determine whether the mob is immune to actions by the vine. Use cases: Stops vine from attacking itself, other plants.
join_admin_ranksTakes a list of rank names and joins them with +
json_deserialize_datumConvert a list of json to datum
json_serialize_datumConvert a datum into a json blob
kvpify_listConverts a list into a list of assoc lists of the form ("key" = key, "value" = value) so that list keys that are themselves lists can be fully json-encoded and that unique objects with the same string representation do not produce duplicate keys that are clobbered by the standard JavaScript JSON.parse function
last_nameFind the last name of a mob from a passed string with regex
lavaland_equipment_pressure_checkCheck if the turf pressure allows specialized equipment to work
lawid_to_typereturns the law datum with the lawid in question, law boards and law datums should share this id.
level_announceSends an announcement about the level changing to players. Uses the passed in datum and the subsystem's previous security level to generate the message.
library_updatedIncrements every time WE update the library db table, causes all existing consoles to repull when they next check
lightningboltthis is the actual bolt effect and damage, made into its own proc because it is used elsewhere
list_clear_empty_weakrefsRemoves any empty weakrefs from the list Returns TRUE if the list had empty refs, FALSE otherwise
list_clear_nullsRemoves any null entries from the list Returns TRUE if the list had nulls, FALSE otherwise
living_player_countReturns the amount of currently living players
load_admin_ranksLoads admin ranks. Return a list containing the backup data if they were loaded from the database backup json
load_admins(Re)Loads the admin list. returns TRUE if database admins had to be loaded from the backup json
load_adventuresLoads all adventures from DB
load_default_map_configProc that simply loads the default map config, which should always be functional.
load_mapHelper and recommened way to load a map file
load_map_configProc handling the loading of map configs. Will return the default map config using /proc/load_default_map_config if the loading of said file fails for any reason whatsoever, so we always have a working map for the server to run. Arguments:
load_poll_dataLoads all current and future server polls and their options to store both as datums.
loadout_list_to_datumsTakes a list of paths (such as a loadout list) and returns a list of their singleton loadout item datums
log_accessLogging for logging in & out of the game, with error messages.
log_adminGeneral logging for admin actions
log_admin_circuitLogging for admin actions on or with circuits
log_admin_privateGeneral logging for admin actions
log_adminsayLogging for AdminSay (ASAY) messages
log_assetLogging for loading and caching assets
log_atmosLogs the contents of the gasmix to the game log, prefixed by text
log_attackGeneric attack logging
log_bomberLogging for bombs detonating
log_changeling_powerLogging for changeling powers purchased
log_chatLogging for chatting on modular computer channels
log_combatLog a combat message in the attack log
log_commentLogging for newscaster comments
log_configLogging for config errors Rarely gets called; just here in case the config breaks.
log_directed_talkHelper for logging of messages with only one sender and receiver (i.e. mind links)
log_dsayLogging for DeachatSay (DSAY) messages
log_dynamicLogging for dynamic procs
log_emoteLogging for emotes
log_filterLogs to the filter log with the given message, match, and scope
log_gameLogging for generic/unsorted game messages
log_heretic_knowledgeLogging for heretic powers learned
log_internet_requestLogging for music requests
log_job_debugLogging for job slot changes
log_luaLogging for lua scripting
log_malf_upgradesLogging for upgrades purchased by a malfunctioning (or combat upgraded) AI
log_manifestLogging for player manifest (ckey, name, job, special role, roundstart/latejoin)
log_mappingLogging for mapping errors
log_mechaLogging for mech actions
log_oocLogging for messages sent in OOC
log_paperLogging for writing made on paper
log_pdaLogging for PDA messages sent
log_perfLogging for game performance
log_played_namesAdds the new names to the player's played_names list on their /datum/persistent_client for use of admins. ckey should be their ckey, and data should be an associative list with the keys being the names they played under and the values being the unique mob ID tied to that name.
log_prayerLogging for prayed messages
log_qdelLogging for hard deletes
log_radio_emoteLogging for emotes sent over the radio
log_researchPuts the text into the research html file, not log. See [INVESTIGATE_RESEARCH] for [/atom/proc/investigate_log]
log_sayLogging for generic spoken messages
log_shuttleLogging for shuttle actions
log_speech_indicatorsLogging for speech indicators.
log_spellbookLogging for wizard powers learned
log_spyLogs bounties completed by spies and their rewards
log_sqlLogging for DB errors
log_suspicious_loginWrites to a special log file if the log_suspicious_login config flag is set, which is intended to contain all logins that failed under suspicious circumstances.
log_telecommsLogging for speech taking place over comms, as well as tcomms equipment
log_tguiAppends a tgui-related log entry. All arguments are optional.
log_toolLogging for tool usage
log_topicLogging for world/Topic
log_traitorLogging for traitor objectives
log_transportLogging for transport (tram/elevator) actions
log_ttsLogging for TTS
log_uplinkLogging for items purchased from a traitor uplink
log_virusLogging for the creation and contraction of viruses
log_voteLogging for OOC votes
log_whisperLogging for whispered messages
log_worldLog to both DD and the logfile.
log_woundlog_wound() is for when someone is attacked and suffers a wound. Note that this only captures wounds from damage, so smites/forced wounds aren't logged, as well as demotions like cuts scabbing over
los_checkLine of sight check! Spawns a dummy object and then iterates through each turf to see if it's blocked by something not handled by pass_args. Contains a mid_los_check, meant to be overriden by subtypes. args:
make_associativeMake a normal list an associative one
make_bodyUses stripped down and bastardized code from respawn character
make_datum_reference_listsLegacy procs that really should be replaced with proper _INIT macros
make_into_clownHelper proc that handles making someone into a clown after a bananium nuke goes off.
make_tupleReturns the name of the mathematical tuple of same length as the number arg (rounded down).
material_insertion_animationCreates a mutable appearance with the material color applied for its insertion animation into an autolathe or techfab Arguments
md5asfileSave file as an external file then md5 it. Used because md5ing files stored in the rsc sometimes gives incorrect md5 results. https://www.byond.com/forum/post/2611357
md5filepathReturns the md5 of a file at a given path.
message_centcomUsed by communications consoles to message CentCom
message_syndicateUsed by communications consoles to message the Syndicate
message_to_htmlMessage-related procs
minor_announceSends a minor annoucement to players. Minor announcements are large text, with the title in red and message in white. Only mobs that can hear can see the announcements.
mobs_in_area_typeTakes: list of area types Returns: all mobs that are in an area type
mouse_angle_from_clientReturns an angle in degrees relative to the position of the mouse and that of the client eye.
move_elementMove a single element from position from_index within a list, to position to_index All elements in the range [1,to_index) before the move will be before the pivot afterwards All elements in the range [to_index, L.len+1) before the move will be after the pivot afterwards In other words, it's as if the range [from_index,to_index) have been rotated using a <<< operation common to other languages. from_index and to_index must be in the range [1,L.len+1] This will preserve associations ~Carnie
move_rangeMove elements [from_index,from_index+len) to [to_index-len, to_index) Same as moveElement but for ranges of elements This will preserve associations ~Carnie
movespeed_data_null_checkChecks if a move speed modifier is valid and not missing any data
narsie_apocalypseThird crew last second win check and flufftext for [/proc/begin_the_end()]
narsie_end_begin_checkFirst crew last second win check and flufftext for [/proc/begin_the_end()]
narsie_end_second_checkSecond crew last second win check and flufftext for [/proc/begin_the_end()]
narsie_last_second_winCalled only if the crew managed to destroy narsie at the very last second for [/proc/begin_the_end()]
narsie_start_destroy_stationsecurity level and shuttle lockdowns for [/proc/begin_the_end()]
next_list_itemReturns the next item in a list
notify_ghostsFancy notifications for ghosts
nuke_gibHelper proc that handles gibbing someone who has been nuked.
nuke_requestUsed by communications consoles to request the nuclear launch codes
objectify"Turns" people into objects. Really, we just add them to the contents of the item.
offer_controlOffer control of the passed in mob to dead player
offset_to_screen_locTakes a list in the form (x_offset, y_offset) And converts it to a screen loc string Accepts an optional view string/size to force the screen_loc around, so it can't go out of scope
overlays2textConverts an overlay list into text for debug printing Of note: overlays aren't actually mutable appearances, they're just appearances Don't have access to that type tho, so this is the best you're gonna get
parse_caught_click_modifiersReturns a turf based on text inputs, original turf and viewing client
parse_slot_flagsReturns a list of strings for a given slot flag.
parse_zoneReturn a string for the specified body zone. Should be used for parsing non-instantiated bodyparts, otherwise use /obj/item/bodypart/var/plaintext_zone
partially_block_emissivesTakes a non area atom and a threshold Makes it block emissive with any pixels with more alpha then that threshold, with the rest allowing the light to pass Returns a list of objects, automatically added to your vis_contents, that apply this effect QDEL them when appropriate
passA do nothing proc
path_map_passalongWe generate a path for the passed in callbacks, and then pipe it over
pathfinding_finishedUses funny pass by reference bullshit to take the output created by pathfinding, and insert it into a return list We'll be able to use this return list to tell a sleeping proc to continue execution
pathwalkTakes a directory and returns every file within every sub directory. If extensions_filter is provided then only files that end in that extension are given back. If extensions_filter is a list, any file that matches at least one entry is given back.
peekReturns the top (last) element from the list, does not remove it from the list. Stack functionality.
permissive_sanitize_nameMuch more permissive version of reject_bad_name(). Returns a trimmed string or null if the name is invalid. Allows most characters except for IC chat prohibited words.
pick_closest_pathReturns a chosen path that is the closest to a list of matches
pick_n_takePick a random element from the list and remove it from the list.
pick_weightPicks a random element from a list based on a weighting system. For example, given the following list: A = 6, B = 3, C = 1, D = 0 A would have a 60% chance of being picked, B would have a 30% chance of being picked, C would have a 10% chance of being picked, and D would have a 0% chance of being picked. You should only pass integers in.
pick_weight_recursiveLike pick_weight, but allowing for nested lists.
pick_weighted_lawsetreturns a law datum based off of config. will never roll asimov as the weighted datum if the station has a unique AI.
piglatin_sentenceruns piglatin_word() proc on each word in a sentence. preserves caps and punctuation
piglatin_wordtakes "word", and returns it piglatinized.
pixel_offset_turfTakes a turf, and a list of x and y pixel offsets and returns the turf that the offset position best lands in
play_cinematicPlays a cinematic, duh. Can be to a select few people, or everyone.
play_fov_effectPlays a visual effect representing a sound cue for people with vision obstructed by FOV or blindness
playsoundplaysound is a proc used to play a 3D sound in a specific range. This uses SOUND_RANGE + extra_range to determine that.
podspawnOne proc for easy spawning of pods in the code to drop off items before whizzling (please don't proc call this in game, it will destroy you)
poll_cultists_for_leaderPolls all Cultists on whether the person putting themselves forward should be made the Cult Leader, if they can actually be such.
poll_holidayTakes a holiday datum, a starting month, ending month, max amount of days to test in, and min/max year as input Returns a list in the form list("yyyy/m/d", ...) representing all days the holiday runs on in the tested range
popReturns the top(last) element from the list and removes it from the list (typical stack function)
populate_editable_sign_typesThis proc populates GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(editable_sign_types)
populate_rtd_datumsLazy-initialize the datum field on all the designs
power_failDisable power in the station APCs
power_failureCauses a power failure across the station.
power_restoreRestores power to all rooms on the station.
power_restore_quickA quicker version of /proc/power_restore that only handles recharging SMESs.
power_to_energyConverts the watt to the joule, assuming SSmachines tick rate.
prefix_zeros_to_numberReturns a text string containing N prefixed with a series of zeros with length equal to max_zeros minus log(10, N), rounded down.
prepare_explosion_turfsReturns a list of turfs in X range from the epicenter Returns in a unique order, spiraling outwards This is done to ensure our progressive cache of blast resistance is always valid This is quite fast
prepare_infuser_entriesGlobal proc that sets up each /datum/infuser_entry sub-type as singleton instances in a list, and returns it.
prepare_lua_editor_listIntermediate step for preparing lists to be passed into the lua editor tgui. Resolves weakrefs, converts some values without a standard textual representation to text, and can handle self-referential lists and potential duplicate output keys.
pretty_string_from_reagent_listInput a reagent_list, outputs pretty readable text! Default output will be formatted as
previous_list_itemReturns the previous item in a list
print_holidayDoes the same as /proc/poll_holiday, but prints the output to admins instead of returning it
print_language_listHelper proc to print a list of languages in a human readable format
priority_announceMake a big red text announcement to
process_teleport_locsGenerate a list of turfs you can teleport to from the areas list
propagate_networkremove the old powernet and replace it with a new one throughout the network.
qdelShould be treated as a replacement for the 'del' keyword.
radiation_pulseSends out a pulse of radiation, eminating from the source. Radiation is performed by collecting all radiatables within the max range (0 means source only, 1 means adjacent, etc), then makes their way towards them. A number, starting at 1, is multiplied by the insulation amounts of whatever is in the way (for example, walls lowering it down). If this number hits equal or below the threshold, then the target can no longer be irradiated. If the number is above the threshold, then the chance is the chance that the target will be irradiated. As a consumer, this means that max_range going up usually means you want to lower the threshold too, as well as the other way around. If max_range is high, but threshold is too high, then it usually won't reach the source at the max range in time. If max_range is low, but threshold is too low, then it basically guarantees everyone nearby, even if there's walls and such in the way, can be irradiated. You can also pass in a minimum exposure time. If this is set, then this radiation pulse will not irradiate the source unless they have been around any radioactive source for that period of time. The chance to get irradiated diminishes over range, and from objects that block radiation. Assuming there is nothing in the way, the chance will determine what the chance is to get irradiated from half of max_range. Example: If chance is equal to 30%, and max_range is equal to 8, then the chance for a thing to get irradiated is 30% if they are 4 turfs away from the pulse source.
ran_zoneReturn the zone or randomly, another valid zone
random_colourReturns a random color picked from a list, has 2 modes (0 and 1), mode 1 doesn't pick white, black or gray
random_fish_typeReturns random fish, using random_case_rarity probabilities.
random_nukecodeReturns a string for a random nuke code
random_stepForces the atom to take a step in a random direction
randomize_humanFully randomizes everything about a human, including DNA and name.
randomize_human_normieRandomizes a human, but produces someone who looks exceedingly average (by most standards).
ranks_from_rank_nameConverts a rank name (such as "Coder+Moth") into a list of /datum/admin_rank
rcd_result_with_memoryProduces a new RCD result from the given one if it can be calculated that the RCD should speed up with the remembered form.
rcd_scanGlobal proc that generates RCD hologram in a range.
read_sheetDebug proc, for when lighting sheets fuck up Accepts the sheet (2 or 3 (multiz) dimensional list of lighting values at some offset) alongside x and y delta values and the sheet's "offset", which is the amount required to ensure everything indexes at 1 Optionally, you can pass similar values for multiz stuff
realize_appearance_queueTakes a list of appearnces, makes them mutable so they can be properly vv'd and inspected
reciprocal_addTakes two values x and y, and returns 1/((1/x) + y) Useful for providing an additive modifier to a value that is used as a divisor
recover_all_SS_and_recreate_masterRecreate all SSs which will still cause data survive due to Recover(), the new Master will then find and take them from global.vars
recursive_list_resolveReturns a list with all weakrefs resolved
recursive_list_resolve_elementHelper for recursive_list_resolve()
recursive_loc_checkRecursively checks if an item is inside a given type/atom, even through layers of storage. Returns the atom if it finds it.
reject_bad_chattextThe procedure to check the text of the entered text on ntnrc_client.dm
reject_bad_nameFilters out undesirable characters from names.
reject_bad_textReturns the text if properly formatted, or null else.
relay_to_list_and_observersSends a message to everyone within the list, as well as all observers.
remove_clunky_diagonalsProcesses a path (list of turfs), removes any diagonal moves that would lead to a weird bump
remove_diagonalsProcesses a path (list of turfs), removes any diagonal moves
remove_image_from_clientRemoves an image from a client's .images. Useful as a callback.
remove_image_from_clientsLike remove_image_from_client, but will remove the image from a list of clients
remove_messengerUnregisters an NTMessenger instance from the pda_messengers table.
remove_non_dm_variantsGiven a list and a list of its variant hints, removes any list key/values that are represent lua values that could not be directly converted to DM.
remove_verbhandles removing verb and sending it to browser to update, use this for removing verbs
rename_arearename_area Renames an area to the given new name, updating all machines' names and firedoors to properly ensure alarms and machines are named correctly at all times. Args:
replace_icon_legsModifies a sprite to replace the legs with a new version
request_station_colorsCalled by decals if they can be colored, to see if we got some cool colors for them. Only takes the first station trait
request_z_pillarReturns a z pillar to insert turfs into
reset_cooldownProc used by stoppable timers to end a cooldown before the time has ran out.
reset_religious_sectRemoves any existing religious sect from chaplains, allowing another to be selected
resolve_ai_icon_syncA form of resolve_ai_icon that is guaranteed to never sleep. Not always accurate, but always synchronous.
retrieve_ban_cacheGets the ban cache of the passed in client If the cache has not been generated, we start off a query If we still have a query going for this request, we just sleep until it's received back
return_atmos_handbooksReturns an assoc list of the gas handbook and the reaction handbook. For UIs, simply do data += return_atmos_handbooks() to use.
return_escape_shuttleDocks the emergency shuttle back to the station and resets its state
return_generator_argsreturns the arguments given to a generator and manually extracts them from the internal byond object returns:
return_unused_frequencyreturns a random unused frequency between MIN_FREE_FREQ & MAX_FREE_FREQ if free = TRUE, and MIN_FREQ & MAX_FREQ if FALSE
reverse_rangereplaces reverseList ~Carnie
rgb2hsvConverts an rgb color into a list storing hsva Exists because it's useful to have a guaranteed alpha value
rustg_get_versionGets the version of rust_g
rustg_git_commit_dateReturns the date of the given revision using the provided format. Defaults to returning %F which is YYYY-MM-DD.
rustg_git_commit_date_headReturns the formatted datetime string of HEAD using the provided format. Defaults to returning %F which is YYYY-MM-DD. This is different to rustg_git_commit_date because it only needs the logs directory.
rustg_sound_lengthProvided a static RSC file path or a raw text file path, returns the duration of the file in deciseconds as a float.
rustg_unix_timestampReturns the timestamp as a string
safe_read_prefSafely read a given preference datum from a given client.
sanitizeRuns byond's html encoding sanitization proc, after replacing new-lines and tabs for the # character.
sanitize_colorMakes sure the input color is text with a # at the start followed by 6 hexadecimal characters. Examples: "#ff1234", "#A38321", COLOR_GREEN_GRAY
sanitize_css_class_nameRemoves all non-alphanumerics from the text, keep in mind this can lead to id conflicts
sanitize_filepathSanitizes the name of each node in the path.
sanitize_frequencyEnsure the frequency is within bounds of what it should be sending/receiving at
sanitize_namereturns nothing with an alert instead of the message if it contains something in the ic filter, and sanitizes normally if the name is fine. It returns nothing so it backs out of the input the same way as if you had entered nothing.
scramble_message_replace_charsSlightly expensive proc to scramble a message using equal probabilities of character replacement from a list. DOES NOT SUPPORT HTML!
screen_loc_to_offsetTakes a screen loc string in the format "+-left-offset:+-pixel,+-bottom-offset:+-pixel" Where the :pixel is optional, and returns A list in the format (x_offset, y_offset) We require context to get info out of screen locs that contain relative info, so NORTH, SOUTH, etc
screen_loc_to_turfAlmost identical to the params_to_turf(), but unused (remove?)
screen_textReturn an object with a new maptext (not currently in use)
seedRuinsLoads the ruins for a given z level. @param z_levels The z levels to load ruins on. @param budget The budget to spend on ruins. Compare against the cost of the ruins in /datum/map_template/ruin. @param whitelist A list of areas to allow ruins to be placed in. @param potentialRuins A list of ruins to choose from. @param clear_below Whether to clear the area below the ruin. Used for multiz ruins. @param mineral_budget The budget to spend on ruins that spawn ore vents. Map templates with vents have that defined by mineral_cost. @param mineral_budget_update What type of ore distribution should spawn from ruins picked by this cave generator? This list is copied from ores_spawned.dm into SSore_generation.ore_vent_minerals. @param ruin_type The type of ruins that are spawning (ZTRAIT_SPACE_RUINS, ZTRAIT_ICE_RUINS, ZTRAIT_LAVA_RUINS, etc.)
seedifyFinds and extracts seeds from an object
select_hallucination_typeHelper to give the passed mob the ability to select a hallucination from the list of all hallucination subtypes.
semver_to_listConverts a semver string into a list of numbers
send2adminchatAsynchronously sends a message to TGS admin chat channels.
send2chatAsynchronously sends a message to TGS chat channels.
send2otherserverSends a message to a set of cross-communications-enabled servers using world topic calls
send_exported_mapA procedure for saving DMM text to a file and then sending it to the user. Arguments:
send_fax_to_areaSends a fax to a fax machine in an area! fax_area is a type, where all subtypes are also queried. If multiple machines, one is randomly picked If force is TRUE, we send a droppod with a fax machine and fax the message to that fax machine
send_ooc_announcementSends a div formatted chat box announcement
send_supply_pod_to_areaEasily send a supplypod to an area
send_tip_of_the_roundSends a round tip to a target. If selected_tip is null, a random tip will be sent instead (5% chance of it being silly). Tips that starts with the @ character won't be html encoded. That's necessary for any tip containing markup tags, just make sure they don't also have html characters like <, > and ' which will be garbled.
send_to_observersSends a message to all dead and observing players, if a source is provided a follow link will be attached.
send_to_playing_playerssends a whatever to all playing players; use instead of to_chat(world, where needed)
serialize_antag_nameSerializes an antag name to be used for preferences UI
set_area_machinery_titleRenames all machines in a defined area from the old title to the new title. Used when renaming an area to ensure that all machiens are labeled the new area's machine. Args:
set_dynamic_human_appearanceThis proc gets an argument of a target and runs
set_network_broadcast_statusSets the camera network status on all entertainment monitors. A way to force a network to a status if you are unsure of the current state.
set_new_religious_sectSets a new religious sect used by all chaplains int he round
setupExportsCalled when the global exports_list is empty, and sets it up.
setup_mod_themesGlobal proc that sets up all MOD themes as singletons in a list and returns it.
setup_round_default_lawsfirst called when something wants round default laws for the first time in a round, considers config returns a law datum that GLOB._round_default_lawset will be set to.
shake_cameraShake the camera of the person viewing the mob SO REAL! Takes the mob to shake, the time span to shake for, and the amount of tiles we're allowed to shake by in tiles Duration isn't taken as a strict limit, since we don't trust our coders to not make things feel shitty. So it's more like a soft cap.
sheet2amountTurns number of sheets into material amount, returning FALSE if the number is <= 0
should_visual_organ_apply_toSome sanity checks, but mostly to check if the person has their preference/dna set to load
shuffleRandomize: Return the list in a random order
shuffle_inplacesame as shuffle, but returns nothing and acts on list in place
siunitFormats a number to human readable form with the appropriate SI unit.
siunit_isolatedFormats a number into a list representing the si unit. Access the coefficient with [SI_COEFFICIENT], and access the unit with [SI_UNIT].
slice_off_turfsReturns a slice of a list of turfs, defined by the ones that are inside the inner/outer angle's bounds
sm_gas_dataReturn a list info of the SM gases. Can only run after init_sm_gas
sort_keyfor sorting clients or mobs by ckey
sort_listsort any value in a list
sort_mobsOrders mobs by type then by name. Accepts optional arg to sort a custom list, otherwise copies GLOB.mob_list.
sort_namesuses sort_list() but uses the var's name specifically. This should probably be using mergeAtom() instead
sort_recordSpecifically for record datums in a list.
spanning_screen_locReturns a screen_loc format for a tiling screen objects from start and end positions. Start should be bottom left corner, and end top right corner.
special_list_filterReturns a list with items filtered from a list that can call callback
spiral_rangesimilar function to range(), but with no limitations on the distance; will search spiralling outwards from the center
spiral_range_turfssimilar function to RANGE_TURFS(), but will search spiralling outwards from the center (like the above, but only turfs)
split_colorGiven a color in the format of "#RRGGBB" or "#RRGGBBAA", gives back a 4 entry list with the number values of each
split_materials_uniformlydivides a list of materials uniformly among all contents of the target_object recursively Used to set materials of printed items with their design cost by taking into consideration their already existing materials e.g. if 12 iron is to be divided uniformly among 2 objects A, B who's current iron contents are 3 & 7 Then first we normalize those values i.e. find their weights to decide who gets an higher share of iron total_sum = 3 + 7 = 10, A = 3/10 = 0.3, B = 7/10 = 0.7 Then we finally multiply those weights with the user value of 12 we get A = 0.3 * 12 = 3.6, B = 0.7 * 12 = 8.4 i.e. 3.6 + 8.4 = 12!! Off course we round the values so we don't have to deal with floating point materials so the actual value ends being less but that's not an issue Arguments
spread_reagentsExposes all accessible atoms within some distance of an epicenter to some reagents. Does not clear the source reagent holder; that must be done manually if it is desired.
starsConvert random parts of a passed in message to stars
start_broadcasting_networkAdds a camera network to all entertainment monitors.
start_poll_cultists_for_leaderStart the poll for Cult Leaeder.
start_unequip_mobA utility function for /datum/strippable_items to start unequipping an item from a mob.
started_narsie_summonWhen narsie begins to be summoned, slowly dim the saturation of parallax and starlight
starts_with_anyReturns TRUE if the input_text starts with any of the beginnings
stifledFor when you're only able to speak a limited amount of words phrase - the string to convert definitive_limit - the amount of words to limit the phrase to, optional
stop_broadcasting_networkRemoves a camera network from all entertainment monitors.
stoplagreturns the number of ticks slept
string_listCaches lists with non-numeric stringify-able values (text or typepath).
strip_appearance_underlaysStrips all underlays on a different plane from an appearance. Returns the stripped appearance.
strip_htmlRuns STRIP_HTML_SIMPLE and sanitize.
strip_html_fullRuns STRIP_HTML_FULL and sanitize.
stripped_inputUsed to get a properly sanitized input. Returns null if cancel is pressed.
stripped_multiline_inputUsed to get a properly sanitized input in a larger box. Works very similarly to stripped_input.
summon_eventsTriggers Summon Events from [user]. If Summon Events has already been triggered, speeds up the event timer.
summon_ghostsTriggers Summon Ghosts from [user].
summon_gunsTriggers Summon Guns from [user]. Can optionally be passed [survivor_probability], to set the chance of creating survivalists. If Summon Guns has already been triggered, gives out guns to everyone again.
summon_magicTriggers Summon Magic from [user]. Can optionally be passed [survivor_probability], to set the chance of creating survivalists. If Summon Magic has already been triggered, gives out magic to everyone again.
swap_rangeMove elements from [from_index, from_index+len) to [to_index, to_index+len) Move any elements being overwritten by the move to the now-empty elements, preserving order Note: if the two ranges overlap, only the destination order will be preserved fully, since some elements will be within both ranges ~Carnie
techweb_item_unlock_checkReturns an associative list of techweb node datums with values of the nodes it unlocks.
test_whiteship_sizesHelper proc that tests to ensure all whiteship templates can spawn at their docking port, and logs their sizes This should be a unit test, but too much of our other code breaks during shuttle movement, so not yet, not yet.
tgalertDEPRECATED: USE tgui_alert(...) INSTEAD
tgm_encodeTakes a constant, encodes it into a TGM valid string
tgui_TopicMiddleware for /client/Topic.
tgui_alertCreates a TGUI alert window and returns the user's response.
tgui_input_keycomboCreates a TGUI window with a key input. Returns the user's response as a full key with modifiers, eg ShiftK.
tgui_input_listCreates a TGUI input list window and returns the user's response.
tgui_input_numberCreates a TGUI window with a number input. Returns the user's response as num | null.
tgui_input_textCreates a TGUI window with a text input. Returns the user's response.
time_to_twelve_hourConverts a time expressed in deciseconds (like world.time) to the 12-hour time format. the format arg is the format passed down to time2text() (e.g. "hh:mm" is hours and minutes but not seconds). the timezone is the time value offset from the local time. It's to be applied outside time2text() to get the AM/PM right.
timeleftGet the remaining deciseconds on a timer
to_chatSends the message to the recipient (target).
to_chat_immediateCircumvents the message queue and sends the message to the recipient (target) as soon as possible.
toggle_id_ctfProc that handles toggling and unloading CTF.
tool_behaviour_namereturns an ic name of the tool needed Arguments:
truncateTruncate a string to the given length
try_move_adjacentTries to move an atom to an adjacent turf, return TRUE if successful
turf_peelBehaves like the orange() proc, but only looks in the outer range of the function (The "peel" of the orange). This is useful for things like checking if a mob is in a certain range, but not within a smaller range.
type_english_listReturns a list of atom types in plain english as a string of each type name
typecache_filter_listreturns a new list with only atoms that are in the typecache list
typecache_filter_list_reversereturn a new list with atoms that are not in the typecache list
typecache_filter_multi_list_exclusionsimilar to typecache_filter_list and typecache_filter_list_reverse but it supports an inclusion list and and exclusion list
typecacheofLike typesof() or subtypesof(), but returns a typecache instead of a list.
ui_status_only_livingReturns a UI status such that the dead will be able to watch, but not interact.
ui_status_silicon_has_accessReturns a UI status such that silicons will be able to interact with whatever they would have access to if this was a machine. For example, AIs can interact if there's cameras with wireless control is enabled.
ui_status_user_has_free_handsReturns a UI status such that those without blocked hands will be able to interact, but everyone else can only watch.
ui_status_user_insideReturn UI_INTERACTIVE if the user is inside the target atom, whether they can see it or not. Return UI_CLOSE otherwise.
ui_status_user_is_abledReturns a UI status such that users with debilitating conditions, such as being dead or not having power for silicons, will not be able to interact. Being dead will disable UI, being incapacitated will continue updating it, and anything else will make it interactive.
ui_status_user_is_adjacentReturns a UI status such that users adjacent to source will be able to interact, far away users will be able to see, and anyone farther won't see anything. Dead users will receive updates no matter what, though you likely want to add a [ui_status_only_living] check for finer observer interactions.
ui_status_user_is_advanced_tool_userReturns a UI status such that advanced tool users will be able to interact, but everyone else can only watch.
ui_status_user_is_conscious_and_lying_downReturns UI_INTERACTIVE if the user is conscious and lying down. Returns UI_UPDATE otherwise.
ui_status_user_strictly_adjacentReturn UI_INTERACTIVE if the user is strictly adjacent to the target atom, whether they can see it or not. Return UI_CLOSE otherwise.
unformat_frequencyOpposite of format, returns as a number
unique_listReturn a list with no duplicate entries
unique_list_in_placesame as unique_list, but returns nothing and acts on list in place (also handles associated values properly)
unvalidated_client_errorProc that just logs whenever an uninitialized client tries to do something before they have fully gone through New(). Intended to be used in conjunction with the VALIDATE_CLIENT_INITIALIZATION() macro, but can be dropped anywhere when we look at the fully_created var on /client.
update_all_security_hudsUpdates the visual security huds on all mobs in GLOB.human_list
update_matching_security_hudsUpdates the visual security huds on all mobs in GLOB.human_list that match the name passed to it.
updatetimedelayUpdate the delay on an existing LOOPING timer Will come into effect on the next process
urangeultra range (no limitations on distance, faster than range for distances > 8); including areas drastically decreases performance
url2htmlloaderReturn html to load a url. for use inside of browse() calls to html assets that might be loaded on a cdn.
valid_build_directionChecks whether the target turf is in a valid state to accept a directional construction such as windows or railings.
view_to_pixelsTakes a string or num view, and converts it to pixel width/height in a list(pixel_width, pixel_height)
visible_hallucination_pulseEmits a hallucinating pulse around the passed atom. Affects everyone in the passed radius who can view the center, except for those with TRAIT_MADNESS_IMMUNE, or those who are blind.
weakrefify_listReturns a copy of the list where any element that is a datum is converted into a weakref
wear_digi_versionModifies a sprite to conform to digitigrade body shapes
wear_female_versionModifies a sprite slightly to conform to female body shapes
web_soundTakes an input from either proc/play_web_sound or the request manager and runs it through yt-dlp and prompts the user before playing it to the server.
weekday_to_isoReturns a string day as an integer in ISO format 1 (Monday) - 7 (Sunday)
weight_class_to_textReturns a string based on the weight class define used as argument
window_flashFlash the window of a player
woundscanDisplays wounds with extended information on their status vs medscanners
write_mapProcedure for converting a coordinate-selected part of the map into text for the .dmi format
zebra_typecacheofLike typesof() or subtypesof(), but returns a typecache instead of a list. This time it also uses the associated values given by the input list for the values of the subtypes.

Var Details



Pretty much pokes the MC to make sure it's still alive.



Designed to properly split up a given tick among subsystems Note: if you read parts of this code and think "why is it doing it that way" Odds are, there is a reason


subsystem that just holds lists of sprite accessories for accession in generating said sprites. A sprite accessory is something that we add to a human sprite to make them look different. This is hair, facial hair, underwear, mutant bits, etc.


The subsystem used to tick /datum/component/acid instances.


The subsystem used to tick /datum/ai_behavior instances. Handling the individual actions an AI can take like punching someone in the fucking NUTS


The subsystem used to tick /datum/ai_controllers instances. Handling the re-checking of plans.


The subsystem used to tick /datum/ai_movement instances. Handling the movement of individual AI instances


The subsystem used to play ambience to users every now and then, makes them real excited.


Responsible for managing the sizes of area.contained_turfs and area.turfs_to_uncontain These lists do not check for duplicates, which is fine, but it also means they can balloon in size over time as a consequence of repeated changes in area in a space They additionally may not always resolve often enough to avoid memory leaks This is annoying, so lets keep an eye on them and cut them down to size if needed


Allows us to lazyload asset datums Anything inserted here will fully load if directly gotten So this just serves to remove the requirement to load assets fully during init


The subsystem used to tick auras (/datum/component/aura_healing and /datum/component/damage_aura).


Subsystem that batches a ban cache list for clients on initialize This way we don't need to do ban checks in series later in the code


The subsystem used to tick /datum/component/burning instances.


Subsystem to handle falling of off cliffs


The subsystem used to tick /datum/component/acid instances.


The subsystem used to tick digital clocks


Discord Subsystem

This subsystem handles some integrations with discord




  1. The file is loaded and the discord IDs are extracted
  2. A ping is sent to the discord with the IDs of people who wished to be notified
  3. The file is emptied


  1. Someone usees the notify verb, it adds their discord ID to the list.
  2. On fire, it will write that to the disk, as long as conditions above are correct


  1. The file is force-saved, incase it hasn't fired at end round

This is an absolute clusterfuck, but its my clusterfuck -aa07


Initializes any assets that need to be loaded ASAP. This houses preference menu assets, since they can be loaded at any time, most dangerously before the atoms SS initializes. Thus, we want it to fail consistently in CI as if it would've if a player opened it up early.


Subsystem for controlling anything related to the escape menu


subsystem for the fishing minigame processing.


Fluid Subsystem

A subsystem that processes the propagation and effects of a particular fluid.

Both fluid spread and effect processing are handled through a carousel system. Fluids being spread and fluids being processed are organized into buckets. Each fresh (non-resumed) fire one bucket of each is selected to be processed. These selected buckets are then fully processed. The next fresh fire selects the next bucket in each set for processing. If this would walk off the end of a carousel list we wrap back to the first element. This effectively makes each set a circular list, hence a carousel.


The subsystem responsible for processing foam propagation and effects.


This subsystem handles the hyperspace shuttle pull movement loops


Non-processing subsystem that holds various procs and data structures to manage ID cards, trims and access.


Subsystem exists so we can separately log init time costs from the costs of general operation Hopefully this makes sorting out what causes problems when easier


The subsystem for controlling drastic performance enhancements aimed at reducing server load for a smoother albeit slightly duller gaming experience


Manages library data, loading bookselves, etc


Queues image generation for search objects without icons


Defers MouseEntered inputs to only apply to the most recently hovered over atom in the tick


The subsystem is intended to tick things related to space/newtonian movement, such as constant sources of inertia


Queues and manages JPS pathfinding steps


Subsystem for managing all POIs.


Controls making objects irradiated when Radioactive Nebula is in effect.


Very rare subsystem, provides any active singularities with the timings and seclusion they need to succeed


The subsystem responsible for processing smoke propagation and effects.


Spatial Grid

a gamewide grid of spatial_grid_cell datums, each "covering" SPATIAL_GRID_CELLSIZE ^ 2 turfs. each spatial_grid_cell datum stores information about what is inside its covered area, so that searches through that area dont have to literally search through all turfs themselves to know what is within it since view() calls are expensive, and so is iterating through stuff you dont want. this allows you to only go through lists of what you want very cheaply.

you can also register to objects entering and leaving a spatial cell, this allows you to do things like stay idle until a player enters, so you wont have to use expensive view() calls or iteratite over the global list of players and call get_dist() on every one. which is fineish for a few things, but is k * n operations for k objects iterating through n players.

currently this system is only designed for searching for relatively uncommon things, small subsets of /atom/movable. dont add stupid shit to the cells please, keep the information that the cells store to things that need to be searched for often

The system currently implements two different "classes" of spatial type

The first exists to support important_recursive_contents. So if a client is inside a locker and the locker crosses a boundary, you'll still get a signal from the spatial grid. These types are SPATIAL_GRID_CONTENTS_TYPE_HEARING and SPATIAL_GRID_CONTENTS_TYPE_CLIENTS

The second pattern is more paired down, and supports more wide use. Rather then the object and anything the object is in being sensitive, it's limited to just the object itself Currently only SPATIAL_GRID_CONTENTS_TYPE_ATMOS uses this pattern. This is because it's far more common, and so worth optimizing


verb_manager subsystem just for handling say's


tgui subsystem

Contains all tgui state and subsystem code.


Timer Subsystem

Handles creation, callbacks, and destruction of timed events.

It is important to understand the buckets used in the timer subsystem are just a series of doubly-linked lists. The object at a given index in bucket_list is a /datum/timedevent, the head of a list, which has prev and next references for the respective elements in that bucket's list.


Namespace for housing code relating to giving contextual tutorials to users.


Handles making mobs perform lightweight "idle" behaviors such as wandering around when they have nothing planned


SSverb_manager, a subsystem that runs every tick and runs through its entire queue without yielding like SSinput. this exists because of how the byond tick works and where user inputted verbs are put within it.

see TICK_ORDER.md for more info on how the byond tick is structured.

The way the MC allots its time is via TICK_LIMIT_RUNNING, it simply subtracts the cost of SendMaps (MAPTICK_LAST_INTERNAL_TICK_USAGE) plus TICK_BYOND_RESERVE from the tick and uses up to that amount of time (minus the percentage of the tick used by the time it executes subsystems) on subsystems running cool things like atmospherics or Life or SSInput or whatever.

Without this subsystem, verbs are likely to cause overtime if the MC uses all of the time it has allotted for itself in the tick, and SendMaps uses as much as its expected to, and an expensive verb ends up executing that tick. This is because the MC is completely blind to the cost of verbs, it can't account for it at all. The only chance for verbs to not cause overtime in a tick where the MC used as much of the tick as it allotted itself and where SendMaps costed as much as it was expected to is if the verb(s) take less than TICK_BYOND_RESERVE percent of the tick, which isn't much. Not to mention if SendMaps takes more than 30% of the tick and the MC forces itself to take at least 70% of the normal tick duration which causes ticks to naturally overrun even in the absence of verbs.

With this subsystem, the MC can account for the cost of verbs and thus stop major overruns of ticks. This means that the most important subsystems like SSinput can start at the same time they were supposed to, leading to a smoother experience for the player since ticks aren't riddled with minor hangs over and over again.


This subsystem strives to make loading large amounts of select objects as smooth at execution as possible It preloads a set of types to store, and caches them until requested Doesn't catch everything mind, this is intentional. There's many types that expect to either A: Not sit in a list for 2 hours, or B: have extra context passed into them, or for their parent to be their location You should absolutely not spam this system, it will break things in new and wonderful ways S close enough for government work though. Fuck you goonstation


Used for all kinds of weather, ex. lavaland ash storms.


This subsystem is to handle creating and storing composite templates that are used to create composite datatypes for integrated circuits

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composite_data_type

Proc Details


returns a GUID like identifier (using a mostly made up record format) guids are not on their own suitable for access or security tokens, as most of their bits are predictable. (But may make a nice salt to one)


Returns either the best weapon from the given choices or null if held weapons are better


Gets TGS's stealth key, generates one if none is found


Turn text into complete gibberish!

text is the inputted message, replace_characters will cause original letters to be replaced and chance are the odds that a character gets modified.


Handles a userless proccall, used by circuits.



Handles a userless sdql, used by circuits and tgs.



returns if something can be consumed, drink or food


\ref behaviour got changed in 512 so this is necesary to replicate old behaviour. If it ever becomes necesary to get a more performant REF(), this lies here in wait #define REF(thing) (thing && isdatum(thing) && (thing:datum_flags & DF_USE_TAG) && thing:tag ? "[thing:tag]" : text_ref(thing))


Diagnostic HUDs!


Creates a weakref to the given input. See /datum/weakref's documentation for more information.


Wrapper for proccalls where the datum is flagged as vareditted


DO NOT USE ___TraitAdd OR ___TraitRemove as a replacement for ADD_TRAIT / REMOVE_TRAIT defines. To be used explicitly for callback.


DO NOT USE ___TraitAdd OR ___TraitRemove as a replacement for ADD_TRAIT / REMOVE_TRAIT defines. To be used explicitly for callback.


the underscores are to encourage people not to use this directly.


Checks if the actual semver is equal or later than the wanted semver Must be passed as TEXT; you're probably looking for CHECK_SERIALIZATION_SEMVER, look right above


Unless you need to use this for an explicit reason, use the add_memory_in_range macro wrapper.


Create a new timer and insert it in the queue. You should not call this directly, and should instead use the addtimer macro, which includes source information.



Broadcast a message to all drones in a faction



Auxtools REALLY doesn't know how to handle filters as values; when passed as arguments to auxtools-called procs, they aren't simply treated as nulls - they don't even count towards the length of args. For example, calling some_proc([a filter], foo, bar) from auxtools is equivalent to calling some_proc(foo, bar). Thus, we can't use _animate directly on filters. Use this to perform animation steps on a filter. Consecutive steps on the same filter can be achieved by calling _animate with no target.


The main bit responsible for selling the item. Shared by export_single_item() and export_item_and_contents()


For Lockdown malf AI ability. Opens all doors on the station.


Allow me to explain for some reason, if pick() is passed arglist(args) directly and args contains only one list it considers it to be a list of lists this means something like _pick(list) would fail need to do this instead

I hate this timeline


queue a callback for the given verb/verblike proc and any given arguments to the specified verb subsystem, so that they process in the next tick. intended to only work with verbs or verblike procs called directly from client input, use as part of TRY_QUEUE_VERB() and co.

returns TRUE if the queuing was successful, FALSE otherwise.


Hey bud don't call this directly, it exists so we can invoke async and prevent the buildmode datum being qdel'd from halting this proc


gives us the stack trace from CRASH() without ending the current proc. Do not call directly, use the stack_trace macro instead.


Announces the provided message with the provided variables and config entry type. Channels, announcement_line, command_span and source are optional.


Would this zone be above the neck


Checks if a action speed modifier is valid and not missing any data


Silicon Mob Procs


Adds an image to a client's .images. Useful as a callback.


Like add_image_to_client, but will add the image from a list of clients


Adds an instanced keybinding to the global tracker


Given a list and a list of its variant hints, appends variants that aren't explicitly required by dreamluau, but are required by the lua editor tgui.


Registers an NTMessenger instance to the list of pda_messengers.


Used to add a text log to the signaler investigation log. Do not add to the list directly; if the list is too large it can cause lag when an admin tries to view it.


handles adding verbs and updating the stat panel browser

pass the verb type path to this instead of adding it directly to verbs so the statpanel can update Arguments:


Use this proc when an admin takes action that may be related to an open ticket on what what can be a client, ckey, or mob player_message: If the message should be shown in the player ticket panel, fill this out log_in_blackbox: Whether or not this message with the blackbox system. If disabled, this message should be logged with a different proc call


Runs STRIP_HTML_SIMPLE and byond's sanitization proc.


Sends a message in the event that someone attempts to elevate their permissions through invoking a certain proc.


Checks if the mob provided (must_be_alone) is alone in an area


Turns material amount into the number of sheets, returning FALSE if the number is less than SHEET_MATERIAL_AMOUNT



Send a message in common radio when a player arrives


chances are 1:value. anyprob(1) will always return true


This exists to apply the icons async, as that cannot be done in Initialize because of possible sleeps.


Applies a color filter to a hex/RGB list color


Rounds armor_value down to the nearest 10, divides it by 10 and then converts it to Roman numerals.



Returns the client readable name of an armor type



Runtimes if the passed in list is not sorted


Generate a name devices

Creates a randomly generated tag or name for devices or anything really it keeps track of a special list that makes sure no name is used more than once



Turns an associative list into a flat list of keys


Turns an associative list into a flat list of keys, but for sprite accessories, respecting the locked variable


Gets the total amount of everything in the associative list.


Takes a value, and a threshold it has to at least match returns the correctly signed value max'd to the threshold


Automatically populates gas_handbook and reaction_handbook. They are formatted lists containing information regarding gases and reactions they participate in. Structure can be found in TS form at AtmosHandbook.tsx


Outputs a message to the user describing the target's gasmixes.

Gets called by analyzer_act, which in turn is called by tool_act. Also used in other chat-based gas scans.


takes an input_key, as text, and the list of keys already used, outputting a replacement key in the format of "[input_key] ([number_of_duplicates])" if it finds a duplicate use this for lists of things that might have the same name, like mobs or objects, that you plan on giving to a player as input


A wrapper for baseturf string lists, to offer support of non list values, and a stack_trace if we have major issues


Begins the process of ending the round via cult narsie win Consists of later called procs (in order of called):


counts the number of bits in Byond's 16-bit width field, in constant time and memory!


Converts a bitfield to a list of numbers (or words if a wordlist is provided)


Used to blend together two different color cutoffs Uses the screen blendmode under the hood, essentially just /proc/blend_screen_color But paired down and modified to work for our color range Accepts the color cutoffs as two 3 length list(0-100,...) arguments


Blends together two colors (passed as 3 or 4 length lists) using the screen blend mode Much like multiply, screen effects the brightness of the resulting color Screen blend will always lighten the resulting color, since before multiplication we invert the colors This makes our resulting output brighter instead of darker


For finding out what body parts a body zone covers, the inverse of the below basically


Returns the list of turfs around the outside of a center based on RANGE_TURFS()


Chemical Reactions - Initialises all /datum/chemical_reaction into a list It is filtered into multiple lists within a list. For example: chemical_reactions_list_reactant_index/datum/reagent/toxin/plasma is a list of all reactions relating to plasma For chemical reaction list product index - indexes reactions based off the product reagent type - see get_recipe_from_reagent_product() in helpers For chemical reactions list lookup list - creates a bit list of info passed to the UI. This is saved to reduce lag from new windows opening, since it's a lot of data.


Helper proc for exploration site listings in ui.


Just grab every craftable medicine you can think off


Builds map of reagent name to its datum path


Takes a list of mutable appearances Returns a list in the form: 1 - a list of all mutable appearances that would need to be updated to change planes in the event of a z layer change, alnongside the commands required to properly track parents to update 2 - a list of all parents that will require updating


Returns a list of x and y offsets to apply to our visual lighting position


Calculates the pixel offsets and angle that a projectile should be launched at.



Generates a key matching our index


Invokes a callback on every living mob on the provided z level.


Runs a list of callbacks asyncronously, returning only when all have finished

Callbacks can be repeated, to call it multiple times



Step-towards method of determining whether one atom can see another. Similar to viewers() note: this is a line of sight algorithm, view() does not do any sort of raycasting and cannot be emulated by it accurately


Given a pda message, will replace any match in the message with grawlixs.


Center's an image. Requires: The Image The x dimension of the icon file used in the image The y dimension of the icon file used in the image eg: center_image(image_to_center, 32,32) eg2: center_image(image_to_center, 96,96)


We're going to take a list that dictates the pace of speech, and a sentence fragment to say Then say() that fragment at that pace You can pass in a starting delay to wait before speaking the next sound

Checks a given message to see if any of the words are something we want to treat specially, as detailed below.

There are 3 cases where a word is something we want to act on

  1. Admin pings, like @adminckey. Pings the admin in question, text is not clickable
  2. Datum refs, like @0x2001169 or @mob_23. Clicking on the link opens up the VV for that datum
  3. Ticket refs, like #3. Displays the status and ahelper in the link, clicking on it brings up the ticket panel for it. Returns a list being used as a tuple. Index ASAY_LINK_NEW_MESSAGE_INDEX contains the new message text (with clickable links and such) while index ASAY_LINK_PINGED_ADMINS_INDEX contains a list of pinged admin clients, if there are any.



Checks to see if atom/source is behind atom/target


A simple helped proc that checks if the contents of a list of gases are within acceptable terms.



Checks that the passed holiday is located in the global holidays list.

Returns a holiday datum, or null if it's not that holiday.


Checks a PDA message against the IC/Soft IC filter. Returns TRUE if the message should be sent. Notifies the user passed in arguments if the message matched either filter.


Returns the direction that the initiator and the target are facing


Validates that the teleport being attempted is valid or not


Checks if a passed in MA or atom is allowed to have its current plane/layer matchup


Check if there is already a wall item on the turf loc floor_loc = floor tile in front of the wall dir_toward_wall = direction from the floor tile in front of the wall towards the wall check_external = truthy if we should be checking against items coming out of the wall, rather than visually on top of the wall.


Convert a PRECISE ZONE into the BODY_ZONE


The basic chemical bomb proc. Combines a set of reagent holders into one holder and reacts it. If there are any reagents left over it spreads them across the surrounding environment. The maximum volume of the holder is temporarily adjusted to allow for reactions which increase total volume to work at full effectiveness. The maximum volume of the holder is then reset to its original value.



Returns all atoms present in a circle around the center


Returns a list of turfs around a center based on RANGE_TURFS()


Returns all atoms present in a circle around the center but uses view() instead of range() (Currently not used)


Returns a list of turfs around a center based on view()


Gives a farewell message and deletes the ghosts produced by a ghost portal structure.

Handles cleanup of all ghost mobs spawned a ghost portal. Iterates through the list and calls qdel on its contents, gives a short message, and leaves behind some goop. Stored as a global, as it is called immediately after the portal deletes itself.


Passed a list of assoc lists, sorts them by the list's "name" keys.


Sort the autowiki fish entries by their weight. However, duds always come first.


Orders bodyparts by their body_part value, ascending.


Orders cameras by their c_tag ascending


Sorts crafting recipe requirements before the crafting recipe is inserted into GLOB.crafting_recipes

Prioritises /datum/reagent to ensure reagent requirements are always processed first when crafting. This prevents any reagent_containers from being consumed before the reagents they contain, which can lead to runtimes and item duplication when it happens.


Orders fish types following this order (freshwater -> saltwater -> anadromous -> sulphuric water -> any water -> air) If both share the same required fluid type, they'll be ordered by name instead.


Orders heretic knowledge by priority


Orders mobs by health


Orders by integrated circuit weight


Sorts stock parts based on tier

Orders by uplink category weight


Orders vending products by their price


Converts RGB shorthands into RGBA matrices complete of constants rows (ergo a 20 keys list in byond). if return_identity_on_fail is true, stack_trace is called instead of CRASH, and an identity is returned.


Constructs a transformer, with optional color multiply pre-added.


Gets a color for a name, will return the same color for a given string consistently within a round.atom

Note that this proc aims to produce pastel-ish colors using the HSL colorspace. These seem to be favorable for displaying on the map.



compare two lists, returns TRUE if they are the same


Checks if a player is considered AFK


Checks if the passed mind has a mob that is "alive"

Returns TRUE if they're alive, FALSE otherwise


Checks if the passed mind is considered "escaped".

Escaped mobs are used to check certain antag objectives / results.

Escaped includes minds with alive, non-exiled mobs generally.

Returns TRUE if they're a free person, or FALSE if they failed


Exiled check

Checks if the current body of the mind has an exile implant and is currently in an away mission. Returns FALSE if any of those conditions aren't met.


Creates a regular expression to match against the given phobia Capture group 2 = the scary word Capture group 3 = an optional suffix on the scary word


Takes an integer up to 999,999,999 and returns it in words. Works with negative numbers and 0.



Converts the pH into a tgui readable color - i.e. white and black text is readable over it. This is NOT the colourwheel for pHes however.


Converts a list of coordinates, or an assosciative list if passed, into a turf by calling locate(x, y, z) based on the values in the list


Copies the passed /appearance, returns a /mutable_appearance

Filters out certain overlays from the copy, depending on their planes Prevents stuff like lighting from being copied to the new appearance


return the amount of items of the same type inside a list


Inserts a span styled message into an alert box div



Create an atmos zone (Think ZAS), similiar to [proc/detect_room] but it ignores walls and turfs which are non-[atmos_can_pass]

Arguments source - the turf which to find all connected atmos turfs range - the max range to check

Returns a list of turfs, which is an area of isolated atmos


Creates the global datum for playing basketball games, destroys the last if that's required and returns the new.


Creates a CTF game with the provided team ID then returns a reference to the new controller. If a controller already exists provides a reference to it.


Helper to give the passed mob the ability to create a delusion hallucination (even a custom one). Returns a list of arguments - pass these to _cause_hallucination to cause the desired hallucination


Constructs a nested list of glass style singletons

List format:


Returns the list.


Creates the global datum for playing mafia games, destroys the last if that's required and returns the new.


Inserts a span styled message into an OOC alert style div



Returns a random puzzgrid from config. If config is empty, or no valid puzzgrids can be found in time, will return null.



Helper called to create the separatist antagonist via making a department independent from the station.

Returns nothing.


Creates an assoc list of keys to /datum/strippable_item

Selects a set number of unique items from the uplink, and deducts a percentage discount from them


Selects cinematic to play as part of the cult end depending on the outcome then ends the round afterward called either when narsie eats everyone, or when [/proc/begin_the_end()] reaches its conclusion


Mainly so admin triggered tower of babel can be undone


Takes a screen_loc string and cut out any directions like NORTH or SOUTH


Returns the day (mon, tues, wen...) in number format, 1 (monday) - 7 (sunday) from the passed in date (year, month, day) All inputs are expected indexed at 1


Debug proc for getting the total weight of the random_hallucination_weighted_list


Get displayed variable in VV variable list


Compares 2 lists, returns TRUE if they are the same


Copies a list, and all lists inside it recusively Does not copy any other reference type


A version of deep_copy_list that actually supports associative list nesting: list(list(list("a" = "b"))) will actually copy correctly.


The sane defaults for a UI such as a computer or a machine.


Delete all existing SS to basically start over


Calculate the angle produced by a pair of x and y deltas


Delete a timer



Takes a zone and returns its "parent" zone, if it has one.


check if 2 diagonal turfs are blocked by dense objects


Takes two appearances as args, prints out, logs, and returns a text representation of their differences Including suboverlays


Returns a list(x, y), being the change in position required to step in the passed in direction


Takes a direction, turns it into all the junctions that contain it


Takes an argument which could be either a ckey, /client, or IRC marker, and returns a client if possible Returns [EXTERNAL_PM_USER] if an IRC marker is detected Otherwise returns null


Helper for checking if there is an air path between two turfs


Checks the individual for any diseases that are visible to the scanner, and displays the diseases in the attacked to the attacker.


Proc that just dispatches the announcement to our applicable audience. Only the announcement is a mandatory arg. should_play_sound can also be a callback, if you want to only play the sound to specific players.


Makes all lighting corners visible, debug to aid in understanding


Format an energy value in prefixed joules. Arguments


*Format a power value in prefixed watts.


Spawns a portal storm that spawns in sentient/non sentient mobs portal_appearance is a list in the form (turf's plane offset + 1) -> appearance to use


Timed action involving one mob user. Target is optional.

Checks that user does not move, change hands, get stunned, etc. for the given delay. Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.

@param {mob} user - The mob performing the action.

@param {number} delay - The time in deciseconds. Use the SECONDS define for readability. 1 SECONDS is 10 deciseconds.

@param {atom} target - The target of the action. This is where the progressbar will display.

@param {flag} timed_action_flags - Flags to control the behavior of the timed action.

@param {boolean} progress - Whether to display a progress bar / cogbar.

@param {datum/callback} extra_checks - Additional checks to perform before the action is executed.

@param {string} interaction_key - The assoc key under which the do_after is capped, with max_interact_count being the cap. Interaction key will default to target if not set.

@param {number} max_interact_count - The maximum amount of interactions allowed.

@param {boolean} hidden - By default, any action 1 second or longer shows a cog over the user while it is in progress. If hidden is set to TRUE, the cog will not be shown.


Helper to quickly create a cloud of reagent smoke


A helper proc used to spawn small puffs of smoke.



Sweep objects in the direction we're facing towards our direction Arguments


Dump a movable in a random valid spacetile



Makes a copy of an item and transfers most vars over, barring GLOB.duplicate_forbidden_vars Args: original - Atom being duplicated spawning_location - Turf where the duplicated atom will be spawned at.


Version of view() which ignores darkness, because BYOND doesn't have it (I actually suggested it but it was tagged redundant, BUT HEARERS IS A T- /rant).


Using default dyn_ex scale:

100 explosion power is a (5, 10, 20) explosion. 75 explosion power is a (4, 8, 17) explosion. 50 explosion power is a (3, 7, 14) explosion. 25 explosion power is a (2, 5, 10) explosion. 10 explosion power is a (1, 3, 6) explosion. 5 explosion power is a (0, 1, 3) explosion. 1 explosion power is a (0, 0, 1) explosion.



Produces a mutable appearance glued to the [EMISSIVE_PLANE] dyed to be the EMISSIVE_COLOR.


Produces a mutable appearance glued to the [EMISSIVE_PLANE] dyed to be the EM_BLOCK_COLOR.


Callback called by a timer to end an associative-list-indexed cooldown.


This sends a signal reporting the cooldown end.


Simply resets the message delay and the recent messages list, to ensure that recent messages can be sent again. Is called on a one second timer after a delay is set, from /obj/machinery/telecomms/broadcaster/receive_information()


Helper to set the round to end asap. Current usage Cult round end code


Returns TRUE if the input_text ends with the ending


Converts the joule to the watt, assuming SSmachines tick rate. Arguments


Returns a list in plain english as a string


Given a 3 character color (no hash), converts it into #RRGGBB (with hash)


Takes a weighted list (see above) and expands it into raw entries This eats more memory, but saves time when actually picking from it


Makes a given atom explode.



It works like export_item_and_contents(), however it ignores the contents. Meaning only exported_atom will be valued.


Summon failed, time to work backwards


Splits a stack. we don't use /obj/item/stack/proc/split_stack because Byond complains that should only be called asynchronously. This proc is also more faster because it doesn't deal with mobs, copying evidences or refreshing atom storages Has special internal uses for e.g. by the material container & RPED



Fills the holidays list if applicable, or leaves it an empty list.


Given a list, return a copy where values without defined weights are given weight 1. For example, fill_with_ones(list(A, B=2, C)) = list(A=1, B=2, C=1) Useful for weighted random choices (loot tables, syllables in languages, etc.)


Recursively applies a filter to a passed in static appearance, returns the modified appearance


Helper proc to check if a name is valid for the IC filter


Takes a stealthed ckey as input, returns the true key it represents


Checks whether NTNet is available by ensuring at least one relay exists and is operational.


Finds us a generic maintenance spawn location.

Goes through the list of the generic mainteance landmark locations, checking for atmos safety if required, and returns a valid turf. Returns MAP_ERROR if no valid locations are present. Returns nothing and alerts admins if no valid points are found. Keep this in mind when using this helper.


Find an obstruction free turf that's within the range of the center. Can also condition on if it is of a certain area type.


Returns reagent datum from typepath


Returns the first record in the list that matches the name

If locked_only is TRUE, locked records will be checked

If locked_only is FALSE, crew records will be checked

If no record is found, returns null


Finds us a generic spawn location in space.

Goes through the list of the space carp spawn locations, picks from the list, and returns that turf. Returns MAP_ERROR if no landmarks are found.


Find if the message has the real name of any user mob in the mob_list


A utility function for /datum/strippable_items to finish equipping an item to a mob.


A utility function for /datum/strippable_items to finish unequipping an item from a mob.


Torment the target with a frightening hand


firing_squad is a proc for the :B:erforate smite to shoot each individual bullet at them, so that we can add actual delays without sleep() nonsense

Hilariously, if you drag someone away mid smite, the bullets will still chase after them from the original spot, possibly hitting other people. Too funny to fix imo



Find the first name of a mob from a passed string with regex


Flash a color on the passed mob


Flattens a keyed list into a list of its contents


Add an image to a list of clients and calls a proc to remove it after a duration


Format frequency by moving the decimal.


Properly format a string of text by using replacetext()


Returns a string with the first letter of each word capitialized


Converts a GAGS atom to a universal icon by generating blend operations.



Returns all necessary z-level information. Argument append_grid allows the user to see a table showing all of the z-level linkages, which is only visible and useful in-game.


Hands back a stealth ckey to use, guarenteed to be unique


Encodes connectivity between border objects Returns a list accessable by a border object's dir, the direction between it and a target, and a target Said list will return the direction the two objects connect, if any exists (if the target isn't a border object and the direction is fine, return the inverse of the direction in use)


generates a filename for a given asset. like generate_asset_name(), except returns the rsc reference and the rsc file hash as well as the asset name (sans extension) used so that certain asset files don't have to be hashed twice


Generate a filename for this asset The same asset will always lead to the same asset name (Generated names do not include file extention.)


Returns a string of the autowiki output file


Turns /datum/bitfield subtypes into a list for use in debugging


Receives a mob candidate, transforms them into a changeling, and hurls them at the station inside of a changeling meteor

Takes a given candidate and turns them into a changeling, generates a changeling meteor, and throws it at the station. Returns the changeling generated by the event, NOT the meteor. This is so that it plays nicely with the dynamic ruleset while still being usable in the ghost_role event as well.



Generate the big list of reagent based reactions. style='background-color:#FFEE88;'|{{anchor|Synthetic-derived growth factor}}Synthetic-derived growth factor


Returns an associated list of rune types. [rune.cultist_name] = [typepath]


Creates generator__id => type map.


Generates the global weighted list of random hallucinations.


Helper proc to generate a cutout alpha mask out of an icon.

Why is it a helper if it's so simple?

Because BYOND's documentation is hot garbage and I don't trust anyone to actually figure this out on their own without sinking countless hours into it. Yes, it's that simple, now enjoy.

But why not use filters?

Filters do not allow for masks that are not the exact same on every dir. An example of a need for that can be found in [/proc/generate_left_leg_mask()].


Returns an /icon that is the alpha mask of the provided icon and icon_state.


Creates new items inside an atom based on a list


Iterates through all lazy template datums that exist and returns a list of them as an associative list of key -> instance.

Screams if more than one key exists, loudly.


Returns a list of all maps to be found in the directory that is passed in.


Constructs [GLOB.all_quirk_constant_data] by iterating through a typecache of pregen data, ignoring abstract types, and instantiating the rest.


Generate a random name based off of one of the roundstart languages


Generate a random name based off of a species This will pick a name from the species language, and avoid picking common if there are alternatives


Returns what this reagents in our given list taste like



Generates species available to choose in character setup at roundstart

This proc generates which species are available to pick from in character setup. If there are no available roundstart species, defaults to human.


Generates a space underlay for a turf This provides proper lighting support alongside just looking nice Accepts the appearance to make "spaceish", and the turf we're doing this for


Proc that just generates a custom header based on variables fed into priority_announce() Will return a string.


Generates [wound_series_collections] by iterating through all pregen_data. Refer to the mentioned list for documentation


Constructs [GLOB.all_wound_pregen_data] by iterating through a typecache of pregen data, ignoring abstract types, and instantiating the rest.


Returns the atom type in the specified loc


Create a single /icon from a given /atom or /image.

Very low-performance. Should usually only be used for HTML, where BYOND's appearance system (overlays/underlays, etc.) is not available.

Only the first argument is required.


Get active players who are playing in the round


Returns a list of all areas that are adjacent to the center atom's area, clear the list of nulls at the end.


Returns a list with all the adjacent areas by getting the adjacent open turfs


Returns a list with all the adjacent open turfs. Clears the list of nulls in the end.


Returns a list of all turfs that are adjacent to the center atom's turf, clear the list of nulls at the end.


Overlay cache. Why isn't this just in /obj/machinery/door/airlock? Because its used just a tiny bit in door_assembly.dm Refactored so you don't have to make a null copy of airlock to get to the damn thing Someone, for the love of god, profile this. Is there a reason to cache mutable_appearance if so, why are we JUST doing the airlocks when we can put this in mutable_appearance.dm for everything


Get all possible organ slots by checking every organ, and then store it and give it whenever needed


Get all non admin_only instruments as a list of text ids.


Calculate the angle between two movables and the west|east coordinate


Angle between two arbitrary points and horizontal line same as /proc/get_angle


Returns a random announcement system that is operational, has the specified config entry, signal can reach source and radio supports any channel in list. Config entry, source and channels are optional.


Returns MINDS of the assigned antags of given type/subtypes Supplying no antag type grants all minds with antag datums


Returns the name of the area the atom is in


Returns a list with the names of the areas around a center at a certain distance Returns the local area if no distance is indicated Returns an empty list if the center is null


Gets an armor type datum using the given type by formatting it into the expected datum tag


Returns the top-most atom sitting on the turf. For example, using this on a disk, which is in a bag, on a mob, will return the mob because it's on the turf.



Get a bounding box of a list of atoms.


Returns: list(x1, y1, x2, y2)


get_blueprint_data Gets a list of turfs around a central turf and gets the blueprint data in a list Args:






Get the cardinal direction between two atoms


Returns a key to store, remove and access fallen mobs depending on the z-level. This stops rescuing people from places that are waaaaaaaay too far-fetched.


Get the given client's chat toggle prefs.

Getter function for prefs.chat_toggles which guards against null client and null prefs. The client object is fickle and can go null at times, so use this instead of directly accessing the var if you want to ensure no runtimes.

returns client.prefs.chat_toggles or FALSE if something went wrong.



Returns reagent datum from reagent name string


Returns the closest atom of a specific type in a list from a source


Takes in an accessory list and returns the first entry from that list, ensuring that we dont return SPRITE_ACCESSORY_NONE in the process.


Searches through all wounds for any of proper type, series, and biostate, and then returns a single one via pickweight. Is able to discern between, say, a flesh slash wound, and a metallic slash wound, and will return the respective one for the provided limb.

The severity_max and severity_pick_mode args mostly exist in case you want a wound in a series that may not have your ideal severity wound, as it lets you essentially set a "fallback", where if your ideal wound doesnt exist, it'll still return something, trying to get closest to your ideal severity.

Generally speaking, if you want a critical/severe/moderate wound, you should set severity_min to WOUND_SEVERITY_MODERATE, severity_max to your ideal wound, and severity_pick_mode to WOUND_PICK_HIGHEST_SEVERITY - UNLESS you for some reason want the LOWEST severity, in which case you should set severity_max to the highest wound you're willing to tolerate, and severity_pick_mode to WOUND_PICK_LOWEST_SEVERITY.


Returns: A randomly picked wound typepath meeting all the above criteria and being applicable to the part's biotype - or null if there were none.


Returns the existing /datum/ctf_voting_controller for the given ID, or makes one


Gets the relevant universal icon for an atom, when displayed in TGUI. (see: icon_state_preview) Supports GAGS items and colored items.


Returns the distance between two atoms


Gets a dummy savefile for usage in icon generation. Savefiles generated from this proc will be empty.


Creates a human with the given parameters and returns an appearance of it


Returns the turf located at the map edge in the specified direction relative to target_atom used for mass driver


return first thing in L which has var/varname == value this is typecaste as list/L, but you could actually feed it an atom instead. completely safe to use


Iterates over all turfs in the target area and returns the first non-dense one


A simpler version of get_flat_human_icon() that uses an existing human as a base to create the icon. Does not feature caching yet, since I could not think of a good way to cache them without having a possibility of using the cached version when we don't want to, so only use this proc if you just need this flat icon generated once and handle the caching yourself if you need to access that icon multiple times, or refactor this proc to feature caching of icons.



If you already have a human and need to get its flat icon, call get_flat_existing_human_icon() instead.

For creating consistent icons for human looking simple animals.


getFlatIcon for /datum/universal_icons Only supports 32x32 icons facing south Tough luck if you want anything else Still fairly slow for complex appearances due to filesystem operations. Try to avoid using it


Proc that gathers adminwho information for a general player, which will only give information if an admin isn't AFK, and handles potential fakekeying. Will return a list of strings.


Like view but bypasses luminosity check


Returns a list of movable atoms that are hearing sensitive in view_radius and line of sight to source the majority of the work is passed off to the spatial grid if view_radius > 0 because view() isnt a raycasting algorithm, this does not hold symmetry to it. something in view might not be hearable with this. if you want that use get_hearers_in_view() - however thats significantly more expensive


The exact same as get_hearers_in_view, but not limited by visibility. Does no filtering for traits, line of sight, or any other such criteria. Filtering is intended to be done by whatever calls this function.

This function exists to allow for mobs to hear speech without line of sight, if such a thing is needed.


returns every hearaing movable in view to the turf of source not taking into account lighting useful when you need to maintain always being able to hear something if a sound is emitted from it and you can see it (and youre in range). otherwise this is just a more expensive version of get_hearers_in_LOS().


Returns a list containing the width and height of an icon file


given an icon object, dmi file path, or atom/image/mutable_appearance, attempts to find and return an associated dmi file path. a weird quirk about dm is that /icon objects represent both compile-time or dynamic icons in the rsc, but stringifying rsc references returns a dmi file path ONLY if that icon represents a completely unchanged dmi file from when the game was compiled. so if the given object is associated with an icon that was in the rsc when the game was compiled, this returns a path. otherwise it returns ""


Get a list of turfs in a line from starting_atom to ending_atom.

Uses the ultra-fast Bresenham Line-Drawing Algorithm.


Proc that will return the applicable display name, linkified or not, based on the input client reference.


Gets the angle between two linked z-levels. Returns an angle (in degrees) if the z-levels are crosslinked/neighbors, or null if they are not.



Proc that returns a list of cliented admins. Remember that this list can contain nulls! Also, will return null if we don't have any admins.


Get the display name of a messenger instance


Gets all messengers, sorted by their job


Gets all messengers, sorted by their name


returns a mob type controlled by a specified ckey


Return the mob type that is being controlled by a ckey


Returns the occupant mob or brain from a specified input


From a list of players (minds, mobs or clients), finds the one with the highest playtime (either from a specific role or overall living) and returns it.


Returns a list of all locations (except the area) the movable is within.


Returns the distribution of splitting the given security officers into departments. Return value is an assoc list of candidate => SEC_DEPT_*.


returns turf relative to target_atom offset in dx and dy tiles, bound to map limits


Returns the open turf next to the center in a specific direction


Returns a generic path of the object based on the slot


This is the proc you use whenever you want to have pathfinding more complex than "try stepping towards the thing". If no path was found, returns an empty list, which is important for bots like medibots who expect an empty list rather than nothing. It will yield until a path is returned, using magic



Gets the perceived "danger" of radiation pulse, given the threshold to the target. Returns a RADIATION_DANGER_* define, see code/__DEFINES/radiation.dm


Get a list of turfs in a perimeter given the center_atom and radius. Automatically rounds down decimals and does not accept values less than positive 1 as they don't play well with it. Is efficient on large circles but ugly on small ones Uses Jesko`s method to the midpoint circle Algorithm.


for getting the angle when animating something's pixel_x and pixel_y


Finds the distance between two atoms, in pixels
centered = FALSE counts from turf edge to edge
centered = TRUE counts from turf center to turf center
of course mathematically this is just adding world.icon_size on again


Returns a client from a mob, mind or client


Extracts the powernet and cell of the provided power source


Returns a flat list of preferences in order of their priority


get a random frequency.


get_rand_frequency but lower range.


Gets a random coin excluding the blocked type and including extra coins which aren't pathed like coins.


Gets a random drink excluding the blocked type


Returns a random reagent consumable ethanol object minus blacklisted reagents


Get a random food item exluding the blocked ones


Returns a random, acceptable jumpskirt typepath


Returns a random, acceptable jumpsuit typepath


Returns a random reagent object, with the option to blacklist reagents.


Returns a random turf on the station


Gets a random subtype of the passed hallucination type that has a random_hallucination_weight > 0. If no subtype is passed, it will get any random hallucination subtype that is not abstract and has weight > 0. This can be used instead of picking from the global weighted list to just get a random valid hallucination.


Get ranged target turf, but with direct targets as opposed to directions

Starts at atom starting_atom and gets the exact angle between starting_atom and target Moves from starting_atom with that angle, Range amount of times, until it stops, bound to map size Arguments:


Returns a list of chemical_reaction datums that have the input STRING as a product


Takes a type in and returns a list of associated recipes


A getter that sets up the round default if it has not been yet.

round_default_lawset is what is considered the default for the round. Aka, new AI and other silicons would get this. You might recognize the fact that 99% of the time it is asimov.

This requires config, so it is generated at the first request to use this var.


Returns a random turf on the station, excludes dense turfs (like walls) and areas that have valid_territory set to FALSE


Returns a random department of areas to pass into get_safe_random_station_turf() for more equal spawning.


Gets a list of all species id's available to choose in roundstart.


Proc that gathers adminwho information for admins, which will contain information on if the admin is AFK, readied to join, etc. Only arg is a list of clients to use. Will return a list of strings.


Used to convert a SFX define into a .ogg so we can add some variance to sounds. If soundin is already a .ogg, we simply return it


Returns the size of the sprite in tiles. Takes the icon size and divides it by the world icon size (default 32). This gives the size of the sprite in tiles.

@return size of the sprite in tiles


Fikou's fix for making toast alerts look nice - resets offsets, transforms to fit


Returns a sorted version of GLOB.areas, by name


POTENTIALLY cheaper version of get_path_to This proc generates a path map for the end atom's turf, which allows us to cheaply do pathing operations "at" it Generation is significantly SLOWER then get_path_to, but if many things are/might be pathing at something then it is much faster Runs the risk of returning an suboptimal or INVALID PATH if the delay between map creation and use is too long

If no path was found, returns an empty list, which is important for bots like medibots who expect an empty list rather than nothing. It will yield until a path is returned, using magic



Returns location. Returns null if no location was found.


Used to get the amount of change between two body temperatures

When passed the difference between two temperatures returns the amount of change to temperature to apply. The change rate should be kept at a low value tween 0.16 and 0.02 for optimal results. vars:


Lets the turf this atom's ICON appears to inhabit it takes into account: Pixel_x/y Matrix x/y NOTE: if your atom has non-standard bounds then this proc will handle it, but: if the bounds are even, then there are an even amount of "middle" turfs, the one to the EAST, NORTH, or BOTH is picked this may seem bad, but you're at least as close to the center of the atom as possible, better than byond's default loc being all the way off) if the bounds are odd, the true middle turf of the atom is returned


Returns a valid location to place a screen object without overflowing the viewport

Returns a screen loc representing the valid location


Returns how visually "off" the atom is from its source turf as a list of x, y (in pixel steps) it takes into account: Pixel_x/y Matrix x/y Icon width/height


Tries to give the target an admin popup. If it fails, will send the error to the passed admin.


Provides a singleton for the escape menu details screen.


Provides a singleton for the escape menu details screen.


Magical move-wooney that happens sometimes.

Simulates a vortex that moves nearby movable atoms towards or away from the turf T. Range also determines the strength of the effect. High values cause nearby objects to be thrown. Arguments:


Generate a grawlix string of length of the text argument.


Takes a list of numbers as input, returns the highest value that is cleanly divides them all Note: this implementation is expensive as heck for large numbers, I only use it because most of my usecase Is < 10 ints


Emits a hallucinating pulse around the passed atom. Affects everyone in the passed radius except for those with TRAIT_MADNESS_IMMUNE. This affects blind players.

center - required, the center of the pulse radius - the radius around that the pulse reaches hallucination_duration - how much hallucination is added by the pulse. reduced based on distance to the center. hallucination_max_duration - a cap on how much hallucination can be added optional_messages - optional list of messages passed. Those affected by pulses will be given one of the messages in said list.


Takes a given area and chance, applying the haunted_item component to objects in the area.

Takes an epicenter, and within the range around it, runs a haunt_chance percent chance of applying the haunted_item component to nearby objects.


healthscan returns a list of everything a health scan should give to a player. Examples of where this is used is Health Analyzer and the Physical Scanner tablet app. Args: user - The person with the scanner target - The person being scanned mode - Uses SCANNER_CONDENSED or SCANNER_VERBOSE to decide whether to give a list of all individual limb damage advanced - Whether it will give more advanced details, such as husk source. tochat - Whether to immediately post the result into the chat of the user, otherwise it will return the results.


Unleashes a honkerblast similar to the honkmech weapon, but with more granular control.


Converts a list storing hsva into an rgb color


Perform a whitespace cleanup on the text, similar to what HTML renderers do

This is useful if you want to better predict how text is going to look like when displaying it to a user. HTML renderers collapse multiple whitespaces into one, trims prepending and appending spaces, among other things. This proc attempts to do the same thing. HTML5 defines whitespace pretty much exactly like regex defines the \s group, [ \t\r\n\f].



Converts an icon to base64. Operates by putting the icon in the iconCache savefile, exporting it as text, and then parsing the base64 from that. (This relies on byond automatically storing icons in savefiles as base64)


generate an asset for the given icon or the icon of the given appearance for [thing], and send it to any clients in target. Arguments:


Checks whether a given icon state exists in a given icon file. If file and state both exist, this will return TRUE - otherwise, it will return FALSE.

If you want a stack trace to be output when the given state/file doesn't exist, use /proc/icon_exists_or_scream().


Functions the same as /proc/icon_exists(), but with the addition of a stack trace if the specified file or state doesn't exist.

Stack traces will only be output once for each file.


Reverse operation of /datum/icon_transformer/to_list()


Calculate if two atoms are in sight, returns TRUE or FALSE


Initialises all /datum/reagent into a list indexed by reagent id


Inits crafting recipe lists


Inits atoms used in crafting recipes


Makes sure the exports list is populated and that the report isn't null.


Returns a map of canister id to its type path


Returns reactions which will contribute to a hotspot's size.


Creates and sorts all the keybinding datums


Inits the global list of language holder prototypes.


Inits the global list of loadout category singletons Also inits loadout item singletons


initializes the pirate gangs glob list, adding all subtypes that can roll today.


Inits GLOB.plant_traits


Functions like init_subtypes, but uses the subtype's path as a key for easy access


//Initial Building/////

Inits GLOB.surgeries


Returns a list of all heretic knowledge TYPEPATHS that have route set to PATH_START.


Takes a 1, 2 or 3 digit number and returns it in words. Don't call this directly, use convert_integer_to_words() instead.



Inverts the colour of an HTML string


Picks a string of symbols to display as the law number for hacked or ion laws is at the start to prevent us from changing say modes via get_message_mode()


Returns TRUE/FALSE on whether the mob is an Admin Ghost AI. This requires this snowflake check because AI interact gives the access to the mob's client, rather than the mob like everyone else, and we keep it that way so they can't accidentally give someone Admin AI access.


Is the passed in mob a ghost with admin powers, doesn't check for AI interact like isAdminGhost() used to


Returns if the given client is an admin, REGARDLESS of if they're deadminned or not.


Checks client ban cache or, if it doesn't exist, queries the DB ban table to see if the player's ckey is banned from at least one of the provided roles.

Returns TRUE if the player matches with one or more role bans. Returns FALSE if the player doesn't match with any role bans. Possible errors states also return FALSE.



Given a color in the format of "#RRGGBB", will return if the color is dark.


Returns whether the given mob is convertable to the blood cult


Proc that identifies if something is a valid target for CTF related checks, checks if an object is a ctf barrier or has ctf component if they are a player.


Returns whether or not a player is a guest using their ckey as an input


Given a text, will return what word is on the IC filter, with the reason. Returns null if the message is OK.


Given a text, will return what word is on the IC filter, ignoring words allowed on the PDA, with the reason. Returns null if the message is OK.


Returns whether or not syndicate operatives escaped.


Helper proc that checks if a bait matches identifier from fav/disliked bait list


Find whitespace or dashes in the passed string with regex and returns TRUE if found


Checks if the passed non-area atom is on a "planet".

A planet is defined as anything with planetary atmos that has gravity, with some hardcoded exceptions.

Returns TRUE if we are on a planet. Returns FALSE if we are not in a planet, or otherwise, "in space".


Given a text, will return what word is on the OOC filter, with the reason. Returns null if the message is OK.


Checks for specific paths in a list.

If using zebra mode the list should be an assoc list with truthy/falsey values. The check short circuits so earlier entries in the input list will take priority. Ergo, subpaths should come before parent paths. Notice that this is the opposite priority of /proc/typecacheof.



Checks if a given turf is a "safe" location


Given a text, will return what word is on the soft IC filter, with the reason. Returns null if the message is OK.


Given a text, will return what word is on the soft IC filter, ignoring words allowed on the PDA, with the reason. Returns null if the message is OK.


Given a text, will return that word is on the soft OOC filter, with the reason. Returns null if the message is OK.


Compare source's dir, the clockwise dir of source and the anticlockwise dir of source To the opposite dir of the dir returned by get_dir(target,source) If one of them is a match, then source is facing target


Returns TRUE if the game has started and we're either an AI with a 0th law, or we're someone with a special role/antag datum If allow_fake_antags is set to FALSE, Valentines, ERTs, and any such roles with FLAG_FAKE_ANTAG won't pass.


Checks for specific types in a list.

If using zebra mode the list should be an assoc list with truthy/falsey values. The check short circuits so earlier entries in the input list will take priority. Ergo, subtypes should come before parent types. Notice that this is the opposite priority of /proc/typecacheof.



Checks whether or not a particular typepath or subtype of it is present on a turf

Returns the first instance located if an instance of the desired type or a subtype of it is found Returns null if the type is not found, or if no turf is supplied



given a text string, returns whether it is a valid dmi icons folder path


Check if a datum has not been deleted and is a valid source


Checks if source_loc and checking_loc is both on the station, or on the same z level. This is because the station's several levels aren't considered the same z, so multi-z stations need this special case.

Args: source_loc - turf of the source we're comparing. checking_loc - turf we are comparing to source_loc.

returns TRUE if connection is valid, FALSE otherwise.


Is the passed item a tool that would interact with wires?



Checks if a given atom is in range of a radio jammer, returns TRUE if it is.


Returns if the given target is a human. Like, a REAL human. Not a moth, not a felinid (which are human subtypes), but a human.


Returns an integer in ISO format 1 (Monday) - 7 (Sunday) as a string day


Hides all the lights around a source temporarially, for the sake of figuring out how bad a light bleeds (Except for turf lights, because they're a part of the "scene" and rarely modified)


Used to determine whether the mob is immune to actions by the vine. Use cases: Stops vine from attacking itself, other plants.


Takes a list of rank names and joins them with +


Convert a list of json to datum


Convert a datum into a json blob


Converts a list into a list of assoc lists of the form ("key" = key, "value" = value) so that list keys that are themselves lists can be fully json-encoded and that unique objects with the same string representation do not produce duplicate keys that are clobbered by the standard JavaScript JSON.parse function


Find the last name of a mob from a passed string with regex


Check if the turf pressure allows specialized equipment to work


returns the law datum with the lawid in question, law boards and law datums should share this id.


Sends an announcement about the level changing to players. Uses the passed in datum and the subsystem's previous security level to generate the message.


Increments every time WE update the library db table, causes all existing consoles to repull when they next check


this is the actual bolt effect and damage, made into its own proc because it is used elsewhere


Removes any empty weakrefs from the list Returns TRUE if the list had empty refs, FALSE otherwise


Removes any null entries from the list Returns TRUE if the list had nulls, FALSE otherwise


Returns the amount of currently living players


Loads admin ranks. Return a list containing the backup data if they were loaded from the database backup json


(Re)Loads the admin list. returns TRUE if database admins had to be loaded from the backup json


Loads all adventures from DB


Proc that simply loads the default map config, which should always be functional.


Helper and recommened way to load a map file


Proc handling the loading of map configs. Will return the default map config using /proc/load_default_map_config if the loading of said file fails for any reason whatsoever, so we always have a working map for the server to run. Arguments:

Returns the config for the map to load.


Loads all current and future server polls and their options to store both as datums.


Takes a list of paths (such as a loadout list) and returns a list of their singleton loadout item datums

loadout_list - the list being checked

Returns a list of singleton datums


Logging for logging in & out of the game, with error messages.


General logging for admin actions


Logging for admin actions on or with circuits


General logging for admin actions


Logging for AdminSay (ASAY) messages


Logging for loading and caching assets


Logs the contents of the gasmix to the game log, prefixed by text


Generic attack logging


Logging for bombs detonating


Logging for changeling powers purchased


Logging for chatting on modular computer channels


Log a combat message in the attack log



Logging for newscaster comments


Logging for config errors Rarely gets called; just here in case the config breaks.


Helper for logging of messages with only one sender and receiver (i.e. mind links)


Logging for DeachatSay (DSAY) messages


Logging for dynamic procs


Logging for emotes


Logs to the filter log with the given message, match, and scope


Logging for generic/unsorted game messages


Logging for heretic powers learned


Logging for music requests


Logging for job slot changes


Logging for lua scripting


Logging for upgrades purchased by a malfunctioning (or combat upgraded) AI


Logging for player manifest (ckey, name, job, special role, roundstart/latejoin)


Logging for mapping errors


Logging for mech actions


Logging for messages sent in OOC


Logging for writing made on paper


Logging for PDA messages sent


Logging for game performance


Adds the new names to the player's played_names list on their /datum/persistent_client for use of admins. ckey should be their ckey, and data should be an associative list with the keys being the names they played under and the values being the unique mob ID tied to that name.


Logging for prayed messages


Logging for hard deletes


Logging for emotes sent over the radio


Puts the text into the research html file, not log. See [INVESTIGATE_RESEARCH] for [/atom/proc/investigate_log]


Logging for generic spoken messages


Logging for shuttle actions


Logging for speech indicators.


Logging for wizard powers learned


Logs bounties completed by spies and their rewards


Logging for DB errors


Writes to a special log file if the log_suspicious_login config flag is set, which is intended to contain all logins that failed under suspicious circumstances.

Mirrors this log entry to log_access when access_log_mirror is TRUE, so this proc doesn't need to be used alongside log_access and can replace it where appropriate.


Logging for speech taking place over comms, as well as tcomms equipment


Appends a tgui-related log entry. All arguments are optional.


Logging for tool usage


Logging for world/Topic


Logging for traitor objectives


Logging for transport (tram/elevator) actions


Logging for TTS

Logging for items purchased from a traitor uplink


Logging for the creation and contraction of viruses


Logging for OOC votes


Logging for whispered messages


Log to both DD and the logfile.


log_wound() is for when someone is attacked and suffers a wound. Note that this only captures wounds from damage, so smites/forced wounds aren't logged, as well as demotions like cuts scabbing over

Note that this has no info on the attack that dealt the wound: information about where damage came from isn't passed to the bodypart's damaged proc. When in doubt, check the attack log for attacks at that same time TODO later: Add logging for healed wounds, though that will require some rewriting of healing code to prevent admin heals from spamming the logs. Not high priority



Line of sight check! Spawns a dummy object and then iterates through each turf to see if it's blocked by something not handled by pass_args. Contains a mid_los_check, meant to be overriden by subtypes. args:


Make a normal list an associative one


Uses stripped down and bastardized code from respawn character


Legacy procs that really should be replaced with proper _INIT macros


Helper proc that handles making someone into a clown after a bananium nuke goes off.


Returns the name of the mathematical tuple of same length as the number arg (rounded down).


Creates a mutable appearance with the material color applied for its insertion animation into an autolathe or techfab Arguments


Save file as an external file then md5 it. Used because md5ing files stored in the rsc sometimes gives incorrect md5 results. https://www.byond.com/forum/post/2611357


Returns the md5 of a file at a given path.


Used by communications consoles to message CentCom


Used by communications consoles to message the Syndicate


Message-related procs

Message format (/list):

Copyright (c) 2020 Aleksej Komarov SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


Sends a minor annoucement to players. Minor announcements are large text, with the title in red and message in white. Only mobs that can hear can see the announcements.

message - the message contents of the announcement. title - the title of the announcement, which is often "who sent it". alert - whether this announcement is an alert, or just a notice. Only changes the sound that is played by default. html_encode - if TRUE, we will html encode our title and message before sending it, to prevent player input abuse. players - optional, a list mobs to send the announcement to. If unset, sends to all palyers. sound_override - optional, use the passed sound file instead of the default notice sounds. should_play_sound - Whether the notice sound should be played or not. This can also be a callback, if you only want mobs to hear the sound based off of specific criteria. color_override - optional, use the passed color instead of the default notice color.


Takes: list of area types Returns: all mobs that are in an area type


Returns an angle in degrees relative to the position of the mouse and that of the client eye.


Move a single element from position from_index within a list, to position to_index All elements in the range [1,to_index) before the move will be before the pivot afterwards All elements in the range [to_index, L.len+1) before the move will be after the pivot afterwards In other words, it's as if the range [from_index,to_index) have been rotated using a <<< operation common to other languages. from_index and to_index must be in the range [1,L.len+1] This will preserve associations ~Carnie


Move elements [from_index,from_index+len) to [to_index-len, to_index) Same as moveElement but for ranges of elements This will preserve associations ~Carnie


Checks if a move speed modifier is valid and not missing any data



Third crew last second win check and flufftext for [/proc/begin_the_end()]


First crew last second win check and flufftext for [/proc/begin_the_end()]


Second crew last second win check and flufftext for [/proc/begin_the_end()]


Called only if the crew managed to destroy narsie at the very last second for [/proc/begin_the_end()]


security level and shuttle lockdowns for [/proc/begin_the_end()]


Returns the next item in a list


Fancy notifications for ghosts

The kitchen sink of notification procs



Helper proc that handles gibbing someone who has been nuked.


Used by communications consoles to request the nuclear launch codes


"Turns" people into objects. Really, we just add them to the contents of the item.


Offer control of the passed in mob to dead player

Automatic logging and uses poll_candidates_for_mob, how convenient


Takes a list in the form (x_offset, y_offset) And converts it to a screen loc string Accepts an optional view string/size to force the screen_loc around, so it can't go out of scope


Converts an overlay list into text for debug printing Of note: overlays aren't actually mutable appearances, they're just appearances Don't have access to that type tho, so this is the best you're gonna get


Returns a turf based on text inputs, original turf and viewing client


Returns a list of strings for a given slot flag.


Return a string for the specified body zone. Should be used for parsing non-instantiated bodyparts, otherwise use /obj/item/bodypart/var/plaintext_zone


Takes a non area atom and a threshold Makes it block emissive with any pixels with more alpha then that threshold, with the rest allowing the light to pass Returns a list of objects, automatically added to your vis_contents, that apply this effect QDEL them when appropriate


A do nothing proc


We generate a path for the passed in callbacks, and then pipe it over


Uses funny pass by reference bullshit to take the output created by pathfinding, and insert it into a return list We'll be able to use this return list to tell a sleeping proc to continue execution


Takes a directory and returns every file within every sub directory. If extensions_filter is provided then only files that end in that extension are given back. If extensions_filter is a list, any file that matches at least one entry is given back.


Returns the top (last) element from the list, does not remove it from the list. Stack functionality.


Much more permissive version of reject_bad_name(). Returns a trimmed string or null if the name is invalid. Allows most characters except for IC chat prohibited words.


Returns a chosen path that is the closest to a list of matches


Pick a random element from the list and remove it from the list.


Picks a random element from a list based on a weighting system. For example, given the following list: A = 6, B = 3, C = 1, D = 0 A would have a 60% chance of being picked, B would have a 30% chance of being picked, C would have a 10% chance of being picked, and D would have a 0% chance of being picked. You should only pass integers in.


Like pick_weight, but allowing for nested lists.

For example, given the following list: list(A = 1, list(B = 1, C = 1)) A would have a 50% chance of being picked, and list(B, C) would have a 50% chance of being picked. If list(B, C) was picked, B and C would then each have a 50% chance of being picked. So the final probabilities would be 50% for A, 25% for B, and 25% for C.

Weights should be integers. Entries without weights are assigned weight 1 (so unweighted lists can be used as well)


returns a law datum based off of config. will never roll asimov as the weighted datum if the station has a unique AI.


runs piglatin_word() proc on each word in a sentence. preserves caps and punctuation


takes "word", and returns it piglatinized.


Takes a turf, and a list of x and y pixel offsets and returns the turf that the offset position best lands in


Plays a cinematic, duh. Can be to a select few people, or everyone.

cinematic_type - datum typepath to what cinematic you wish to play. watchers - a list of all mobs you are playing the cinematic to. If world, the cinematical will play globally to all players. special_callback - optional callback to be invoked mid-cinematic.


Plays a visual effect representing a sound cue for people with vision obstructed by FOV or blindness


playsound is a proc used to play a 3D sound in a specific range. This uses SOUND_RANGE + extra_range to determine that.



One proc for easy spawning of pods in the code to drop off items before whizzling (please don't proc call this in game, it will destroy you)



Polls all Cultists on whether the person putting themselves forward should be made the Cult Leader, if they can actually be such.


Takes a holiday datum, a starting month, ending month, max amount of days to test in, and min/max year as input Returns a list in the form list("yyyy/m/d", ...) representing all days the holiday runs on in the tested range


Returns the top(last) element from the list and removes it from the list (typical stack function)


This proc populates GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(editable_sign_types)

The first time a pen is used on any sign, this populates GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(editable_sign_types), creating a global list of all the signs that you can set a sign backing to with a pen.


Lazy-initialize the datum field on all the designs


Disable power in the station APCs


Causes a power failure across the station.

All SMESs and APCs will be fully drained, and all areas will power down.

The drain is permanent (that is, it won't automatically come back after some time like the grid check event), but the crew themselves can return power via the engine, solars, or other means of creating power.


Restores power to all rooms on the station.

Magically fills ALL APCs and SMESs to capacity, and restores power to depowered areas.


A quicker version of /proc/power_restore that only handles recharging SMESs.

This will also repower an entire station - it is not instantaneous like power restore, but it is faster performance-wise as it only handles SMES units.

Great as a less magical / more IC way to return power to a sapped station.


Converts the watt to the joule, assuming SSmachines tick rate.


Returns a text string containing N prefixed with a series of zeros with length equal to max_zeros minus log(10, N), rounded down.


Returns a list of turfs in X range from the epicenter Returns in a unique order, spiraling outwards This is done to ensure our progressive cache of blast resistance is always valid This is quite fast


Global proc that sets up each /datum/infuser_entry sub-type as singleton instances in a list, and returns it.


Intermediate step for preparing lists to be passed into the lua editor tgui. Resolves weakrefs, converts some values without a standard textual representation to text, and can handle self-referential lists and potential duplicate output keys.


Input a reagent_list, outputs pretty readable text! Default output will be formatted as


Returns the previous item in a list


Does the same as /proc/poll_holiday, but prints the output to admins instead of returning it


Helper proc to print a list of languages in a human readable format


Make a big red text announcement to

Formatted like:

" Message from sender "

" Title "

" Text "



Generate a list of turfs you can teleport to from the areas list

Includes areas if they're not a shuttle or not not teleport or have no contents

The chosen turf is the first item in the areas contents that is a station level

The returned list of turfs is sorted by name


remove the old powernet and replace it with a new one throughout the network.


Should be treated as a replacement for the 'del' keyword.

Datums passed to this will be given a chance to clean up references to allow the GC to collect them.


Sends out a pulse of radiation, eminating from the source. Radiation is performed by collecting all radiatables within the max range (0 means source only, 1 means adjacent, etc), then makes their way towards them. A number, starting at 1, is multiplied by the insulation amounts of whatever is in the way (for example, walls lowering it down). If this number hits equal or below the threshold, then the target can no longer be irradiated. If the number is above the threshold, then the chance is the chance that the target will be irradiated. As a consumer, this means that max_range going up usually means you want to lower the threshold too, as well as the other way around. If max_range is high, but threshold is too high, then it usually won't reach the source at the max range in time. If max_range is low, but threshold is too low, then it basically guarantees everyone nearby, even if there's walls and such in the way, can be irradiated. You can also pass in a minimum exposure time. If this is set, then this radiation pulse will not irradiate the source unless they have been around any radioactive source for that period of time. The chance to get irradiated diminishes over range, and from objects that block radiation. Assuming there is nothing in the way, the chance will determine what the chance is to get irradiated from half of max_range. Example: If chance is equal to 30%, and max_range is equal to 8, then the chance for a thing to get irradiated is 30% if they are 4 turfs away from the pulse source.


Return the zone or randomly, another valid zone

probability controls the chance it chooses the passed in zone, or another random zone defaults to 80



Returns a random color picked from a list, has 2 modes (0 and 1), mode 1 doesn't pick white, black or gray


Returns random fish, using random_case_rarity probabilities.


Returns a string for a random nuke code


Forces the atom to take a step in a random direction


Fully randomizes everything about a human, including DNA and name.


Randomizes a human, but produces someone who looks exceedingly average (by most standards).

(IE, no wacky hair styles / colors)


Converts a rank name (such as "Coder+Moth") into a list of /datum/admin_rank


Produces a new RCD result from the given one if it can be calculated that the RCD should speed up with the remembered form.


Global proc that generates RCD hologram in a range.



Debug proc, for when lighting sheets fuck up Accepts the sheet (2 or 3 (multiz) dimensional list of lighting values at some offset) alongside x and y delta values and the sheet's "offset", which is the amount required to ensure everything indexes at 1 Optionally, you can pass similar values for multiz stuff


Takes a list of appearnces, makes them mutable so they can be properly vv'd and inspected


Takes two values x and y, and returns 1/((1/x) + y) Useful for providing an additive modifier to a value that is used as a divisor


Recreate all SSs which will still cause data survive due to Recover(), the new Master will then find and take them from global.vars


Returns a list with all weakrefs resolved


Helper for recursive_list_resolve()


Recursively checks if an item is inside a given type/atom, even through layers of storage. Returns the atom if it finds it.


The procedure to check the text of the entered text on ntnrc_client.dm

This procedure is designed to check the text you type into the chat client. It checks for invalid characters and the size of the entered text.


Filters out undesirable characters from names.


Returns the text if properly formatted, or null else.

Things considered improper:


Sends a message to everyone within the list, as well as all observers.


Processes a path (list of turfs), removes any diagonal moves that would lead to a weird bump

path - The path to process down pass_info - Holds all the info about what this path attempt can go through simulated_only - If we are not allowed to pass space turfs avoid - A turf to be avoided


Processes a path (list of turfs), removes any diagonal moves

path - The path to process down pass_info - Holds all the info about what this path attempt can go through simulated_only - If we are not allowed to pass space turfs avoid - A turf to be avoided


Removes an image from a client's .images. Useful as a callback.


Like remove_image_from_client, but will remove the image from a list of clients


Unregisters an NTMessenger instance from the pda_messengers table.


Given a list and a list of its variant hints, removes any list key/values that are represent lua values that could not be directly converted to DM.


handles removing verb and sending it to browser to update, use this for removing verbs

pass the verb type path to this instead of removing it from verbs so the statpanel can update Arguments:


rename_area Renames an area to the given new name, updating all machines' names and firedoors to properly ensure alarms and machines are named correctly at all times. Args:


Modifies a sprite to replace the legs with a new version


Called by decals if they can be colored, to see if we got some cool colors for them. Only takes the first station trait


Returns a z pillar to insert turfs into


Proc used by stoppable timers to end a cooldown before the time has ran out.


This sends a signal reporting the cooldown end, passing the time left as an argument.


Removes any existing religious sect from chaplains, allowing another to be selected


A form of resolve_ai_icon that is guaranteed to never sleep. Not always accurate, but always synchronous.


Gets the ban cache of the passed in client If the cache has not been generated, we start off a query If we still have a query going for this request, we just sleep until it's received back


Returns an assoc list of the gas handbook and the reaction handbook. For UIs, simply do data += return_atmos_handbooks() to use.


Docks the emergency shuttle back to the station and resets its state


returns the arguments given to a generator and manually extracts them from the internal byond object returns:


returns a random unused frequency between MIN_FREE_FREQ & MAX_FREE_FREQ if free = TRUE, and MIN_FREQ & MAX_FREQ if FALSE


replaces reverseList ~Carnie


Converts an rgb color into a list storing hsva Exists because it's useful to have a guaranteed alpha value


Gets the version of rust_g


Returns the date of the given revision using the provided format. Defaults to returning %F which is YYYY-MM-DD.


Returns the formatted datetime string of HEAD using the provided format. Defaults to returning %F which is YYYY-MM-DD. This is different to rustg_git_commit_date because it only needs the logs directory.


Provided a static RSC file path or a raw text file path, returns the duration of the file in deciseconds as a float.


Returns the timestamp as a string


Safely read a given preference datum from a given client.

Reads the given preference datum from the given client, and guards against null client and null prefs. The client object is fickle and can go null at times, so use this instead of read_preference() if you want to ensure no runtimes.

returns client.prefs.read_preference(prefs_to_read) or FALSE if something went wrong.



Runs byond's html encoding sanitization proc, after replacing new-lines and tabs for the # character.


Makes sure the input color is text with a # at the start followed by 6 hexadecimal characters. Examples: "#ff1234", "#A38321", COLOR_GREEN_GRAY


Removes all non-alphanumerics from the text, keep in mind this can lead to id conflicts


Sanitizes the name of each node in the path.

Im case you are wondering when to use this proc and when to use SANITIZE_FILENAME,

You use SANITIZE_FILENAME to sanitize the name of a file [e.g. example.txt]

You use sanitize_filepath sanitize the path of a file [e.g. root/node/example.txt]

If you use SANITIZE_FILENAME to sanitize a file path things will break.


Ensure the frequency is within bounds of what it should be sending/receiving at


returns nothing with an alert instead of the message if it contains something in the ic filter, and sanitizes normally if the name is fine. It returns nothing so it backs out of the input the same way as if you had entered nothing.


Slightly expensive proc to scramble a message using equal probabilities of character replacement from a list. DOES NOT SUPPORT HTML!


Takes a screen loc string in the format "+-left-offset:+-pixel,+-bottom-offset:+-pixel" Where the :pixel is optional, and returns A list in the format (x_offset, y_offset) We require context to get info out of screen locs that contain relative info, so NORTH, SOUTH, etc


Almost identical to the params_to_turf(), but unused (remove?)


Return an object with a new maptext (not currently in use)


Loads the ruins for a given z level. @param z_levels The z levels to load ruins on. @param budget The budget to spend on ruins. Compare against the cost of the ruins in /datum/map_template/ruin. @param whitelist A list of areas to allow ruins to be placed in. @param potentialRuins A list of ruins to choose from. @param clear_below Whether to clear the area below the ruin. Used for multiz ruins. @param mineral_budget The budget to spend on ruins that spawn ore vents. Map templates with vents have that defined by mineral_cost. @param mineral_budget_update What type of ore distribution should spawn from ruins picked by this cave generator? This list is copied from ores_spawned.dm into SSore_generation.ore_vent_minerals. @param ruin_type The type of ruins that are spawning (ZTRAIT_SPACE_RUINS, ZTRAIT_ICE_RUINS, ZTRAIT_LAVA_RUINS, etc.)


Finds and extracts seeds from an object

Checks if the object is such that creates a seed when extracted. Used by seed extractors or posably anything that would create seeds in some way. The seeds are dropped either at the extractor, if it exists, or where the original object was and it qdel's the object



Helper to give the passed mob the ability to select a hallucination from the list of all hallucination subtypes.


Converts a semver string into a list of numbers


Asynchronously sends a message to TGS admin chat channels.

category - The category of the mssage. message - The message to send.


Asynchronously sends a message to TGS chat channels.

message - The /datum/tgs_message_content to send. channel_tag - Required. If "", the message with be sent to all connected (Game-type for TGS3) channels. Otherwise, it will be sent to TGS4 channels with that tag (Delimited by ','s). admin_only - Determines if this communication can only be sent to admin only channels.


Sends a message to a set of cross-communications-enabled servers using world topic calls



A procedure for saving DMM text to a file and then sending it to the user. Arguments:


Sends a fax to a fax machine in an area! fax_area is a type, where all subtypes are also queried. If multiple machines, one is randomly picked If force is TRUE, we send a droppod with a fax machine and fax the message to that fax machine


Sends a div formatted chat box announcement

Formatted like:

" Server Announcement " (or sender_override)

" Title "

" Text "



Easily send a supplypod to an area


Sends a round tip to a target. If selected_tip is null, a random tip will be sent instead (5% chance of it being silly). Tips that starts with the @ character won't be html encoded. That's necessary for any tip containing markup tags, just make sure they don't also have html characters like <, > and ' which will be garbled.


Sends a message to all dead and observing players, if a source is provided a follow link will be attached.


sends a whatever to all playing players; use instead of to_chat(world, where needed)


Serializes an antag name to be used for preferences UI


Renames all machines in a defined area from the old title to the new title. Used when renaming an area to ensure that all machiens are labeled the new area's machine. Args:


This proc gets an argument of a target and runs


Sets the camera network status on all entertainment monitors. A way to force a network to a status if you are unsure of the current state.


Sets a new religious sect used by all chaplains int he round


Called when the global exports_list is empty, and sets it up.


Global proc that sets up all MOD themes as singletons in a list and returns it.


first called when something wants round default laws for the first time in a round, considers config returns a law datum that GLOB._round_default_lawset will be set to.


Shake the camera of the person viewing the mob SO REAL! Takes the mob to shake, the time span to shake for, and the amount of tiles we're allowed to shake by in tiles Duration isn't taken as a strict limit, since we don't trust our coders to not make things feel shitty. So it's more like a soft cap.


Turns number of sheets into material amount, returning FALSE if the number is <= 0



Some sanity checks, but mostly to check if the person has their preference/dna set to load


Randomize: Return the list in a random order


same as shuffle, but returns nothing and acts on list in place


Formats a number to human readable form with the appropriate SI unit.

Supports SI exponents between 1e-15 to 1e15, but properly handles numbers outside that range as well. Examples:


Formats a number into a list representing the si unit. Access the coefficient with [SI_COEFFICIENT], and access the unit with [SI_UNIT].

Supports SI exponents between 1e-15 to 1e15, but properly handles numbers outside that range as well. Arguments:



Returns a slice of a list of turfs, defined by the ones that are inside the inner/outer angle's bounds


Return a list info of the SM gases. Can only run after init_sm_gas


Insertion Sort

Simple sorting algorithm that builds the final sorted list one item at a time.



Merge Sort

Divide and conquer sorting algorithm.



Tim Sort

Hybrid sorting algorithm derived from merge sort and insertion sort.

Sorts in place. You might not need to get the return value.

@see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timsort

@param {list} to_sort - The list to sort.

@param {proc} cmp - The comparison proc to use. Default: Numeric ascending.

@param {boolean} associative - Whether the list is associative. Default: FALSE.

@param {int} fromIndex - The index to start sorting from. Default: 1.

@param {int} toIndex - The index to stop sorting at. Default: 0.


for sorting clients or mobs by ckey


sort any value in a list


Orders mobs by type then by name. Accepts optional arg to sort a custom list, otherwise copies GLOB.mob_list.


uses sort_list() but uses the var's name specifically. This should probably be using mergeAtom() instead


Specifically for record datums in a list.


Returns a screen_loc format for a tiling screen objects from start and end positions. Start should be bottom left corner, and end top right corner.


Returns a list with items filtered from a list that can call callback


similar function to range(), but with no limitations on the distance; will search spiralling outwards from the center


similar function to RANGE_TURFS(), but will search spiralling outwards from the center (like the above, but only turfs)


Given a color in the format of "#RRGGBB" or "#RRGGBBAA", gives back a 4 entry list with the number values of each


divides a list of materials uniformly among all contents of the target_object recursively Used to set materials of printed items with their design cost by taking into consideration their already existing materials e.g. if 12 iron is to be divided uniformly among 2 objects A, B who's current iron contents are 3 & 7 Then first we normalize those values i.e. find their weights to decide who gets an higher share of iron total_sum = 3 + 7 = 10, A = 3/10 = 0.3, B = 7/10 = 0.7 Then we finally multiply those weights with the user value of 12 we get A = 0.3 * 12 = 3.6, B = 0.7 * 12 = 8.4 i.e. 3.6 + 8.4 = 12!! Off course we round the values so we don't have to deal with floating point materials so the actual value ends being less but that's not an issue Arguments


Exposes all accessible atoms within some distance of an epicenter to some reagents. Does not clear the source reagent holder; that must be done manually if it is desired.



Convert random parts of a passed in message to stars

This proc is dangerously laggy, avoid it or die


Adds a camera network to all entertainment monitors.


Start the poll for Cult Leaeder.


A utility function for /datum/strippable_items to start unequipping an item from a mob.


When narsie begins to be summoned, slowly dim the saturation of parallax and starlight


Returns TRUE if the input_text starts with any of the beginnings


For when you're only able to speak a limited amount of words phrase - the string to convert definitive_limit - the amount of words to limit the phrase to, optional


Removes a camera network from all entertainment monitors.


returns the number of ticks slept


Caches lists with non-numeric stringify-able values (text or typepath).


Strips all underlays on a different plane from an appearance. Returns the stripped appearance.


Runs STRIP_HTML_SIMPLE and sanitize.


Runs STRIP_HTML_FULL and sanitize.


Used to get a properly sanitized input. Returns null if cancel is pressed.



Used to get a properly sanitized input in a larger box. Works very similarly to stripped_input.



Triggers Summon Events from [user]. If Summon Events has already been triggered, speeds up the event timer.


Triggers Summon Ghosts from [user].


Triggers Summon Guns from [user]. Can optionally be passed [survivor_probability], to set the chance of creating survivalists. If Summon Guns has already been triggered, gives out guns to everyone again.


Triggers Summon Magic from [user]. Can optionally be passed [survivor_probability], to set the chance of creating survivalists. If Summon Magic has already been triggered, gives out magic to everyone again.


Move elements from [from_index, from_index+len) to [to_index, to_index+len) Move any elements being overwritten by the move to the now-empty elements, preserving order Note: if the two ranges overlap, only the destination order will be preserved fully, since some elements will be within both ranges ~Carnie


Returns an associative list of techweb node datums with values of the nodes it unlocks.


Helper proc that tests to ensure all whiteship templates can spawn at their docking port, and logs their sizes This should be a unit test, but too much of our other code breaks during shuttle movement, so not yet, not yet.



Designed as a drop in replacement for alert(); functions the same. (outside of needing User specified) Arguments:


Takes a constant, encodes it into a TGM valid string


Middleware for /client/Topic.

return bool If TRUE, prevents propagation of the topic call.


Creates a TGUI alert window and returns the user's response.

This proc should be used to create alerts that the caller will wait for a response from. Arguments:



Opens a window with a list of checkboxes and returns a list of selected choices.

user - The mob to display the window to message - The message inside the window title - The title of the window list/items - The list of items to display min_checked - The minimum number of checkboxes that must be checked (defaults to 1) max_checked - The maximum number of checkboxes that can be checked (optional) timeout - The timeout for the input (optional)


Creates a TGUI window with a key input. Returns the user's response as a full key with modifiers, eg ShiftK.

This proc should be used to create windows for key entry that the caller will wait for a response from. If tgui fancy chat is turned off: Will return a normal input.



Creates a TGUI input list window and returns the user's response.

This proc should be used to create alerts that the caller will wait for a response from. Arguments:


Creates a TGUI window with a number input. Returns the user's response as num | null.

This proc should be used to create windows for number entry that the caller will wait for a response from. If tgui fancy chat is turned off: Will return a normal input. If a max or min value is specified, will validate the input inside the UI and ui_act.



Creates a TGUI window with a text input. Returns the user's response.

This proc should be used to create windows for text entry that the caller will wait for a response from. If tgui fancy chat is turned off: Will return a normal input. If max_length is specified, will return stripped_multiline_input.



Converts a time expressed in deciseconds (like world.time) to the 12-hour time format. the format arg is the format passed down to time2text() (e.g. "hh:mm" is hours and minutes but not seconds). the timezone is the time value offset from the local time. It's to be applied outside time2text() to get the AM/PM right.


Get the remaining deciseconds on a timer



Sends the message to the recipient (target).

Recommended way to write to_chat calls:

    html = "You have found <strong>[object]</strong>")


Circumvents the message queue and sends the message to the recipient (target) as soon as possible.


Proc that handles toggling and unloading CTF.


returns an ic name of the tool needed Arguments:


Truncate a string to the given length

Will only truncate if the string is larger than the length and ignores unicode concerns

This exists soley because trim does other stuff too.



Tries to move an atom to an adjacent turf, return TRUE if successful


Behaves like the orange() proc, but only looks in the outer range of the function (The "peel" of the orange). This is useful for things like checking if a mob is in a certain range, but not within a smaller range.

@params outer_range - The outer range of the cicle to pull from. @params inner_range - The inner range of the circle to NOT pull from. @params center - The center of the circle to pull from, can be an atom (we'll apply get_turf() to it within circle_x_turfs procs.) @params view_based - If TRUE, we'll use circle_view_turfs instead of circle_range_turfs procs.


Returns a list of atom types in plain english as a string of each type name


returns a new list with only atoms that are in the typecache list


return a new list with atoms that are not in the typecache list


similar to typecache_filter_list and typecache_filter_list_reverse but it supports an inclusion list and and exclusion list


Like typesof() or subtypesof(), but returns a typecache instead of a list.



Returns a UI status such that the dead will be able to watch, but not interact.


Returns a UI status such that silicons will be able to interact with whatever they would have access to if this was a machine. For example, AIs can interact if there's cameras with wireless control is enabled.


Returns a UI status such that those without blocked hands will be able to interact, but everyone else can only watch.


Return UI_INTERACTIVE if the user is inside the target atom, whether they can see it or not. Return UI_CLOSE otherwise.


Returns a UI status such that users with debilitating conditions, such as being dead or not having power for silicons, will not be able to interact. Being dead will disable UI, being incapacitated will continue updating it, and anything else will make it interactive.


Returns a UI status such that users adjacent to source will be able to interact, far away users will be able to see, and anyone farther won't see anything. Dead users will receive updates no matter what, though you likely want to add a [ui_status_only_living] check for finer observer interactions.


Returns a UI status such that advanced tool users will be able to interact, but everyone else can only watch.


Returns UI_INTERACTIVE if the user is conscious and lying down. Returns UI_UPDATE otherwise.


Return UI_INTERACTIVE if the user is strictly adjacent to the target atom, whether they can see it or not. Return UI_CLOSE otherwise.


Opposite of format, returns as a number


Return a list with no duplicate entries


same as unique_list, but returns nothing and acts on list in place (also handles associated values properly)


Proc that just logs whenever an uninitialized client tries to do something before they have fully gone through New(). Intended to be used in conjunction with the VALIDATE_CLIENT_INITIALIZATION() macro, but can be dropped anywhere when we look at the fully_created var on /client.


Updates the visual security huds on all mobs in GLOB.human_list


Updates the visual security huds on all mobs in GLOB.human_list that match the name passed to it.


Update the delay on an existing LOOPING timer Will come into effect on the next process



ultra range (no limitations on distance, faster than range for distances > 8); including areas drastically decreases performance


Return html to load a url. for use inside of browse() calls to html assets that might be loaded on a cdn.


Checks whether the target turf is in a valid state to accept a directional construction such as windows or railings.

Returns FALSE if the target turf cannot accept a directional construction. Returns TRUE otherwise.



Takes a string or num view, and converts it to pixel width/height in a list(pixel_width, pixel_height)


Emits a hallucinating pulse around the passed atom. Affects everyone in the passed radius who can view the center, except for those with TRAIT_MADNESS_IMMUNE, or those who are blind.

center - required, the center of the pulse radius - the radius around that the pulse reaches hallucination_duration - how much hallucination is added by the pulse. reduced based on distance to the center. hallucination_max_duration - a cap on how much hallucination can be added optional_messages - optional list of messages passed. Those affected by pulses will be given one of the messages in said list.


Returns a copy of the list where any element that is a datum is converted into a weakref


Modifies a sprite to conform to digitigrade body shapes


Modifies a sprite slightly to conform to female body shapes


Takes an input from either proc/play_web_sound or the request manager and runs it through yt-dlp and prompts the user before playing it to the server.


Returns a string day as an integer in ISO format 1 (Monday) - 7 (Sunday)


Returns a string based on the weight class define used as argument


Flash the window of a player


Displays wounds with extended information on their status vs medscanners


Procedure for converting a coordinate-selected part of the map into text for the .dmi format


Like typesof() or subtypesof(), but returns a typecache instead of a list. This time it also uses the associated values given by the input list for the values of the subtypes.

Latter values from the input list override earlier values. Thus subtypes should come after parent types in the input list. Notice that this is the opposite priority of /proc/is_type_in_list and /proc/is_path_in_list.
